Whitsunday Region Community News

Marine Rescue Operation Successful After Vessel Sinks Near Block Reef

Marine Rescue Operation Successful After Vessel Sinks Near Block Reef

Last night a multi-agency search and rescue operation successfully saved three local men, who were out fishing from a sinking 6.9-metre vessel near Block Reef, about 70 nautical miles offshore. The men were rescued after a mayday call was received at 10:15pm. Water Police, Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland (VMRAQ), and a civilian boat were all involved in the rescue operation. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) also received an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon

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Cyclist Fatally Struck in Alleged Hit-and-Run

Cyclist Fatally Struck in Alleged Hit-and-Run

A 69-year-old local male cyclist has died in an alleged hit-and-run incident at a Bowen intersection. The rider was discovered deceased at the corner of Bootooloo Rd and Wheelers Ln on this morning at 4:40am when a passing motorist found him. They had stopped to render assistance but, after realising the gravity of the situation, contacted 000. Queensland Ambulance Services said the man sustained life-threatening injuries, and multi-system trauma. Queensland Police Acting Inspector for the Macka

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Ginger, Soup, And Rest

Ginger, Soup, And Rest

Anywhere you go around Mackay and the Whitsundays now, you’ll hear the familiar chorus of coughs and splutters – it’s flu season. I’d dare say it’s a pretty bad one at that. One unwell person, who wasn’t even aware they were that ill, was in our office, and within three days there were only four people left standing. Some had received flu vaccines, and by all reports, their symptoms were much less severe. I, on the other hand, had not got a flu jab and spent the entire week regretting it. Seeing

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On Sunday evening Alannah Dawson’s worst nightmare came true when she returned to her street and saw black smoke billowing from her house. The mother of four had been out with the family for the day so fortunately no-one was home when the house caught fire, but within an hour of arriving, it was evident that all their belongings were destroyed. Despite the trauma and tragedy, however, Allanah has nothing but appreciation for the people that have been by her side throughout – from close friends

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Editors Note

July 25, 2024

Hi Everyone,

No-one can really comprehend what it’s like to lose everything until they do. And then it changes your life forever.

This is an experience that one local family are sadly going through this week having lost all their belongings in a house fire on Sunday night.

I’d like to thank Alannah (the mum of the family that lost everything in the house fire) for sharing her story with us and for expressing her gratitude to the community at a time when she would undoubtedly be feeling pretty miserable.

It amazes me time and again how people who experience a horrendous situation or traumatic event come out the other side feeling intensely grateful.

I imagine they are feeling lucky to be alive, but I’ve also observed from covering other similar stories in the newspaper, that this gratitude is often a result of the community’s incredible outpouring of love and support.

On the phone this morning Alannah said that these challenging times bring out the best in people.

She mentioned that she couldn’t imagine receiving this much love living anywhere else in the world, and that every donation or kind word has helped her get through these dark few days.

I love that our close little community always rallies to support one another, whether it is to help a family recover from a house fire, donate their time to a local charity or in raising funds for someone who needs vital medical treatment.

Our community always does what they can whether it is turning up to an event, contributing what they can afford or simply clicking ‘share’ to get the word out there.

I couldn’t agree with Alannah more, there is nowhere else I’d rather live either.


Quote of the Week: “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intension” (Oscar Wilde)

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Midge Point And Bloomsbury Residents Raise Concerns At Community Forum

July 25, 2024

Member for Whitsunday, Amanda Camm attended the Midge Point/Bloomsbury community forum last week, to give residents the opportunity to raise concerns and speak directly with her on matters involving connectivity and service disruptions.

Ms Camm said she was impressed at the record turnout at the community forum which was held on Sunday afternoon at the Midge Point Tavern.

She thanked the Midge Point Progress Association for hosting the forum and the community for the way they conducted themselves at the meeting.

“The Midge Point/Bloomsbury community is frustrated, and they have every right to be. This is a resilient community, used to overcoming disruptions to service and setbacks who are mostly frustrated with the lack of communication and information they receive”, Ms Camm stated.

Ergon and NBN representatives attended the forum and provided an update on their electricity supply and internet connectivity issues and also committed to raising individual complaints.

Many attendees came due to concerns raised during the week on social media regarding Mackay Regional Council’s coastal study.  Ms Camm provided some clarity on this issue as well as discussing other issues raised including beach erosion, beach access and community facilities.

“It is disappointing to see the Member for Mirani trying to gain political points by spreading misinformation and criticising another level of government,” said Ms Camm.

“Everywhere I go across the region, the community are saying the same thing – they just want to be heard!  They want greater community consultation and communication from all three levels of government.”

Ms Camm, stated that anyone that couldn’t attend the forum who required further information on specific issues can contact her office on 4845 3100 or whitsunday@parliament.qld.gov.au

Member for Whitsunday Amanda
Camm MP speaking at the Midge Point/Bloomsbury community forum last week. Photo supplied

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Patrolling For Talent Queensland Police Recruiting Seminar

July 25, 2024

Are you interested in becoming a Queensland Police Officer? The Queensland Police service is holding a seminar in Airlie Beach on the 30th July 2024, to answer any questions you may have about joining the force.
The event will provide those interested in a career as a police officer with a range of relevant information and it will also give attendees the opportunity to ask questions about the application process.
The session will be conducted by experienced, serving Queensland police officers. They will explain the requirements for entry and alongside giving you an insight into their own experiences.
Senior Constable Steve Smith has been with the police force for 33 years, and has facilitated previous events before:
“The Recruitment Seminars provide a lot more in-depth information that’s not available on the web,” he explained.
The event will give details about the entire process, from checking eligibility through to getting prepared for the academy and sitting exams.
Prior to attending, however, all attendees must register for the event on the QPS’ Eventbrite page and bring photo identification, a printed or electronic (email, Eventbrite App) copy confirming registration to gain entry to the event and arrive 10 minutes prior to the events starting time.
When asked about the qualities police recruiters seek, Senior Constable Smith emphasized their preference for individuals who are community-oriented and whom already demonstrate a commitment to serving people across various facets of their lives.
He also added that recruits need to be prepared for a strong study discipline to be introduced into their lives and have a slightly higher than basic fitness level.
Anyone over the age of 17 can apply, but you need to be 18 to commence work.
“Younger people who have recently left school are familiar with the study,” he confirmed.
“But with the retirement age at 60, we recently took on a 1st year who was 57 and used to be in the army - he gave three years’ service.”  
The event is open to all interested in joining the force, head on down to Whitsunday PCYC if you want to see what the police is all about.

What: Queensland Police Recruiting Seminar
Where: Whitsunday PCYC 2489 Shute Harbour Rd Airlie Beach, QLD 4802
When: Tuesday, July 30 · 5 - 6pm AEST

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Big Names Announced For Inaugural Love Letter To QLD Night

July 25, 2024

The Whitsundays Writers Festival has announced the inaugural Lover Letter to Queensland event, which is set to take place on Thursday 5 September 2024 at the Coral Sea Resort ballroom in Airlie Beach.
The event aims to highlight the deep community spirit and affection of Queensland through heartfelt stories and expressions of love.
The writing competition invites individuals to share their personal stories and tributes to Queensland, fostering a sense of unity and pride.
The competition offers prizes for best submissions in the categories of Adult ($500), Under 18 Years ($250), and Under 12 years ($200) plus Highly Commended Certificates. The competition is accepting entries up to 300 words, and submissions close on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
The Love Letter to Queensland Event will also feature a stimulating lineup of noteworthy speakers. Each speaker will present their own love letters to Queensland, offering a diverse array of perspectives and experiences.
Big names include, Marco Renai, Elizabeth Hackett, Dr. Chris Sarra, Dr. Melissa Ashley, Karen Jacobsen, Andrew Wilcox MP, Federal Member for Dawson.
Marco Renai was awarded the 2024 Queenslander of the Year and is recognised for his impactful work with at-risk youth through the Men of Business program, giving them the skills, knowledge and confidence to be happy, healthy and successful.
Elizabeth Hackett, is Executive Chair of the Australian Adventure Tourism Group, and is well known for her significant contributions to the tourism industry in Australia and New Zealand alongside The Whitsunday Skyway Project.
Dr. Chris Sarra, is the CEO for the Office of First Nations Engagement and Innovation, leading initiatives for youth engagement within Queensland.
Also joining the lineup is Dr. Melissa Ashley, an award-winning author of historical fiction novels and celebrated academic will also be in attendance at the event.
President of the Whitsunday Writers Festival, international speaker, and the voice behind a billion GPS and smartphone devices and author Karen Jacobson will also be speaking at the event.
In addition, Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox MP will be at the event to announce and read the winning love letter to the Queensland community writing competition entries.
Tickets for this special supper-club styled event are now on sale. Premium ticket holders receive guaranteed VIP up-front seating with personalised table service, and standard ticket holders will enjoy the event from the gallery, standing room only with limited seating available.
The inaugural Love Letter to Queensland event and writing competition is being coordinated by the 2024 Whitsundays Writers Festival and proudly supported by James Cook University’s Roderick Centre for Australian Literature and Creative Writing and the Whitsunday Regional Council through their Community Assistance Grant program.
For more details about Love Letter to Queensland Festival event and community writing competition visit our website: www.whitsundayswriters.com/love-letter-to-queensland

What: Love Letter to Queensland event
When: 6:30pm-9:00pm Thursday 6 September 2024
Where: Coral Sea Resort ballroom, Airlie Beach
Registration: Tickets are strictly limited. Standard tickets $49/$39 concession and Premium tickets $69/$59 concession include light supper and two drink vouchers followed by a cash bar.

Andrew Wilcox
Chris Sarra
Elizabeth Hackett
Karen Jacobsen
Marco Renai
Melissa Ashley

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Free Bushfire Resilience Workshops

July 25, 2024

Sunday 4 August will see the Whitsunday Regional Council’s coordination of the Whitsunday Bushfire Resilience Project at the Proserpine SES Shed from 1pm.
The Project has been delivered by the Council since September 2022 and aims to assist the community to become more prepared for bushfires. Drawing from funding from the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources as part of the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program, the workshops are offered free of cost to members of the community.
During the workshops, attendees have the opportunity to develop a Property Bushfire Plan in consultation with the Council’s Bushfire Officer, along with the development of a Community Bushfire Plan.
Community Bushfire Plans aim to improve community awareness of bushfires within the region and educate members on how to identify the actions required to manage and reduce bushfire hazards and risks within these areas.
Additionally, the project entails the installation of priority community water tanks, firefighting hydrants and infrastructure, and provides attendees with funding opportunities if their premises has been affected.
Registrations to attend the bushfire resilience training workshop for 4 August can be made by contacting the Council’s Bushfire Officer, Greg McCarthy on 0458 816 751 or by emailing info@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au.
More information can be found on the Whitsunday Bushfire Resilience Project by contacting the Whitsunday Regional Council’s Natural Resource Management and Climate unit on 1300 972 753.
Is Your Property Bush Fire Safe?
   • Maintain your property through the removal of excess vegetation, and fallen leaves and branches, clean out gutters and roofs, mow lawns, trim trees, and clear weeds. It is advised to maintain a cleared area of at least 10 meters around your home.
   • Create an emergency kit with essentials such as water, first aid supplies, medications and important documents.
   • Be prepared to act through accessing emergency updates and radio broadcasts to understand when to leave your property, and the best evacuation rout to follow.

What: Whitsunday Bushfire Resilience Project
When: Sunday 4 August at 1pm
Where: The Proserpine SES Shed
More Information: Call Greg McCarthy on 0458 816 751 or email info@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au.

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Chat Local!

July 25, 2024

Welcome to the first in our series of Chat Local segments where we ask community members a topical question of the week

This week’s question:

How was your day disrupted by last week’s global IT outage?

Richard Evans

During the recent global IT crash, I was at home trying to meet a publishing deadline. The outage totally disrupted everything. I couldn't access files in the cloud or communicate with international suppliers through email and messaging apps. It really showed me how much I rely on technology for simple tasks like research or coordinating activities.

As it happens, I’m writing a political crime thriller about cybersecurity highlighting how our lives, especially our national security is tied to technology. This recent experience was an eye-opener about how chaotic a prolonged global shutdown could be. I have lost manuscripts and other writing in the past before committing to the cloud, and now I reckon offline backups become important again. Given we are susceptible to natural disasters it’s something we all should reconsider how we operate effectively if technology and power were down for an extended period.

Leanne Abernethy

I was at work when the outage occurred, but our organisation was not affected.

However, I am well aware of how reliant we have become on technology. Whenever the internet drops out, we obviously do not have access to emails which are a very important part of our communication. It can also mean we are unable to make tour and accommodation bookings at the Bowen Visitor Information Centre.

When EFTPOS is down, obviously our visitors are unable to buy merchandise and local produce at our centre unless they have cash.

