Thursday, March 21, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

64 Compete in Ladies Fours Tournament

Results of Club Rinks Competition: Andy Peebles, Lee Welsted, Jason Wright and Mitch Wright defeated Lou Fordham, Helen Jacobsen, John Trembath and Shane Spann.

Sunday Social: I. Thatcher, Daryl Tuttle, Gavin Charles defeated A.Delic, Allen Williams, Jane Gilbert. L.Kruger, Peter Bruce, Ron Gould.

Wednesday Social: B.Neal, Allen Williams and Doc Fordham defeated MaryEllen Pratten, R.Rodda, Jane Gilbert. Ray Muir, Robyn Stitt and Wendy Coles defeated I Thatcher, Daryl Tuttle, Glen.

Friday March 22 is the last night of Corporate Bowls for this round.

Results of Club Singles: Wayne Crowhurst defeated Helen Jacobsen. Jason Wright defeated Wayne Crowhurst. Steve Roome defeated Lou Fordham. Kevin Daniels defeated Doc Fordham. Kevin Daniels defeated Brett Lampard. Gavin Charles defeated Jason Wright. Steve Roome defeated Andy Peebles. Wendy Coles defeated Tracy Roach. Gus Munro defeated Steve Roome. Gus Munro defeated Kevin Daniel’s.

Club Pairs: J.Trembath, Shane Spann defeated Doc Fordham, Lloyd White.

Sunday Social: W.Jones, Gavin Charles defeated L.Kruger, Corrine Dibnah. Keith Kirk, Kevin G, Gus Munro defeated Gordo, Jane Gilbert, K. Leverton. Ron Gould, Wendy Coles defeated Ron Muir, Jodie G.

Wednesday Social: I Thatcher, Jane Gilbert, Ron Gould defeated MaryEllen Pratten, Ray Muir, Gordo.

The Ladies Fours Tournament annual event was a great success with 16 teams of 4 competing. A big thankyou to Industry Fire Services, Precise Plumbing, S&W Crane Hire who were the Sponsors for the event.

Contributed with thanks to Joan Edwards.

1: The 16 teams that participated in the Ladies Fours Tournament

2: 1st place Winners were Michele Stockton, Leanne Lewis, Carmel Kirwan, Jo Inch with Peter Bruce for Precise Plumbing

3: 2nd place winners were Lee Shears, Wanda Goodwin, Donna Ware, Kaos with Helen Jacobsen for Industry Fire Services

4: 3rd place winners were Ladda Purdie, Margo Stanley, Betty Whitehorn, Betty Nicolle with Lee Welsted from S&W Crane Hire

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