In all businesses, technology is now very important to all processes so it can be very inconvenient whenever there is an outage of any kind.

Rosanagh Gallivan

I was on Magnetic Island on annual leave so there was minimal impact on my day. For a few hours I didn’t have access to my internet banking app, although payments still went through so this wasn’t really a concern.

On the island itself I didn’t see any major issues or impacts either.

Overall, though from what was reported, I think it does show how reliant we all are on technology in certain industries and instances, but on the flip side, perhaps just how quickly we can bounce back. 

Alyssa Turner

During last week's IT outage, I was between work and home. It was interesting as my tech was not affected at work; however, at home, I had no mobile data on my phone or Wi-Fi for days.

It was certainly an eye-opener to people's reliance on technology (I was forced to watch deal or no deal on regular TV—this was devastating!). However, I had no serious implications; it was more just an inconvenience, not the end of the world!

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Ask An Expert With Whitsunday Chamber Of Commerce & Industry

July 25, 2024

Where can I get good apprentices, trainees, and young people for my business?

Scott McPherson of IDEAL Placements said: "Are you an employer of choice? That is the first question you must ask yourself. With the labour market so tight, you need to know what separates your business from everyone else. That is your starting point and will help market yourself to apprentices and trainees.”

“Looking internally is always a great place to start. That young person on your books doing 10 hours a week could be your next leader in your organisation. Be prepared to invest time into a young person and watch them grow and thrive."

Reaching out to local schools and government providers to invite students and participants to visit your business is a great way to showcase your business.

Proserpine State High School’s Bernadette Porter (work experience coordinator) and Shelley Simpson (Link and Launch coordinator, a program that connects Year 12 leavers who have not yet transitioned to further study, training, or work) said “pathways include work experience, offering students a taste at their chosen career and the potential to meet a future employer, and Certificate II and III training across many industries. These are precursors to apprenticeships and employment straight after finishing high school.”

“Employers can connect with schools to advertise job vacancies, training opportunities, and get involved in school events.”

The Chamber is partnering with Proserpine State High School and IDEAL Placements for the Whitsundays Job Fair (14 October).

Shelley Simpson PSHS

Berndadette Porter PSHS

Scott McPherson IDEAL Placements

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Did You Know?

July 25, 2024

Whitsunday Regional Council offers lower differential general rates for owner-occupiers of residential properties used as their principal place of residence. Eligible property owners that comply with council’s policy need to complete and return the required form by 4 August 2024 to take advantage of this. If you already receive this benefit, there's no need to reapply. Ensure your property is correctly categorised for the reduced rate by visiting https://bit.ly/WRC-owner-occupier

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Achieve All Your Real Estate Goals With Kath Barker

July 25, 2024

Looking for a real estate agent that offers a personalised experience tailored to suit all your buying and selling needs? Kath Barker is just a phone call away, offering extensive experience and dedication to the real estate market.

With over five years in the industry, Kath has established herself as a trusted independent agent in the Whitsundays area, operating under Compass Realty Whitsundays, and with the support of @Realty.

Having lived in the Whitsundays many years ago, Kath's roots in the community enable her to know the ins and outs of the area. She has even developed a background in building and construction due to working alongside her husband in the construction industry, giving her a unique advantage in understanding property intricacies.

Whether assisting first-time buyers or experienced sellers, Kath is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes. What sets her apart as a standout in the industry, is her ability to provide an empathetic approach with a commitment to transparency. This ensures that clients receive honest advice and informed decisions every step of the way.

“I just love the satisfaction of helping people achieve whatever their goals are in real estate, whether that’s buying or selling,” she said.

“I’m not out here to compete with the big agencies, I really just want to be that person that can provide a personalised experience for my clients.”

Beyond her client-centric approach, Kath remains actively engaged in the local real estate landscape, providing regular market updates through informative videos on her socials. Her proactive marketing strategies, including in-home appraisals and targeted listings demonstrate her commitment to delivering quality value and results.

Contact Kath Barker today on 0401809697, email kathbarker@atrealty.com.au or visit Kath Barker - Compass Realty Whitsundays on Facebook for all your buying/selling needs!

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@kathbarkerrealestate/featured

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A Minute With The Mayor Ry Collins

July 25, 2024

Next week Whitsunday Regional Council will host a key event at the Shute Harbour Marine Terminal for invited stakeholders to collectively explore the current economic landscape of our region and chart a course towards a prosperous future.
Council’s Economic Development Day will focus on “Growth and Opportunity in the Whitsunday Region: Unveiling Our Economic Future" and this event is an exceptional opportunity for invited tourism and commerce stakeholders to network and engage.
Guest speakers for the day will be headlined by industry recognised housing market analyst Michael Matusik, who has helped over 1,250 new residential projects come to fruition, many of which involved innovative and often affordable housing solutions.
Michael will deliver an in-depth housing/ demographic/property economic market report for the Whitsunday region providing invaluable insights into the current market trends and projections that will undoubtedly shape our economic strategies moving forward.
Throughout my career I have always prioritised supporting economic development and advocating for local businesses, fostering strong partnerships, and promoting innovation and this will continue to be a focus in my role as Mayor.
Economic development is the cornerstone of a thriving community. It is about more than just growth in numbers; it's about improving the quality of life for our residents, creating opportunities for businesses, and ensuring that our region remains a vibrant, attractive place to live, work, and visit.
Here in the Whitsundays, we are blessed with an abundance of natural beauty, from our world-renowned beaches and the Great Barrier Reef to our fertile agricultural lands and diverse marine life. These assets provide a strong foundation for economic development, allowing us to attract tourists, investors, and new residents to our region.
However, leveraging these assets requires strategic planning, innovative thinking, and collaboration. This is where the role of the council becomes pivotal.
By fostering an environment conducive to business growth, supporting local enterprises, and investing in critical infrastructure, we lay the groundwork for sustainable economic development.
A key aspect of our strategy is to diversify our economy. While tourism will always be a vital part of our identity, we must also look to other sectors such as agriculture, marine services, and renewable energy. Diversification not only makes our economy more resilient but also creates a wider range of job opportunities for our community.
We must also focus on workforce development. Ensuring that our residents have the skills and training necessary to meet the demands of a changing job market is essential.
Community engagement and collaboration are at the heart of our economic development efforts. By working together with local businesses, community groups, and government agencies, we can identify opportunities, address challenges, and create a shared vision for the future.

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Life insurance, a necessary evil

July 25, 2024

Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if your family’s income stopped due to someone dying, getting sick or having an accident?

The loss of wages might be manageable for retirees or people later in their working lives who have brought up their kids, paid down their debts and built up their super and passive assets.  For families with younger kids, bigger debts and lower super balances it may well be disastrous.  Centrelink benefits don’t cover home loan payments and hungry mouths to feed, let alone building for eventual retirement.  You may have some basic cover in your super, but have you ever sat down and worked out if it is enough or even too much?

There are solutions to the problem in Personal Insurances.  These are separate to Health Insurance which covers medical costs, these provide money to the family to keep going.  There are two main types of Personal Insurances, Lump Sum Cover and Income Protection.

Lump sum Cover provides a large lump sum of money to sort out your finances in the event of something major happening.  You can insure for a payout in the event of Death, Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) and Major Medical Trauma, things like cancer, heart attack and stroke.  You need to work out how much is required to keep a roof over the family’s head and provide for ongoing income to get through in the event of each of these things happening to either partner.  The amount required is always different as it is based on your personal situation regards debts and existing super balances and family situation.  You need to consider covering not just the working parent but also any non-working parents as if something major happens, the worker may need to come home or change their job.

Income Protection provides an ongoing monthly income in the event of being off work due to sickness or accident.  The variables are how much you will be paid per month, how long you have to be off work to start getting paid and how long you will be paid for if off work for an extended period.  Considerations are how much sick leave and cash reserves you have and if you have TPD cover.

The key with personal insurances is to know where you stand.  What cover do you have now, and do you need to top it up or reduce to save premium and know how things will pan out.  Like all insurance you hope you’ll never need to claim but you sleep better knowing you have some cover in place, especially at that stage of life where you have lots of financial commitments.

If you think you could benefit from a discussion with a Financial Planner, give us a call on 49467359 of visit www.eclipsefp.com.au   There’s no obligation, the first meeting is free and all fees are spelled out clearly in advance.

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EvoPrime Fitness Launches New Location

July 25, 2024

EvoPrime Fitness opened its all-new gym space on Shute Harbour Road at the weekend. The opening event was filled with fun activities, free sessions and delicious food.
EvoPrime Co-owner Ash Lade was thrilled with how the opening day went:
“It was fantastic, it's probably something that we'll do annually to not just showcase what we do but also connect with the community.”
Ash and her husband Matt, have owned EvoPrime since 2019, originally located in Cannonvale. The gym has now expanded and re-opened near Mount Marlow and Ash said that making this move has “proven really successful & we’re just getting started”
“We've got a great location, it's much more accessible for people, in Prossie, Mount Julian, Sugarloaf and this side of Cannonvale.”
To coincide with the re-opening, the gym is offering a special 28-day kickstart program. The personalised program is designed to jumpstart your health and fitness journey.
Rather than a collective group challenge, the team at EvoPrime tailor the nutrition component for you, providing customised meal plans. EvoPrime also offers holistic approach to Nutrition focusing on supporting hormones, gut & metabolic health. Additionally, the team will help you set up sustainable workout routines within the sessions.
The gym provides a diverse array of classes including endurance, strength, performance, active recovery, and flexibility. Each session embodies a holistic approach to whole human health & fitness, targeting fascia, bones, nervous systems, cognitive function, and beyond. The gym’s primary focus is on implementing anti-ageing techniques that promote sustained mobility, longevity and vitality.
Clients can anticipate a deeply individualised experience, with a coach always present on the floor, providing guidance and support, to ensure no one has to figure out their fitness journey alone.
Additionally, the gym environment is mirror-free, encouraging a focus on internal awareness, and participants train barefoot.
“Do you know how many people over the last three weeks said I am signing up because you don't have mirrors?” Ash enthused.
To find the gym’s timetables and additional information head to EvoPrime’s website or socials. While some classes do require membership, there are also many classes which do not, at EvoPrime there is a class for everyone: evoprimefitness.com.au

The Lade family at EvoPrime Fitness’s opening event
Racing Driver Jure Portelli with her car
Event attendee’s getting into the fitness spirit

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“What Do You Want From Me?”

July 25, 2024

Dear Manager,
I’m a Millennial.  I was born between ’81 and ’96. 
I am sociable and self-confident, but you may think I’m self-absorbed. I am competitive, goal driven and I rewrite many of society’s habits – like avocado toast & ride-sharing! I prefer online training and a collaborative communication style. I expect change to be a constant and I see it as an opportunity. 
I love technology – it’s the only way we get stuff done! The internet was my playground and digital is in my blood.  I grew up with a smart device in my hand – not a book. I enjoy being idealistic, multi-tasking and having access to more information than I need. I need goals, a clear target, and constant feedback. I also love things that look great on my resume 🤣. I prioritise work-life balance so I value adaptability and flexibility. I need to know I make a difference – especially in community and world issues. I have a strong moral-code and I advocate strongly for right over wrong. I want to fix the world – but I want to enjoy life while I do this. I want to be better tomorrow than I am today.
My differences aren’t negatives. I bring a lot to the workplace, if you just understood me better . . .?
If reading this has already p!#ed you off, here’s some handy tips so you can get the most out of your millennials: 
   • Create collaborative multi-generational groups for cross-mentorship
   • Use multiple communication platforms and identify what the majority would like to use – face to face, messenger, WhatsApp etc.
   • Create an environment which supports reciprocal respectful feedback across generations and align feedback with mentorship
   • Be clear, transparent and consistent with roles, responsibilities and goals – don’t assume
   • Create flexible work schedules and conditions - quality and quantity of output is goal, not where and when it’s done
   • Provide recognition and/or incentives – tell them how they make a difference and the positive impacts they create
. . . And while you’re at it:
   • Acknowledge and embrace different learning styles
   • Ensure all your people feel heard and valued (if I have no voice, I have a no care attitude)
   • Keep all generations working and communicating together, and help manage potential irritations
And lastly, understand that one-size-doesn’t-fit all when it comes to your team-members. We all think, act, respond and behave differently. Embrace the differences and leverage them to the individual’s and the business’s benefit. Need help with your multi-generation team-members? Call Shiift – We Do People!

Ref: The Executive’s Guide to Leading Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers (Wharton UofP)

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Meet Trish Jandt Sales Account Manager At Whitsunday Life

July 25, 2024

Originally from the Gold Coast and working briefly on a boat on Hamilton Island 35 years ago, Trish moved permanently to Airlie Beach in 1996, establishing herself as a longstanding member of the local community.
Trish recently worked in administration for a Legal Firm, before realising that her true passion laid in Sales:
“I love sales, that’s why I came back to it, I really missed it.”
Trish is really excited to have joined the team at Whitsunday Life Newspaper and is ready to get stuck into meeting more members of the community.
“I’ve always liked that Mackay and Whitsunday life is community-based, and I've always read it.”
Trish brings a wealth of sales experience to Whitsunday Life, gained through roles with various companies Australia-wide. Her background includes positions with a financial company, solar sales, and facilitating for Coles Supermarkets.
When Trish isn’t wearing her sales hat, she is relaxing at home and, “cooking with a glass of wine.”
Trish has been with Whitsunday Life for two weeks, and is settling in great, she says the thing she is enjoying most about her new position is the people in the team and the community members she meets:
“I love speaking to people on my rounds, I'm loving the connection with the community, and seeing faces I haven't seen for ages and everyone in the team here is lovely.”
Trish is a wonderful addition to Whitsunday Life, with her vibrant and positive energy and extensive sales expertise. If you spot her around, please take a moment to introduce yourself and say hello!

Trish Jandt, Whitsunday Life’s new Sales Account Manager

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Working With Cruise Workshop

July 25, 2024

Tourism Whitsunday are excited to announce that expressions of interest are open for their Working with Cruise Workshop in September. This year they will also have a B2B component for operators who want a short one-on-one appointment with the Cruise Reps. 
Together with Tourism and Events Queensland Tourism Whitsunday have been working on confirming a mix of Shore Excursion providers and Cruise Company Reps to come and speak with members about working with Cruise Ships. 
In attendance they will have; Carnival's Director of Destination Management, Michael Mihajlov, a representative from Royal Caribbean, alongside reps from Bob Wood Tours, Intercruises, Shorex Australia and A&K. 
This year's workshop will feature panel sessions with Q&A opportunities from the audience. After the workshop and panels, they will be holding a B2B session which will comprise timed appointments between operators and the CruiseLine and Shorex reps. These appointments will give individuals the opportunity to make a connection or discuss a product. 
Please contact Cait – cait.fleming@tourismwhitsundays.com.au for further information.

Provided by Cait Fleming, Industry Trade & Development Manager, Tourism Whitsundays  

Image provided by Tourism and Events Queensland
Contributed with thanks to Rosanagh Gallivan

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Get Set To Work Program Finalist In QLD Training Awards

July 25, 2024

Our local PCYC is thrilled to announce it became a finalist in the Queensland Training Awards with its Get Set for Work Program which was nominated for the North QLD Community Training Initiative of the year.
The event was held on 20th July in Townsville and this year the awards had over 800 applicants spread out over eight different categories.
The Community Training Initiative of the Year is an award for a community-based not-for-profit organisation delivering a specific program or project (an initiative) to Queenslanders who need support to gain the skills, experience and qualifications required to enter and stay in the workplace.
Despite not winning the award, PCYC made it to top three and became a finalist. Sargent Billy Li, expressed his enthusiasm to what was a, “really exciting night”, and emphasised his pride in their efforts.
“At the time of nomination, ‘Get Set for Work’ had only been around four months, and by the awards evening only 18 months,” Billy Explained. He further highlighted that many of the other nominees had been established for years, making their top three finish even more noteworthy.
Program Coordinator, Scott lynch added: “While we didn't get the awards, it was very humbling to be recognised on stage with a finalist's certificate at the QLD Training awards.”
“We’ve all worked very hard here for the past two years to make the program what it is today, so to be recognised with our efforts and the success, we’ve generated with participant outcomes was quite emotional.”
“We are only a small club but we punch above our weight, and then some more again.”
Scott Lynch, also stated how they would like to thank all the team for their hard work and all the “stakeholders who contributed to this outcome.”
“Without 3rd party involvement, such success would not be possible,” Scott added.
“We couldn't run without them,” Billy agreed.
To find out more about the great work being done at PCYC head over to their website: www.pcyc.org.au/clubs/pcyc-whitsunday/

The PCYC Team with their Finalist Certificate for their ‘Get Set for Work’ Program. Photo supplied

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Local Boy Joins Mental Health Youth Leader Program

July 25, 2024

Youth mental health is an important topic for many families and Proserpine State High School Year 12 student Nathan Richards is passionate about the topic. 

Nathan has been accepted into the Mental Health Foundation Australia’s Youth Leaders Program (YLP) for 2024 and is the only high school student selected, with the other leaders being current university students. 

Nathan said it was a great honour to be accepted into the program as one of 16 from across the country.

“I’m hoping to raise greater awareness about youth mental health for rural towns to help improve support services,” he said.

This year Nathan was named the first ambassador at his school for the Push For Better Foundation that aims to raise awareness and remove stigmas when talking about mental health.

He was also one of the first six b kinder ambassadors named at Proserpine State High School as part of the b kinder foundation.

Proserpine State High School Principal Don McDermid said Nathan has never underestimated the impact his actions can make on his peers and the wider community.

“It’s impressive to witness Nathan’s actions and passion towards making a difference to the wellbeing of Australia’s youth,” he said.

“Now he takes his vision to a national level. It’s very inspiring!”

As part of the YLP Nathan will take part in a series of webinars and discussions with businesses, parliamentarians, government organisations and agencies, universities, TAFE colleges, schools and professionals working in the mental health sector.

They will be discussing issues youth are faced with regarding mental health and what it is younger Australians require when it comes to support and advocacy.

Proserpine State High School Principal Don McDermid and Nathan Richards. Photo supplied

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Eat Street, Sideshow Amusements, Fireworks Night Under the Stars

July 25, 2024

Whitsunday Christian College invites the community to join them for an exciting evening of fun at their highly anticipated 'Night Under the Stars'.

Scheduled for Friday, August 16, this biennial celebration promises music, amusement stalls, an 'Eat Street' experience, fireworks, and more.

"We are delighted to announce our biannual 'Night Under the Stars', a family-friendly event that embodies our community spirit," said Principal Kylie Langshore.

"Organized by our dedicated students and staff, this evening promises to be a highlight of the year, celebrating the vibrant community here at Whitsunday Christian College.

"We aim to open our doors and connect with the local community through this special event.

"Families will have the opportunity to explore our campus, engage with our school community, and enjoy a range of activities spread across the grounds."

The event will feature a Farmyard Nursery, inflatables zone with jumping castles and the mechanical bull, Mr Poppa’s Balloons, face painting, art exhibition, book fair, sideshow amusements, and more, illuminated by festoon lighting to enhance the Eat Street ambiance.

Students will host amusement stands and perform on stage, showcasing their talents through various musical performances.

As part of the night's theme, families can participate in the 'Star Gazers Lucky Stars Competition', collecting stars around the College for a chance to win a Nintendo Switch Lite.

The event offers a memorable experience for all.

“Community building is at the heart of our vision, and this event embodies that goal”, added Mrs Langshore.

“We invite you to join us, stay awhile, enjoy the festivities, share a meal, and embrace the winter atmosphere.”

“Events such as ‘Night Under the Stars' highlight how vital community is in shaping our students' educational journey.

“Our students actively contribute to planning and executing the event, learning valuable lessons in cooperation, empathy, and leadership.

“These skills extend beyond academics, preparing them for future endeavours. Such occasions also cultivate a deep sense of belonging and pride within our school community, reinforcing our identity as members of the Whitsunday Christian College family.”

Beginning at 4:00 pm and running until 9:00 pm, 'Night Under the Stars' promises a festive atmosphere and all are invited to come and join in the fun!

What: Night Under the Stars
When: Friday 16 August 4pm – 9pm
Where: Whitsunday Christian College

Whitsunday Christain College’s previous ‘Night Under the Stars’, photos supplied

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State Of The Art! Bowen Art Exhibition

July 25, 2024

Bowen’s annual Art Exhibition this year will take place on the 9th of August 2024 until the 13th of August at the Bowen Community Hall cnr William and Leichhardt Streets, Bowen.
One of Bowen Art Society’s long-term goals is to promote the wonders of the Whitsundays Region as a destination for Artists and Arts retreats and workshops. Working toward that goal the society annually host an Art exhibition which has attracted Artists from Interstate, regional and local areas.
The exhibition will be judged by Townsville artist, Rhonda Payne and the open section theme is black and white, which is open to artist interpretation. First prize this year is a whopping $700.
Categories for this year’s exhibition are as follows: marine /sea scape, Landscape/cityscape, Flora/fauna, Miniatures. This year’s exhibition also includes two exciting new categories which are abstract and 3D.
All sections can include drawing or printmaking relating to the category described. Entry forms are due Friday 2nd of August with delivery of artworks on Thursday the 8th of August and collection of artworks Tuesday 13th of August after 4pm.
The Art Society are also hosting an opening night event on the Friday the 9th of August from 6pm, which includes a wine and cheese night with music and a raffle. Entry to the event is $10 per person and includes a presentation at 7pm.
The exhibition is also supported by various sponsors: Abbot Point Operations, Whitsunday Regional Council, Dale Last MP, Queensland Country bank, The Professionals Real estate, Bowen Home Hardware and Rose Bay Resort.
For further information contact Terry Laidlaw 0412758984.

What: Bowen Art Exhibition
When: 9th -13th August 10am-4pm
What: Opening Wine and Cheese Night
When: 9th August 6pm until late
Where: Bowen Community Hall cnr William & Leichhardt Streets, Bowen

Entry to Bowen Art Exhibition

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Bowen Bull Rider Beau Willis Helps Queensland Take Home PBR Origin Win

July 25, 2024

Bowen professional bull rider Beau Willis helped secure three event wins, by winning one event at the QLD Pro Bull Riding State of Origin Series Champions held in Cairns two weekends ago.
The State of Origin PBR consists of the best 10 riders in the state. Athletes compete over 3 rounds (every 2 weeks) and the winning state is the state that wins 2 out of 3 rounds.

Beau, who has been competing professionally for 15 years, originally found out about the sport through his school, who offered rodeo as a subject:
“There was a group of us that started doing it through school and fifteen years later I am still doing it!” Beau explained.
The school course consisted of theory, followed by a practical where Beau said they were allowed to ride some small bulls.
When asked about his part in winning in the State of Origin, Beau said:
“It was great to finish on a good note.”
Beau is also competing to qualify for the grand finals, which will have around 22 finalists aged 18 and over.
“We have a few weeks off before the next event, and then it's on to the new season,” Beau added.
Team Queensland Captain Macaulie Leather said he couldn’t have asked for a better ending to the series and was extremely proud of Beau and the team.
“I know what the boys are capable of and they know what they’re capable of and they went off and proved it,” Leather said.
“They always ride unreal, they’re all exceptional athletes individually and to do it as a team is even better.”
With one event left until the final showdown, riders, such as Beau will now be looking to gain crucial points ahead of the Grand Finals in Townsville on November 1 and 2, which is the richest bull riding event in the southern hemisphere, where $30,000 of prize money is up for grabs.
To prepare this, Beau says he has been doing a lot of training, including gym work and practice bulls.
Congratulations Beau on a fantastic win.

Beau Willis competing in PBR State of Origin
Beau Willis

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Finalists Selected For Great Barrier Reef Festival Art Exhibition

July 25, 2024

The Whitsunday Sailing Club is set to host the spectacular Great Barrier Reef Festival Art Exhibition from August 1-5, showcasing a diverse array of paintings, photographs, and sculptures created by 58 talented artists from the Great Barrier Reef region.

Curated by a distinguished panel of judges including Sandra Guy, Visual Arts Teacher, renowned artist Bonney Bombach, and Whitsunday Regional Council representative Cr Jan Clifford, the exhibition promises to captivate art enthusiasts and visitors alike.

Cr Clifford commented, “I was honoured to be part of the finalist selection panel and view the submissions of so many incredibly talented artists. I’m looking forward to seeing the Finalist artworks on display in the exhibition”.

Highlighting the event is the prestigious $3000 Whitsundays Regional Council Acquisitive Art prize, where all exhibited artworks are eligible to compete.

The winning artwork will be proudly displayed as part of the Council’s art collection, serving as a lasting testament to the creativity and spirit of the Great Barrier Reef community.

Guest Judge, Lauren Turton, Curator of Artspace Mackay, will view the exhibition and select the winning artworks.

The exhibition opens with an exciting awards ceremony on Thursday, August 1st at 6.30pm, offering members of the public a chance to witness the unveiling of this year's exceptional artistic talents.

Admission is free throughout the exhibition period, concluding on Monday, August 5th.

Local schools are invited to participate in special educational tours, fostering a love for the arts among the younger generation.

The Great Barrier Reef Festival Art Exhibition not only showcases the incredible talent of local artists but also underscores the importance of preserving our natural heritage through art.

This event not only celebrates artistic excellence but also the vibrant culture and stunning beauty of the region.

This celebration of creativity and community spirit is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who attend.

Visitors to the gallery will be able to submit their vote for the best artwork, the winner receiving the Bendigo Bank’s People's choice award valued at $1000. You be the judge!

Guest Judge Lauren Turton Curator of Artspace Mackay, Photo supplied

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Thanks Doc Event Celebrates Community Doctors

July 25, 2024

For decades Medical Doctors in Bowen have delivered babies, cared for children and adults, managed or referred urgent or troubling situations, and ensured the health, dignity, welfare and peace of mind to the townspeople.

To express heartfelt appreciation for the local doctors the ‘Thanks Doc’ event will showcase and praise the local doctors.
The whole community is invited down to the Larrikin Hotel for a fun evening which includes canapés, beverages and live music.

Tickets are $30.

What: Thanks Doc
Where: Larrikin Hotel
When: Saturday 24 August at 5.30pm

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60 Years Of Setting Sail For Safety VMR Headquarters Grand Opening Coincides With Milestone Anniversary

July 18, 2024

The brand-new VMR Headquarters was officially opened last weekend, with invited guests and dignitaries celebrating both a new era of operations and an epic history spanning an incredible 60-year period.
Guests were offered a tour of the newly expanded VMR facility which had been brought about following the consistent lobbying of both Member for Dawson, Andrew Wilcox and Member for Whitsunday Amanda Camm.
The extension, which nearly doubled the floor space of the operational room, began in 2023 and is thanks not only to the politicians that advocated for funding but also the VMR volunteers and tradespeople that drove the project on the ground level.

Volunteer Roger Wodson, Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Wilcox, Volunteer Marlene Manto, Mayor Ry Collins, Member for Whitsundays Amanda Camm, Volunteer Mal Priday. Photo credit: Ruth Puddefoot

A New Era Of Safety Begins
With Expanded VMR Headquarters Opening!

This year marks 60 years since the Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR), began in a pub in Proserpine, back then, at the launch of Queensland's first VMR, the volunteers and founders could have never imagined how far the VMR would come.
After gaining a federal grant of $700,000 in 2023, the execution of the extension to the VMR headquarters began and has been completed just in time to celebrate the 60-year milestone.
Whitsunday VMR President, Mal Priday, enthused about how the expansion will be vital for marine emergency call-outs but also as a hub for many community events:
“The Marine Club is a very popular venue in the community and a community asset,” Mal explained.
Attendees at the opening included Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox, Member for Whitsundays Amanda Camm, Mayor Ry Collins, and Councillors Jan Clifford and Clay Bauman.
The day began on the lawn of the Marine Club in the sunshine where President Mal Priday welcomed attendees and speeches began:
“We are very proud of what we have achieved to date,” Mal emphasised.
“The support we get from the community is fantastic,” he added.

Rodger Wodson, a VMR volunteer who hugely contributed to the efforts to gain funding, followed shortly after, expressing gratitude to the government and Andrew Willcox for obtaining approval for the grant.
Mayor Ry Collins, also spoke at the event, and said the VMR Whitsunday building upgrade is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the local VMR team who have tirelessly served the community:
“With a new radio room with upgraded technology and meeting rooms that will be available for community use, the renovations will enhance their ability to provide critical maritime safety services for boaties,” he said.

Member for Whitsunday Amanda Camm, then took to the stage to thank the VMR members for their tireless efforts in keeping the community safe.
After successfully securing funding for the organisation last year, Federal MP Andrew Wilcox, concluded the speeches and awarded the medals to four volunteers.
“The work that VMR Whitsundays do is crucial when it comes to keeping out boasties and fishers safe on the water, which is why I was incredibly proud when the previous Coalition Government committed to supporting this invaluable organisation and their volunteers, and I am honoured to be here today to officially open the new operations and training centre,” Mr Willcox began.
Federal MP Andrew Wilcox officially opened the new headquarters with the cutting of a ribbon, before, individuals were invited to view the new headquarters, and enjoy some refreshments downstairs.  
VMR President Mal Priday, enthused over the day's events and stated:
“It's been a long, long process. But with support that we got from all sides of government; we've made it we've got it.”

Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox and Mayor Ry Collins with the volunteers from VMR Whitsundays. Photo credit: Ruth Puddefoot
Mal Priday President of VMR Whitsundays, Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox, volunteer Rodger Wodson and Member for Whitsundays Amanda Camm
The new control headquarters. Photo credit: R Jean Photography
VMR Whitsundays’ volunteers. Photo credit: R Jean Photography

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Editors Note

July 25, 2024

Hi Everyone,

I came home this evening and for some unexplained reason I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness wash over me.

I can’t place the exact feeling, just a heavy weight of negative thoughts – I’m a terrible boss, I don’t have time for anyone! I am a terrible mum, I have no energy left at the end of the day! That sort of thing.

Each thought compounded and all of a sudden, my life was terrible and I was feeling fairly depressed.

Fortunately, I have learnt over the years that it is better to sit in your feelings rather than push them down or dismiss them. When you do this, they will soon depart.

So, I allowed myself to feel it. Work through it and give it the respect it deserved.

Of course, I had no reason to feel ‘down’ this evening. My life is pretty perfect – I have a family who loves me, a partner who adores me, friends that think I’m cool and a job I love.

With all these life goals already ticked – what did I have to be sad about?

Well, that’s the thing with life, and something I was reminded about again today when I chatted with Matt from Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network (WSPN).

It’s not about needing a reason to work on your mental health, it’s about committing to an ongoing relationship with yourself, a relationship that needs constant nurturing.

When I spoke to Matt today, I loved hearing about the recent ‘Legends’ night where famous sports players and community heroes shared their mental health journeys.

It reminded me that there is power in prevailing and strength in showing vulnerability.

When I got home tonight and felt a little sad, it was comforting to draw upon thoughts of these inspiring people and I was able to relate to the story I’d just written – it really helped.

This is what I believe is so special about WSPN, they simply want everyone to know they are here and that you are not alone – put your hand up and talk – you will be heard.


Quote of the Week: “Almost anything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you” (Anne Lamott)

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An Outpour Of Community Collaboration

July 18, 2024

In a display of community support, locals gathered from all walks of life to extend a helping hand at the Drug ARM Street Outreach Service in Airlie Beach.

On board with the powerhouse team was Shirley from Whitsunday Housing Company Limited, providing essential accommodation and wellbeing support.

Isaac from YWAM (Youth with a Mission – Whitsundays) ensures ongoing care and collaboration throughout the week, addressing various needs from housing to mental health services.

Patrick from Airlie Beach Crew also joined in, bringing his personal connection with homelessness to assist with the day’s BBQ.

Two ambulances were also present.

“We’ve recently had a bit to do with the QAS here with various events happening where our people have needed assistance,” said Mental Wellness Coach and Mentor, Barb Hill.

Her involvement along with Real Mates Talk and Family Support Facilitator for Drug ARM ensure that all bases are covered with a readiness to support those in need.  

With an outpour of community donations and a number of personal hygiene packs gifted from Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, the team are beyond grateful for all the support they have received.

“I appreciate everyone who supports what we do, from the bottom of my heart a big THANKYOU! We live in such an amazing community,” Barb added.

“If you or someone you know is doing it tough at the moment, please send them to join us on Mondays, no judgement, no pressure, just yarns, food, laughs and connection.”

The Drug ARM Street Outreach Service in Airlie is every Monday from 11am to 12:30pm at the Lagoons carpark and up at the BBQs at the point.

Compassionate locals and respected community services gathered together in support of the Drug ARM Street Outreach Service last Monday. Image source: Barb Hill Coaching & Mentoring (Facebook)

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Legends On The Field Raises Awareness For Mental Health And Suicide Prevention

July 18, 2024

Over $20,000 was raised for the Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network (WSPN) event held in Cannonvale over the weekend but volunteer Matt Stokes said the fact that people knew the organisation was present within the community was even more valuable.

“Raising community awareness that we are here to talk was the biggest value of the night,” he expressed.

WSPN is an active charity organisation which is dedicated to raising awareness about suicide prevention and helping those impacted.

Any money donated goes directly to three key local initiatives; giving families effected by suicide free and immediate counselling when they need it most, school-based programs that educate children about mental health and weekly free breathwork sessions that help people with staying calm and present.

Each year WSPN hold regular fundraising events and last weekend’s ‘Legends on the Field,’ was a huge sell-out success with 130 people present on the night.

Attracting an all-star cast of speakers, NRL legend, Shane Webcke, former AFL player Peter ‘Spida’ Everitt, Brant Webb, and Rob Payne owner of Mark Twain yacht, each spoke about their experiences.

The evening was full of raw and powerful stories where each of the speakers shared details about their personal journeys.

Take-home advice included “put your hand up and talk” right through to mindset and an understanding that “life isn’t fair and it’s pretty tough getting up and doing the grind, but if you scratch beneath the surface most people are feeling the same.”

Speaker Brant Webb, who is one of the miners trapped at Beaconsfield Gold Mine in Tasmania in 2006, explained what was running through his head during the incident but also said his main battle was after the event.

“He was fine for many years,” said Matt.

“Then he was hit with medical anxiety and couldn’t physically het himself to work – he offered practical tips for getting back again.”

During the evening Matt Stokes also gave an insight into how WSPN actively helps the community and two courageous community members shared their own accounts of personal battles.

“They talked about their lived experiences, and it was heartbreaking,” explained Matt.

“But it was worth so much to see their raw emotion.”

WSPN’s next event is on September 10 on World Suicide Prevention Day, and they will be launching a Shine The Light Program and conducting a memorial service with blue lights on the Fig Tree on the Airlie Beach Foreshore at dusk.

The dedicated volunteers and guest speakers at the ‘Legends on the Field’ event held at the Reef Gateway last weekend. Photo credit: Tropix Photography

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BOWEN’S BUILDING BOOST New Homes For Working Professionals

July 18, 2024

Four, two-bedroom units in Bowen are now under construction thanks to a $3.2 million government grant that was initiated by Bowen Community Centre.

Concerned about the shortage of suitable rental accommodation for working professionals such as doctors, nurses and teachers, the Community Centre decided to take matters into their own hands and apply for the grant.

“It is very difficult to get a rental in Bowen,” said Jacintha Bezgovsek from Bowen Community Centre.

“There is no accommodation for the professionals who service the community.”

The grant will be used to provide accommodation for professionals with the necessary skills to fill the gaps in the labour supply and ensure Bowen has enough front-line workers.

Bowen Community Centre is working with the Department of Education and local Doctors Surgeries and asking them to take the ‘lead’ on the lease to supply the units to their workers.

“Professional workers want a certain standard of building,” added Jacintha.

“And all that thought process has gone into the design of the new buildings.”

Each unit is totally self-contained and located in a gated community right in the centre of town on Kings Street.

Titled the Yaringa Housing Project, it is estimated that construction will take around 12 months.

Bowen Community Centre said it is delighted to reveal that local Bowen builder, Lowcock Builders, has been selected as the successful tenderer for this significant project.

“Their expertise and commitment to quality align perfectly with our vision for this initiative,” said Stephanie Cora from the Bowen Neighbourhood Centre.

The Chairperson of the Bowen Community Centre Christine Coventry added:

"This is what we wanted to achieve, and our motto here at the centre is that every dollar stays in our town."

“This project exemplifies our dedication to reinvesting in our community and ensuring that the benefits of such developments are felt locally.”

“This housing project is a testament to our commitment to providing essential support for the professionals who serve our community tirelessly.”

“We are excited to see the positive impact these new residential units will have on the lives of our frontline and professional workers.”

Funding for this project was announced in the recent State Budget and is part of the Resources Community Infrastructure Fund - Round 3.

The group from Bowen Community Centre and Lowcock Builders standing at the site where the four two-bedroom units will soon stand. Photo supplied

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Tourism Top Dog Resigns

July 18, 2024

Shock news ricocheted across the tourism industry earlier this month when Tourism Whitsundays CEO Rick Hamilton left the top job citing, “personal reasons,” for his sudden departure.

Rick leaves behind him a legacy of success spearheading initiatives that significantly increased visitor engagement and overnight visitor expenditure.

Under his tenure, the Whitsundays reached a record-breaking $1.6 billion for the year ending in March 2023.

He will also be remembered for his work advocating for and supporting infrastructure projects that have improved accessibility and amenities for tourists, and significantly increasing the membership base, fostering collaboration and support within the local tourism community.

He was also dedicated to enhancing and attracting funding opportunities and connections within local, state, and federal governments.

Julie Telford, Chair of the Board, stated, "It is with great sadness that we announce the departure of our CEO.”

“Rick has decided to resign for personal reasons, intending to relocate back to Brisbane to be closer to family. We understand and respect Rick's reasons for this decision.”

“His vision and dedication will leave a lasting impact on our organisation and the region. The Board of Tourism Whitsundays is grateful for his achievements during his tenure and wishes Rick all the best. As the Chair of the Tourism Whitsundays Board, it has been an absolute pleasure working with Rick."

The Board of Tourism Whitsundays are currently searching for a new CEO and in the meantime Chair Julie Telford and Deputy Chair Tom Young are overseeing operations.

Rick Hamilton former CEO of Tourism Whitsundays. Photo supplied

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Hoist Your Sails For The Lead Up To Airlie Beach Race Week

July 18, 2024

Airlie Beach Race Week 2024 is fast approaching, and the anticipation is palpable as sailors and spectators prepare for this iconic event in the heart of the Whitsundays.

With more than 150 boats already registered, this year’s event will showcase an epic array of sailing yachts from trailer boats to Extreme 40s, making up approximately 16 racing classes.

Renowned for its thrilling races and vibrant social scene, this year’s regatta promises even more excitement both on and off the water.

One of the highlights onshore this year will be the Shoreside Long Lunch, a gastronomic feast featuring local seafood and produce, set on the balcony against the stunning waterfront backdrop of the Whitsunday Sailing Club.

This three-course ticketed event has limited numbers and is a highpoint of the Airlie Beach social scene year after year. Book your tickets now to secure your seat.

More onshore activities include the Creative Connections art exhibitions, showcasing works from local and regional artists that capture the essence of sailing the Whitsundays. Guests can even partake in onsite classes, including watercolour, pastel, felting and of course, Sip & Paint. Visit Creative Connections’ website for availability and booking.

Each evening, the Race Week Village at the Whitsunday Sailing Club becomes the hub of entertainment, with food vans, bars and nightly live music providing the perfect soundtrack to unwind after a day on the water.

With its mix of competitive racing, cultural events, and community spirit, Airlie Beach Race Week 2024 promises to be an unforgettable celebration of sailing and seaside fun.

WHAT: Airlie Beach Race Week
WHERE: Whitsunday Sailing Club
WHEN: 8-15 August

Sailing into Race Week

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Canavan Amps Up On LNP Energy Policy By Paul Gellatly

July 18, 2024

Prominent federal National Party hardman, fossil fuels supporter, climate change denier  and renewable energy sceptic Matt Canavan was in Bowen last week to spruik energy policy, LNP style.

Bowen Chamber of Commerce staged the Coffee with Senator Matt Canavan event at the Larrikin Hotel on Thursday July 11 in place of the usual evening monthly meeting to fit in with the senator's busy schedule.

Sen. Canavan, who is a regular commentator for Sky News, wasted no time in putting the blowtorch on the rapidly growing renewable energy sector to turn the debate towards a nuclear future for Australia, as outlined by LNP Leader Peter Dutton with a proposal to build seven nuclear plants around the country, featuring a mix of conventional and SMR (small modular reactor) plants. Under the plan, the closest nuclear plant could be built at Callide, near Gladstone.

Whitsunday Life asked Sen. Canavan how the LNP nuclear policy could be justified with the failures of the Edf project in France, the NuScale project in the US, and the Hinkley C project in the UK over cost and build time blowouts, and could the LNP assure the electorate that they could deliver SMRs as well as conventional nuclear plants on time and within budget, and affordable energy to the electorate?

"I'm in favour of a mix of all technologies," Sen. Canavan said, saying he understood the focus had been on SMRs and agreeing they had problems at present.

"We can do this," he said. "We built the Snowy Mountains Scheme, the LNG industry, our coal industry … Just invest in everything; don't put all your eggs in one basket."

"I think we need to use more coal and gas, too. If we don't build something, NSW will have blackouts soon."

Sen. Canavan is a staunch supporter of the Adani (now Bravus) coal project near Bowen and he became fired up over the protest movement against its expansion.

The project will result in 10 million tonnes of coal a year being exported, prompting Sen. Canavan to ask why protesters did not protest directly to India over their 160 million tonnes a year of domestically mined coal, claiming that "They've built 16 Adanis in just a year."

China, with 55 million tonnes, also prompted him to ask: "Where is the boycott of those countries? Why are they (protesters) not chaining themselves to the Chinese embassy?"

Electric vehicles also were in Sen. Canavan's sights and he claimed that Australia had "lost 10,000 jobs in nickel" because of a unfulfilled boom in demand for the metal in EV batteries. "We are just getting our pants pulled down, really," he said.

Of the "net zero" meetings in Glasgow, Sen. Canavan said: "We seem to be one country in the world that stands up for this. I think we need to stand up against this. We are going to wake up in a completely different country soon."

Sen. Canavan expressed his concern about the lack of corporate involvement and support for energy sector reform. "It is my biggest regret that the corporate sector has fallen behind in recent years … We need to have some corporate leaders stand up," he said. "The most dangerous thing is that we all want to get along."

Sen. Matt Canavan enjoys catching up with Bowen Chamber of Commerce chairman Bruce Hedditch. Photo credit: Paul Gellatly

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Bowen Waterpark Closed For Maintenance

July 18, 2024

Winter water-lovers are warned that the Bowen Water Park will be temporarily closed from Monday 15 July, to Monday 29 July.

Scheduled inspection and maintenance will be undertaken on the bucket and the red slide will receive minor repairs.

Council thanks you for your patience and understanding while we undertake this maintenance.

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90% Of QLD Tomatoes Picked Right Here In North QLD!

July 18, 2024

Did you know, that during the winter harvest season from May to November, North Queensland contributes nearly 90% of Queensland's tomato production? That’s a total of more than 40,000 tonnes annually!

Helena De Bortoli, regional coordinator for Pick of the Crop in North Queensland, recommends incorporating tomatoes into sandwiches, lunchboxes or pastas to enhance children's vegetable consumption.

Ideal for the whole family, cherry and grape tomatoes are not only nutritious but also budget-friendly, making them a top pick for shoppers during Queensland's bustling tomato season.

“Tomatoes have to be the most versatile vegetable going: you can eat them fresh or cooked, add them as a sauce or paste, enjoy them as a side dish or as the main squeeze,” Ms De Bortoli said.

“They are also an excellent source of nutrients, including lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red colour and helps protect us from heart disease and some cancers.

“What I love about our region is that so many growers are selling their tomatoes at their roadside stalls, helping to make fresh tomatoes highly accessible and affordable for our community.”

Bowen Gumlu Growers Association (BGGA) supports Health and Wellbeing Queensland’s whole-school healthy eating initiative Pick of the Crop, which aims to increase opportunities for Queensland primary school students to learn about and eat more vegetables and fruit.

“Tomatoes are part of the Aussie staple diet – smaller varieties like cherry or grape tomatoes are perfect to snack on and for throwing into salads, while larger varieties like gourmets and eggs are perfect for sandwiches and cooking,” Mr Walker said.

“Buying local and in-season is a great way to support growers, and to make sure you’re getting bang for your buck when buying your vegetables.”

For more recipes and healthy eating ideas, visit hw.qld.gov.au.

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Welcome Whales Festival Returns

July 18, 2024

Following the success of the inaugural Welcome Whales Festival last year, the second annual event took place on Friday last week, with over 200 people attending.

Poor weather saw the event move location at the last minute from Airlie Beach Foreshore to Proserpine Entertainment Centre and organisers said they were thankful Whitsunday Regional Council were able to offer an alternative facility enabling the event to go ahead.

A celebration of Indigenous Culture and the deeper meaning of whales within our local culture and history, the event aims to educate, enthral and inspire people to understand more about how whale season connects with us all.

Organised by community-led initiative, Whales of the Whitsundays (WOW), the event fosters and shares cultural connection.

Traditional owners who sit on the steering committee of WOW had been keen to share the story of their connection with whales and the Welcome Whales Festival is a vehicle for this.

“The festivals helps people realise how significant this time of year is for Traditional Owners,” said Olivia Brodhurst, President of WOW.

“This is a time of year where mother whales are calving and it is also the same time of year for ‘Women’s Business’ for Indigenous people.”

The Welcome Whales Festival offered attendees the opportunity to immerse themselves in both nature and Indigenous culture.

From basket weaving experiences to bush tucker tasting and information from Yooribaya Cultural Experiences, there was plenty of knowledge to soak-up.

Two pieces of artwork from Giya Ngaro woman Casey McAvoy were also commissioned for the event and then given to platinum sponsors.

Guests of the festival could browse these works and other art pieces at the exhibition, they could also purchase merchandise from the WOW stall with proceeds going back to the organisation.

The formalities of the festival included a welcome ceremony, traditional dancing and storytelling.

This was followed by the premier of the “Whale Nation” cinematic experience.

Plans are already underway for the event to return for its third iteration next year.

The Welcome Whales Festival Indigenous dance performance. Photos supplied
The WOW stall offering signature merchandise
Some of the incredible artwork on display

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Chamber Chat With Allan Milostic, President of Whitsunday Coast Chamber of Commerce

July 18, 2024

The year is hitting its stride and there have been a number of regional developments the Chamber wishes to share.
Business Chamber Queensland’s March 2024 Quarter Pulse Survey shows a grim view of Queensland businessowner perceptions on sales, employment, and profitability decline. The report reveals the longest sustained no-confidence business trend since mid-2022. Our Chamber is keen to hear from you, if you share the same views and experiences.
Last month, Whitsunday Regional Council announced its 2024-25 budget. It’s great news for residents and addressing legacy issues however the burden of the Council’s forecast profit is being placed upon business and agriculture who will experience an eight per cent rate and 12 per cent utility charge increases, which will inevitably be passed on to the customer with increased prices.
Council has also refined its Airlie Beach pedestrian trial, with work undertaken to re-open four pedestrian crossings as vehicle priority areas. The Chamber and main street businesses are supportive of Council’s intention for Airlie Beach – ‘A place for people’ with the goal of reducing through-traffic and making the main street more pedestrian friendly.

The trial failed to reduce through-traffic and the only improvement for pedestrians at four poorly placed pedestrian crossings. To spend money on making that failure permanent doesn’t make sense. Two thirds of vehicles in Airlie are simply driving through – creating congestion that is of no benefit to businesses or visitors. An opportunity has been missed here to reduce through-traffic by 50 per cent and genuinely make Airlie Beach a place for people – not cars. We will continue to collect Chamber member feedback so we can bolster our advocacy on the main street’s safety and prioritising trader needs.
We also welcome Uber to the region. However, with the introduction of Uber comes competition and customer choice, and we encourage the region’s existing taxi fleet and private transport providers to re-appraise their business model and their service delivery to ensure they remain competitive.
The Chamber is hosting a range of exciting business education events in August. Jump online to learn more and register.

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Did You Know?

July 25, 2024

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), a collaboration between Whitsunday Regional Council and the Queensland Government, supports local arts and cultural initiatives. This fund helps bring diverse and inclusive arts projects to life, offering real training and employment opportunities for artists in our community. With several funding rounds each year, it's a great chance for local creatives to bring their projects to life and make a lasting impact. If you're involved in the arts, consider applying to help grow our vibrant cultural scene! See our website for more details https://bit.ly/WRCgrantscommunityassistance

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A Minute With The Mayor

July 25, 2024

I am excited to be hosting my first Mayor’s Charity Ball at the amazing Proserpine Entertainment Centre on Saturday, September 21, 2024.

This will be an opportunity to come together, not only to celebrate our vibrant community, but more importantly to raise funds and support two incredible local charities: RACQ CQ Rescue and the Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network.

As many of you know, RACQ CQ Rescue provides an invaluable service to our Whitsunday region, offering rapid response medical assistance and airlift capabilities that save lives.

The Whitsundays account for over 40 per cent of RACQ CQ Rescue’s regional tasks, so by supporting them, we are directly contributing to the life-saving operations that keep our community safe in times of critical need.

Their unwavering commitment to saving lives, often in challenging circumstances, is truly awe-inspiring.

While no one is in a hurry to call on this great service, we can sleep well knowing that in our time of need, RACQ CQ Rescue will always be there for our loved ones. 

From out west to Mt Coolon, north to Guthalungra, Gumlu and Wangaratta Creek, south to Proserpine and the O’Connell River or Airlie Beach and the 74 beautiful islands, and all our communities in between - wherever an emergency arises, a rescue is always possible.

Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network is my other chosen charity to benefit from the Mayor’s Ball because mental health is a vital aspect of our community’s overall well-being.

The Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network works tirelessly to provide support, education, and intervention to prevent suicide and offer hope to those struggling with mental health issues.

The Whitsundays face serious mental health challenges, including high rates of suicide and substance abuse. WSPN delivers essential early intervention and support, raises awareness, reduces stigma, and connects individuals with help through local and national partnerships.

The 2024 Mayor's Charity Ball promises to be an evening of elegance, entertainment, and heartfelt giving. It is an opportunity for us to reflect on the importance of community support and to rally together for causes that make a real difference in the lives of our friends, families, and neighbours.

I invite all residents and businesses to join us for this special night. Your participation and generosity will not only ensure the success of this event but will also provide essential support to these two outstanding organisations.

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Tourism Whitsundays

July 26, 2024

Tourism Whitsundays hosts journalists to showcase the diverse experiences our region offers. Recently, we hosted Urban List for a five-day famil trip, focusing on the youth and adventure experiences that best showcase our destination.
Keep an eye on the Urban List website and the Urban List Travel social media platforms for a glimpse of the featured experiences and accommodations designed for those looking for an adventurous holiday. Whether it's exploring the best of the mainland, snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef, or experiencing adrenaline pumping outdoor activities, The Whitsundays truly has something for everyone.
We are always seeking passionate operators to collaborate with, ensuring each experience is tailored to highlight the unique offerings of our region. If you’re interested in getting involved or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Contributed by Rosanagh Gallivan, PR & Social Media Executive, Tourism Whitsundays

Journalist, Isabel Croker, who went on a famil trip

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A Voyage Through Time: The Launch Of VMR History Book

July 18, 2024

Last Saturday, as people gathered at the Whitsunday Marine Club to celebrate the new VMR Headquarters and the 60th anniversary of VMR, another exciting event took place; the release of the brand new VMR history book, ‘The History of VMR Whitsunday.’
The book takes you on a journey through time from the inception of the VMR in 1960 to its evolution into a professional rescue institution. It details the dedication of its volunteers and the evolution of VMR vessels alongside pivotal moments and gripping rescue missions that shaped its identity.
President Mal Priday, Marlene Manto, Larraine Biggs, Alan Midley, Brian Richardson, Carmel Pyatt, and numerous others who dedicated their time and effort behind the scenes collaboratively created the project.
Having sadly missed the VMR’s 50th Birthday, President Mal Priday knew they had to do something to find out more about the institution's history:
“We missed the 50th and when I became aware of that five years ago, I started doing a load of research,” Mal explained.
Marlene Manto, one of the contributors to the book added that they, “pulled together a project team, going through everything from microfiche at the old Proserpine Guardian through to photos of the museum.”
Marlene also mentioned that volunteers went round to all the families of the founding members and asked them if they could go through their own photo albums.
“There was this two or three years of collection process before I came on board, and I said, I'll give you a hand with that,” Marlene explained.
Marlene noted that the volunteers were not sure about how to proceed with making their research into a book and that's where, herself, and contributor Larraine Biggs stepped in. The pair took the research that had been collected and began interviewing, which took many hundred hours.
The volunteers want to emphasise that the book is for everyone:
“My vision is that this is not just for VMR people, this is not just for boating people, this has to be for everybody. I want everybody to pick it up and be excited by the stories, the rescues, by the tenacity of some of these people, there are stories about going out in a cyclone in Proserpine,” Marlene said passionately.
The book launch on Friday was full of stories and people reconnecting, while individuals reunited over cups of tea:
“The beauty of the book launch was having the family members of the members who first met in that pub in Proserpine and having them share stories with people they hadn't seen for ages,” Larraine Biggs enthused.
When asked about the launch of the book President Mal Priday voiced, “It's all come together very well, and from all accounts been really well received.”
Mayor Ry Collins also wanted to congratulate individuals on the release of the book:
“A big congratulations to the VMR team on the publication of their book ‘The History of VMR Whitsunday’ which is a great historical document that chronicles the challenges and triumphs of the Volunteer Rescue Marine team.”

The book is available for purchase on the VMR’s website:

Larraine Biggs and Marlene Manto handing out the books at the grand opening
Andrew Wilcox and Life Member and former Vice-President Tom Manning.
Mal Priday and Marlene Manto standing proud with new history book

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Six Decades Of Marine Rescue In The Whitsundays

July 18, 2024

It was a typical Wednesday evening in May of 1964 and a group of locals, primarily cane farmers, were gathered at the Metropole Hotel in Proserpine, enjoying some cold drinks.

Among the group gathered were Aldo Cantamessa, Terry Hinschen, Gordon Barr, Fred Baxter, Fred Tetley and Kevin Tetley. Amidst the friendly banter, there was talk about the growing issue of potential accidents at sea and the increasing risks of losing friends and visitors while fishing or exploring the Whitsunday waters. Recognising the need for a more organised response to maritime emergencies, they took it upon themselves to address this concern.

Little did they realise, the events of that evening back in 1964 marked an historic moment in the narrative of marine rescue in the Whitsundays. They were the founding members of what we now know as Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) Whitsunday.

This forward-thinking group laid the foundation for a new era of marine safety for boaties. They devised a communication process and a roster, each man pledging his own vessel to stand ready for any call of distress. Initially, the group used three main boats privately owned by Gordon Barr, Aldo Cantamessa and Fred Baxter. Other boats used in the early days were those of Jack Hickmott, John Watts, Fred Tetley, Brian McDermott, Terry Hinschen and Wally Rogan. On one search, up to 24 private boats were involved!

The Squad could not charge for their services and relied on donations from assisted boaties – and this was more often than not a “thank you” in kind. After rescuing a family of three who had chartered a sailing boat owned by a baker from Mackay, members were surprised when, a few weeks later, they received thanks from the owner in the form of a huge carton. It was full of bread!

Proserpine Sea Rescue became an official entity in January 1967 after a steering committee was formed to draw up a constitution and rules, thus formalising what first began three years earlier. By July, the name had been changed to Whitsunday Air Sea Rescue (WASR). The year 1994 marked another milestone in the history of marine rescue when the new Whitsunday Marine Club officially opened thanks to a collaborative approach from WASR, the Game Fish Club and the Power Boat Club. In 1995, Coast Guard (QF18) which had formed back in 1977 and Whitsunday Air Sea Rescue (VMR442) merged to officially become known as VMR Whitsunday.

Thanks to the unwavering commitment of volunteers, the next three decades bore witness to many remarkable developments. VMR Whitsunday now bears little resemblance to the fledgling organisation initiated by a small group of local men in a Proserpine hotel sixty years ago.

From little things, big things grow …

The transformation from its humble beginnings in 1964 to what we now know as VMR Whitsunday has been nothing short of remarkable.

VMR Whitsunday has evolved from an informal body of six dedicated volunteers to an organisation with an active crew of over 80 members.  

In the formative years, marine radios were a luxury and mobile phones were a distant dream. Communications relied on landline phones, word of mouth and a basic blackboard system. Not so today! VMR Whitsunday is now equipped with mobile phones, advanced radios, AIS and other modern technology, to provide 24/7/365 emergency marine support.

Initially, operations had no centralised facilities, relying on the homes of dedicated volunteers, with meetings taking place at venues in Proserpine such as the Metropole Hotel, the RSL Club and the CWA Hall. It was over twenty years before the organisation acquired an official base – a demountable purchased for $80! Fast forward to 2024 and VMR Whitsunday boasts an impressive dedicated facility featuring a state-of-the-art training/meeting room.

The legacy born on that seemingly ordinary night at the Metropole Hotel when a small group of locals met to share some camaraderie and a few drinks has become a highly professional organisation that continues to save lives at sea, not just locally but statewide.

Story courtesy of VMR Whitsundays. Photos from R Jean Photography, VMR Whitsundays and the Proserpine Museum.

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Bowen State High School Celebrates NAIDOC Week

July 18, 2024

On Wednesday, July 10th, Bowen State High School celebrated NAIDOC Week with a fun-packed day of activities.
The day commenced with a traditional smoking ceremony conducted by Juru Elder Uncle Jimmy Gaston, Acknowledgment of Country and traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dancers.
Principal Robert Harris welcomed Juru Elders, community partners, families, sponsors, students and staff to the day of celebrations and shared how proud he is of the opportunities and support Bowen High provides First Nations students and families.
“We are committed to create a culture of teaching and learning fostered through strong relationships, common language and understanding,” he said.
Students, staff and community members participated in a range of activities including spear throwing, traditional dance and games, indigenous arts and craft. Students were also treated to a traditional Kup Muri which includes cooked meats, vegetables and damper. Students and staff also enjoyed the NAIDOC cake.
Students also had the opportunity to sit and listen to the protocols and purpose of a yarning circle.
Bowen SHS NAIDOC Celebrations were also attended by NAIDOC National Poster Winner Mrs Deb Belyea and 2023 School Captain Danzel Lewis.  
The celebration is an important event on the school calendar. Bowen High dedicates an entire school day for celebration, reflection and an opportunity to come together as one to honour the enduring strength and spirit of First Nations culture. Student attendance at this years NAIDOC celebrations was the highest it’s been for years.
The 2024 NAIDOC celebrations were made possible through sponsorship from the National Indigenous Australian Agency, AURIZON and Postech. Community support was received from Juru Elders, First Nation’s families, Girudala, Pacific National, and Woolworths.

Students celebrating NAIDOC week
Students listening to protocols and purpose of a Yarning Circle.
Cutting of NAIDOC cake

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From Fights At School To Success At A Local Butchers

July 18, 2024

Fifteen-year-old Emily Eggleston struggled with school from the beginning, disliking the environment and facing numerous challenges in education. After an altercation with another student, Emily decided that traditional schooling was not the right fit for her:
“I went, I don't really want to do this anymore, I'm going to do something better.”
Before the incident, Emily’s school had told her about the PCYC Get Set for Work program, a program that funds intensive employment and training assistance to young, disengaged Queenslanders aged 15–19 years. The teachers had mentioned previously that this might be a good opportunity for Emily.
At first Emily was adamant that the program was not for her:
“I thought about it, and I didn't really want to go.”
However, after the fight she decided to call up PCYC and got accepted.
After going through the program Emily now has a whole new outlook on PCYC:
“They got me a trade and helped me; they took me pretty much everywhere that I needed to go to hand in resumes."
Emily now works at Master Butchers Whitsunday and is really enjoying the work she does there. She emphasised how she wanted to work as a butcher from a young age but was not allowed to:
“It was always in the back of my mind. I wanted to do something in agriculture, something to do with Butchering so when the opportunity came up, I was very excited about it.”
Emily is really happy with how far she has come with the program:
“I'm really enjoying my apprenticeship and PCYC is great for anyone who's looking for a job who can't find one on their own”.
“Get Set for Work is one of eight programs that make up the Queensland Government’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative.”

Emily Eggleston, outside her new workplace.

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Is Your Child Heading To High School In 2025?

July 18, 2024

Proserpine State High School have their annual Year 6 Into Year 7 Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 31st of July.
Parents and Carers are invited to take a guided tour around the school grounds taking in the modern learning facilities and grounds. Tours start outside the Administration Office on Ruge Street at 5.30pm with school leaders.
An information session will follow in the school’s state-of-the-art Performing Arts Centre at 6pm. Here you will meet the school Principal Don McDermid and key leadership staff who will be there to support your child in their transition to high school life.
Important information about educational opportunities and subjects on offer as well as the many extra-curricular opportunities available at Proserpine State High School will be explained in depth. Support systems and relevant app information will also be made available to help parents navigate the high school system. 
“We aim to ease the transition from primary to high school and ensure your child is well-prepared for the next step in their educational journey,” Mr McDermid said.

“We encourage parents to ask questions and hear why our families choose Proserpine State High School.”
For more information about the event, please email Year 7 Coordinator Nick Kapitz at nkapi5@eq.edu.au.

WHAT: Year 6 Into Year 7 Parent Information Evening
WHERE: Proserpine State High School
WHEN: Wednesday 31st of July

Come on down to the Parent Information Evening if your child is starting high school next year. Photo supplied

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Unlocking New Opportunities At Whitsunday Christian College

July 18, 2024

Many consider the senior years of high school to be crucial in shaping future career paths. Whitsunday Christian College equips students with the tools to explore their passions, discover tertiary options, and gain work experience in relevant fields.
The senior pathways program, for year 10 upwards, provides students with several key events and sessions to ease their decision-making process.
Senior Studies and Pathway Coordinator and Teacher of years 9 through to 12, Phoebe Lam, walked through what students can expect from the process:
“We have a lot of different events, making sure that parents understand the terminologies and how to pick the right subjects for their children and to see the reality of what university looks like.”
The plan helps students to think about their education, training and career goals and structure their learning around their abilities, interests and ambitions.
This year, the school has partnered with Busy at Work, James Cook University (JCU) and Ideal Placements.
Busy at Work provides valuable guidance on preparing students for the workforce by helping them craft effective resumes and understand their personality traits to match them with suitable industries.
JCU, provides the opportunity for students to come on their UniX Senior Excursion. This opportunity allows students to stay overnight in one of the colleges to experience what university is like, without their parents, what the rooms are like, see the seminar rooms and to see what the experience is like as a whole.
The students thoroughly enjoyed visiting JCU:
“My highlight was the chemistry tour, which included looking in chemistry labs as well as looking at machines like the nuclear resonance imaging,” Madison Krieger from Year 12 enthused.

“I really enjoyed the biomedical science tour where we looked at the PC2 lab. We spoke to lab technicians about their roles in research and also did a blood smear to examine under microscopes,” Zoe Shepherd-Smith from Year 12, added.

Maribel Gudes from Year 12 stated that her highlight was “exploring all the different tents. Each tent showed and told us all about the different courses that they offer at JCU.”
“I'm now considering JCU for my further education,” Year 11 student Oliver Pook concluded.
The college also partners with Ideal Placements, which provides students who are not interested in university with a comprehensive view of local opportunities. Ideal Placements engage with these students, offering insights and guidance on the numerous opportunities available within their community.
The Police Force and ADF also come to the school to provide students with information and entry requirements.
Additionally, the school hosts an information evening for QTAC and ATAR qualifications, for year 12 students, as well as a visit to Mackay Career Expo.
Phoebe Lam added that Whitsunday Christian College, work hard to “be supportive and make sure that our students get to know about as many different opportunities as possible”.
Book a tour today and learn about what Whitsunday Christian College can offer your child in a personalized and nurturing environment.  
Whitsunday Christian is holding their 2025 Senior Pathways Evening on 6 August commencing at 6pm. This is for all current and potential Year 10 Students and Families.
For enrolment information, contact the school's registrar:
P: 4948 5100 E: mail@whitsunday.qld.edu.au

Students attending UniX Senior Excursion at JCU
Students looking around JCU Campus
Students attending Seminar Rooms

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KITCHEN GARDENS With Norina Jane From Whitpro

July 18, 2024

From little things big things grow!
No, I am not protesting with Paul Kelly, I’m suggesting you grow from seed!
It is not as challenging as most people seem to think.
I still have so many people ask me for vegetable seedlings, even for vegies that do not transplant well, so let’s talk seeds and how to get it right.

As long as you chose the right month to get started with your seeds and as long as they have enough water and sunlight, you will succeed!

The month of July is a perfect month to plant from seed for most vegetables that grow well in the Whitsundays, with low soil temperatures and warm sunny days.

If you are new to growing vegetables then why not start a small plot in a pot.

The two main reasons I see people struggle to get results are:

1: Burying their seeds
If you plant your seeds too deep, the first shoot will not have enough stored energy to push its way through to the surface. A general rule of thumb is to plant the seed at twice the depth of the seed’s width. For very small seeds like lettuce and many herb seeds, they are literally sprinkled on the surface and then sprinkle the finest layer of soil on top (with a sieve is perfect). Larger seeds like peas and corn must be pushed into the soil but remember, not too deep! You would be better off planting too shallow, then too deep.

2: Not watering daily, allowing the soil to dry out
It is essential for germination that the soil remains moist. This means watering every morning without fail. The soil must not dry out in this crucial period of a seed’s transition.
I sow all my vegetable seeds directly into the ground and as I am not at home during the day (due to work commitments) I water my seeds in the morning and then cover the soil until the green shoots pop out of the ground. Your vegetable seeds do not need the sun to germinate, they need the correct soil temperature and moisture, so covering them from direct sunlight is not an issue.  

Note: Don’t forget to label your seeds. You think you’ll remember what you have planted and three weeks later you’ll regret you didn’t label.

It pays to keep in mind that different vegetables take a different length of time to be ready for picking. Here is a bit of a guide of what takes how long before you are harvesting, and these are all things you can be planting this month from seed:

Vegetable Days to Maturity

Lettuce / Rocket 30-60
Kale / Spinach 50-70
Capsicums 70-110
Zucchini 50-100
Tomatoes 80-120
Cabbage 60-120
Carrots 70-120
Corn 80-120
Cucumbers 60-90
Chilli 60-110
Eggplant 90-120
Pea 65-90
Pumpkin 100-140
Radish 40 – 60
Parsnips 120-140
Rhubarb 100-140

And that’s just to name a few! From the end of July your options start to decrease so get your seeds in the ground this month so that in a few months’ time you will be eating from your garden and there is nothing more rewarding than that!

And don’t forget your herbs!
Now’s a great time to plant your seeds for an abundance of:
Basil, Coriander, Dill, Mint, Sage, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Borage, Nasturtium and Parsley.
And I mean abundance! Not only am I NOT paying between $5.00 - $8.00 for a bunch of fresh basil (that I know a lot of people use half of and the rest wilts in the fridge before you throw it out – into the compost I hope), I also have so much growing that it’s time to start making pesto! It is easy to make and is a family favourite in pasta.

There is nothing better than nicking out to the vegetable patch and picking what you need.
There is nothing fresher, you know they are chemical free and best of all they are at your door step.

Did you know?
That bees love herbs too!  If you leave some of your herbs to go to flower, your bees will thank you.  Basil has anti-inflammatory properties; it is a diuretic and helps prevent acne.

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Legends On The Field Hosted By Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network

July 18, 2024

Photo credit: Tropix Photography

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ARE YOU A CUSTOMER SERVICE HERO? New Tourism Initiative Set To Streamline Service Delivery

July 11, 2024

A new initiative to streamline the tourism experience and provide unparalleled customer service to all Whitsunday visitors has been launched by a forward-thinking local marketing agency 8 Seconds, in collaboration with Tourism Whitsundays.

The project is the brainchild of Tolita Dukes, Director of 8 Seconds, who was inspired to give local industry the tools to provide exemplary customer service by helping operators deliver best practice and sharpen their people skills.

Crystal Walton, Paige Moore and Jade Richardson from Tourism Whitsundays, Tolita Dukes from 8 Seconds, Julie Telford Chair of the Board for Tourism Whitsundays and Alyssa Turner and Rosanagh Gallivan from Tourism Whitsundays. Photo credit: Norina Jane

More Bang For The Tourist Buck!

Taking the lead in this exciting new ‘Customer Service Hero’ initiative is Tolita Dukes from 8 Seconds, a highly regarded marketing agency which has offered business coaching and advice to Whitsunday businesses for over 11 years.

Determined to help drive the visitor experience in the Whitsundays so it can become more streamlined, Tolita created a course that will educate workers on how to provide best practice experiences.

The ‘Customer Service Hero’ initiative was launched this week, and it invites operators to sign their workforce up to a 30-minute online course which covers topics such as conflict resolution, meet-and-greet etiquette, crisis management and customer service best practices.

“This bold industry initiative aims at elevating the skills of all tourism professionals in region through innovative online accreditation,” explained Tolita.

“This not only benefits tourists but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement within the Whitsunday's tourism industry.

“The Customer Service Hero program aims to raise our already high standards across the board, by educating and encouraging consistent customer service excellence region wide, whether your guests are catching a transfer, ordering a coffee, or boarding a day cruise.”

Elizabeth Hackett, Executive Chair of Australian Adventure Tourism Group, applauds the program's potential to transform the industry.  
"The creation of the Customer Service Hero Program is set to be a game changer for the service industry. It is a timely introduction of a program needed to ensure our region and our state are leading the way in customer service.”   
“This program will serve as a critical resource for small business as well as provide benchmark standards to the broader industry. The program will offer all stakeholders a clear pathway with accountability for being a successful part of the change our industry needs to see.”

Julie Telford, Chair of the Board for Tourism Whitsundays said she encourages all stakeholders to seize this opportunity for industry leadership and pioneering excellence in customer service region-wide.

“As one of Queensland's premier destinations, known for its stunning landscapes and award-winning experiences, delivering exceptional service is essential to our brand,” she expressed.

“We are thrilled to partner with Tolita to roll out this program, as it will play a crucial role in establishing a foundational shift in our customer service culture, ensuring the best possible customer experience.” 

8 Seconds manages all aspects of the program and, with the upcoming Olympics in sight, the rollout ensures The Whitsundays shines brightly during this global spotlight. 
“Together, we can elevate The Whitsundays to new heights of service excellence which is so critically important in the lead up to the 2032 Olympics,” states Tolita. 
“The Customer Service Hero Program marks a pivotal moment for our industry - it's not just about improving service; it's about cementing The Whitsundays as a global destination of choice, ensuring our region thrives.”
The Customer Service Hero program is a cost-effective option for tourism businesses, with pricing starting from $29 per person for Tourism Whitsunday members and $37 for non-members. In addition, $2 from each booking will be reinvested into Tourism Whitsundays.  Beyond the initial training, the program offers annual updates to keep participants ahead of industry trends. Find out more, visit customerservicehero.com.au

In short,
the Customer Service Hero Program is:

   • Fast and efficient: Online training takes just 30 mins.
   • Affordable: This is training on a budget, at $29 for Tourism Whitsunday Members, and $37 for non-members.
   • Results Driven: Customer Service translates all about sales, and repeat business.
   • Process-Focused: Consistency is key, with extra templates and resources provided to support process-driven customer service excellence.

Tolita Dukes, Director of 8 Seconds and Julie Telford, Chair of the Board for Tourism Whitsundays launching the initiative earlier this week. Photo credit: Norina Jane

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Husband Found Not Guilty In Tragic Golf Buggy Incident That Killed Wife

July 11, 2024

Unexpected acceleration while performing a U-turn on a steep incline was cited as one of the contributing factors that could have caused the golf buggy accident that resulted in the death of newly wed Marina Hanna on Hamilton Island two years ago.

Ms Hanna’s husband of 10 days, Robbie Awad was at the wheel on that fateful day in June 2022 and was subsequently charged with driving without due care and attention causing death, pleading not guilty to the charge.

He did, however, plead guilty to failing to wear a seatbelt, failing to ensure a passenger was wearing a seatbelt and using a mobile phone while driving.

Mr Awad’s hearing took place at Proserpine Court House last week and an ABC Tropical North report stated that Mr Awad had been using his mobile phone earlier whilst driving, but it was back in his pocket at the time of the accident.

The court also heard an account of what unfolded in the minutes surrounding the incident, details of which had previously not been made public.

Mr Awad’s Sydney defence lawyer Phillip Boulten asserted that the accident was largely caused by the buggy accelerating unexpectedly when it was part way through a U-turn on a steep incline.

It was argued that Mr Awad had noticed the buggy was running low on battery and not operating correctly when he decided to turn around so he could return to their accommodation at the island’s five-star qualia resort.

Mid-way through this turn, which was on a hill, the buggy allegedly jolted forward and accelerated, at which point Mr Awad lost control and the vehicle flipped on its side trapping Ms Hanna underneath.

It is understood that she sadly died straight away.

The ABC court report stated that Police prosecutor Sergeant Linden Pollard detailed how the buggy flipped because of the driving speed and the angle of the road.

The court questioned whether Mr Awad could have chosen a safer way to turn the vehicle with Magistrate O’Callaghan ultimately concluding the cause of the accident was downwards topography, gravity and the struggling performance of the gold buggy.

While it was uncovered that there could have been a better way to perform the U-turn, it was decided that unexpected acceleration could likely have caused a similar result.

Mr Awad was found not guilty of driving without due care and attention causing death, but he was fined $3483 for both buggy passengers failing to wear seatbelts and using a mobile phone while driving.

A Hamilton Island spokesperson said: “our deepest thoughts and condolences remain with Robbie Awad and the family and friends of Marina Hanna”.

“The safety and well-being of our guests, residents and employees continues to be our highest priority.”

Robbie Awad and Marina Hanna on their wedding day, just 10 days before Ms Hanna died in a golf buggy accident while they were honeymooning on Hamilton Island. Photo: Facebook

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Editors Note

July 18, 2024

Hi Everyone,

Back to school this week and many parents (and grandparents) may be feeling relieved to have the routine returned – I know I am! Although I love the holidays, I think children get so much from school these days, not only connection with friends but also mental stimulation that both challenge and invigorate them.

My son, however, certainly didn’t realise this new routine was a welcome addition when he woke up on Monday morning. In fact, he promptly informed me that he hated school, followed by - “this is the worst day of my life!”

Thankfully, we pushed through the morning and as suspected, when his dad picked him up, he was told he’d had a “wonderful day!”

I asked him about it later that evening and I found the one thing he chose to mention to be very interesting.

He said they had a class where they were told to look in a mirror and say three positive things about themselves – one of his was that he was brave, which I thought was lovely as he definitely has to dig deep with daily challenges.

I love that positive affirmation and mental wellbeing is part of the curriculum these days and the fact that it was a highlight of the day for my son really reinforces that it’s not only important but also working.

It got me thinking about my own little rituals – one of them is in the shower each morning where I imagine the water is good vibes washing over me for the day. As I wash my face, I list the things I want to embody – good health is always first, but I also add things like confidence, compassion, energy, ability.  

This little routine really sets me up for the day – what routine do you have? Or what routine could you start?


Quote of the Week: “I breathe in confidence and exhale fear” (Stevie M Starks)

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Local Airport Makes History

July 11, 2024

This week’s Good Deed goes to Whitsunday Coast Airport (WRC) which has just announced news that it has broken the 500,000 annual passenger barrier for the first time in its 73-year history.

A gateway to the region, Whitsunday Coast Airport plays a vital role in bringing tourists to town and it has adapted to significant increase in traffic over the past three years, recording 280,000 guests in 2021 and jumping to a whopping 507,000 this year.

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Ry Collins said breaking the 500,000-passenger milestone is a testament to our Whitsunday region’s tourism appeal and the airport’s commitment to providing an exceptional experience for all travellers.

“The sky really is the limit, and the new record is a clear indicator of our airport’s essential role in supporting tourism and economic growth in the region.”

WRC Director of Commercial Businesses Craig Turner said increased flight frequencies and adding more new routes were key to the record passenger numbers.

“It is exciting that, despite the collapse of Bonza earlier this year, we have still set a new annual record and, with direct Adelaide flights starting in September, it is vital that we continue to explore new tourism markets,” he said.

“While my airport team will celebrate this milestone, we remain focused on ensuring every passenger enjoys a top-tier experience from take-off to touchdown while also expanding our reach to welcome more visitors to the stunning Whitsundays.”

“The Whitsunday Coast Airport's role extends beyond just tourism. It is a vital link for business travel and freight, ensuring that our region remains connected and competitive.”

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Flags Rise And People March NAIDOC Week Kicks Off In Bowen

July 11, 2024

A beautiful array of colours, flags, banners and decorations lined the streets of Bowen on Monday the 8th of July for the annual NAIDOC Week Flag Raising and March.
The event launches a week full of festivities, highlighting the communities' inclusive spirit and celebrating the invaluable contributions of the Indigenous members of the community.
Girudala, a community control society, that is celebrating its 50th year, this year, organised and hosted the event with CEO Associate Professor Carmen Parter, who appeared quite enthusiastic about the day.
“I've been told that this is the biggest march they have had here in Bowen,” she said.
“Today is really about the whole week.”
“That’s a whole week celebrating our culture and showcasing who we are as First Nations people in this wonderful country, and to be back on Juru land to make that celebration,” Professor Parter highlighted.
The day started with a March, beginning at 10:00am from Bowen Front Beach, and finished in Town Square, beside the council chambers.
The March was followed by speeches, a traditional smoking ceremony, dance and a cutting of a cake. Individuals then gathered for the flag raising.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags were raised alongside the Australian flag over the council chambers, by guest speakers Mayor Ry Collins, Aunty Stephanie Cora, Juru decedent and Uncle Kakam Billy, local Torres Strait Islander decedent.
Mayor Ry Collins expressed how important it is to “make time in our calendars,” to pay tribute to and recognise the importance of Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander culture to our community.
These events are “really important events in our community calendar, and I love being the leading community representative for that,” Mayor Collins added.
NAIDOC has many other events over the week, including schools which are running their own independent events, and a Family Fun Day down at the Sound Shell on Saturday.
Professor Parter emphasised that these events, “once again showcase our culture, our food, our dance, our Music, our stories, and celebrating our elders”.
She added that special mention needs to go to Lela Idagi, who organised the fantastic event for the local community.
“It's a celebration, so, all you can say is be happy, be proud of who you are as First Nations people, Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander people in this country, because we are awesome, we are the oldest living culture.”
Mayor Ry Collins wanted to thank everyone for coming down and supporting the event:
“I just want to thank everyone for their attendance today. I think we saw a really good turnout here this morning.”
The mayor added that he noticed a “strong desire, particularly from our kids to get out and really understand more about what NAIDOC week’s about.”
In her speech, Professor Parter highlighted: “Today is not just about celebrating the past, it is about creating a stronger future.”
NAIDOC week is an important time to come together to honour and celebrate the Indigenous community, find out more about events near you on their website: https://www.naidoc.org.au

Guest speakers raising flags
School children supporting the event
Traditional smoking ceremony
Cutting of the cake
School children with ‘Blak, Loud and Proud’ banner
The Indigenous Elders who attended the event

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Uber Drives Whitsundays’ Forward

July 11, 2024

As of Monday this week transport around the Whitsundays just got a whole lot easier with the introduction of ride-sharing app, Uber, which now has 50 vehicles operating in the area.

While transport users are undoubtedly excited by Uber’s arrival, which is set to provide both cheaper rates and better availability, there are concerns about how Uber will impact the livelihood of existing taxi operators.

Local taxi driver Matt Raymant, however, said that Uber will definitely help ease the load during busy periods.

“It could be a benefit to the community, especially in peak times,” he said.

“We can be 100 per cent booked in every aspect and can have up to six pages of jobs holding – at times like this, we could definitely do with a bit of extra help!”

“It’s going to hurt the taxi company a bit though, especially in quiet times.”

Matt did say, however, that in terms of work quality he will be sticking with the local taxi driving company as he “jumps in, does his shift and then walks away,” he doesn’t have to worry about taking responsibility for damage caused or maintenance to the vehicle.

“I’ll be sticking to my taxi for now!” he added.

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor, Ry Collins welcomed the launch, saying he was happy to hear people now have more options.

“Any business that makes the lives of locals easier, while offering another earning opportunity, is certainly welcomed in Whitsundays,” he expressed.

“It is an exciting development for our community!”

A statement from the Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce and Industry said the introduction of Uber will be a game-changer for the local transport sector, however, “market disruption has proven to be good for consumers in most markets”.

“Uber will always disrupt new markets, and this will be true for their arrival into the Whitsundays.”

“However, with the introduction of Uber comes competition and customer choice. If done well, all taxi and private transport users will benefit from an improved service experience.”

Richard Evans from Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce and Industry added that local taxis “may see a drop in their revenue which means they may need to take a look at their business model and perhaps improve services.”

Meanwhile, Julie Telford Chair of Tourism Whitsundays, said that she is excited for Uber to assist with the transport of tourists around the region.

“I don’t think it is something that the local taxi drivers should be concerned about, I think it is something that will complement them,” she expressed.

Craig Turner, Director Commercial Businesses for Whitsunday Regional Council added that this is about providing visitors and residents with another option that may be convenient for them.

“I think it’s a sign that the Whitsundays is being seen as quite a mature destination now,” he stated.

Emma Foley, Managing Director of Uber ANZ, said Uber elected to come to the Whitsundays as a result of demand.

“For years Whitsundays locals have requested Uber’s services to get from A to B at the click of a button,” she explained.

“We’re excited to launch our ridesharing offering across Whitsundays, providing a safe and convenient transport solution to travel to any destination, whether that’s a local running errands, or for a tourist visiting local attractions.” 

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Healing Our Pets, Animals And Community With Proserpine Vet Clinic

July 11, 2024

Welcome to the latest Whitsundays Chamber of Commerce and Industry article showcasing our diverse business community.
Dr Faye McPherson graduated in 1991 and took sole ownership of Proserpine Vet Surgery in 2010 after partnering with Dr William Bowman.
The Surgery serves the community by providing the high standard pet and animal care.
“It’s a very rewarding and fulfilling business that is never dull. There are continuing developments in medications, treatments, ever increasing restrictions and policies, and economic pressures, “ explains Faye.
“The biggest challenge is the lack of vets wishing to come to a regional community where after-hours services fall on them and not to an emergency clinic. 

“It’s a lot when you work all day, then be the ‘go to’ person for the community all night, then back to work the next day.”
Many people treat their pets as their own children these days. So, vets must be good communicators - fixing, healing, treating as well as sympathising and supporting.
Faye’s top tips to other business owners are:

   • Enjoy what you do and the people you do it with. Love and support your staff.
   • Say “thank you” often. Be aware of how much staff are putting in.
   • Don’t sweat the small stuff.  96% of the time it’s not the person’s fault but a procedural problem.
Faye enjoys supporting all small businesses in our region and having a voice through the Chamber.
Learn more about Proserpine Vet Surgery: localvet.com.au/proserpine/

The team at Proserpine Vet Clinic. Photo supplied

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Did You Know?

July 11, 2024

Residents of the Whitsunday Region can enjoy a discount on dog and cat registrations if they register early! Renewal notices have been issued, and the discount period for pet registrations runs until 31 July. Registering your pet is a responsible step that greatly enhances the chances of your pet being returned if they get lost. Keep in mind that properties are typically allowed up to two dogs or two cats unless a special permit is obtained. Take advantage of the discounted rates during this period to ensure your pets are safely registered!

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A Minute With The Mayor

July 11, 2024

Last week Deputy Mayor Michelle Wright, Director of Corporate Service Jason Bradshaw and I attended the 2024 National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) in Canberra.
This assembly brought together leaders from councils across Australia, providing an invaluable opportunity to explore innovative solutions to the challenges we face as local governments.
As well as attending the National Assembly I also stepped up our advocacy efforts by pre-arranging face to face meetings with Catherine King MP (Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government), Speaker of the House Milton Dick, Senator Nita Green (Special Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef), Senator Anthony Chisholm (Assistant Minister for Education and Regional Development) and Senator Susan McDonald (Shadow Minister Resources and Northern Australia. In addition, I managed to secure meetings with senior advisors to Senator Don Farrell (Minister for Trade and Tourism).
Following the recent tragic bus and caravan head-on collision at Gumlu the hot topic was disaster resilience and the urgent safety upgrades required on three major routes in our region.
Floodproofing Hamilton Plains and Goorganga Plains to allow connectivity to our airport and Airlie Beach and Proserpine’s only hospital has been on the drawing board and promised funding for years, but still our Whitsunday community remain disconnected during Cyclone and flood season.
I was also advocating for assistance to seal the remaining 68km of the Bowen Developmental Road between Collinsville and Belyando Crossing which is a major freight route and key connection road for mine workers.
The multiple meetings allowed me to engage face to face on a range of challenges facing our Whitsunday region which is the fastest growing local government area in North Queensland.
With latest figures showing that 50 per cent of tourists visiting the Great barrier Reef come via our Whitsundays it is important that our infrastructure upgrades keep pace with our growth.
Added to our population boom, we have recorded 10 per cent annual growth for passenger numbers transiting through Whitsunday Coast Airport and 30 per cent annual growth in passengers visiting by cruise ships.
I am passionate about engaging with federal and state representatives to advocate for the needs of our region.
The 2024 National General Assembly of Local Government reaffirmed the vital role that local governments play in shaping the future of our communities and the importance of strong partnerships between local, state, and federal governments to drive positive change and secure the necessary resources for our residents.

Mayor Ry Collins and Deputy Mayor Michelle Wright standing with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Photo supplied

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Tourism Whitsundays Launches Marketing Plan

July 11, 2024

As we move into the next financial year, Tourism Whitsundays has been working on a full marketing activations and membership opportunities calendar.
Through collaboration with industry, we have compiled several strategic national campaigns and targeted ‘moments’ focusing on specific tourism industry segments.
From dining and nightlife to weddings to youth and adventure, our campaign calendar aims to highlight the region's diversity and inspire travellers to visit us all year round.
This marketing activity is supported by a jam-packed calendar of trade events, both domestically and internationally focused and regular industry events.
Throughout the past week and over the next two weeks, we have been running six industry round tables to providing additional information on the activity and encouraging ideas and feedback from industry.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Tourism Whitsundays or would like to attend one of our round table events, please email reception@tourismwhitsundays.com.au for more information.
As always, we look forward to continuing to work closely with our incredible operators within the Whitsundays Tourism Industry to inspire travellers from all walks of life, from Australia and all over the world, to visit our beautiful home.

Contributed with thanks to Laura Knipe, Marketing Manager, Tourism Whitsundays

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Kitchen Gardens With Norina Jane From WhitPro

July 18, 2024

Talk about the winter blues - I think I now know how they feel in England!
Well maybe not as cold, not as wet and not as house-bound but this continual rain has admittedly got the better of me and my vegie patch at times this season.

So, if you have struggled with powdery mildew, late flower set or motivation to be in the veggie patch, know you are not the only one. The upside is very little watering required and root veggies like carrots are bound to be long, straight and plentiful this season (as long as the soil is free draining).

Right, it’s July, so no excuses, get seeding because this is the last month of being able to do so, with a lot of vegetables, until next year! So, get stuck in (even in the rain) and do not put it off for another day (message to self).  

Planting now means vegies for the rest of the year. Miss this time slot and your options diminish rapidly.

July is the last month to seed veggies such as: Broad beans, Spinach, Sliverbeet, Kale and Beetroot.

Here is what diggers suggest from month to month and you’ll see what I am talking about:

I think that most people who grow their own vegetables are concerned or at least motivated by good health and flavourful, chemical free veggies to feed yourself and possible family or friends (sharing is good).  When you grow your own, you know exactly what your food has been exposed to, you have to feed it from conception and chemicals are banned!

For a long and healthy life, seven servings of fruit and vegies every single day is without a doubt a necessity.  What’s your count?  Food diary time.

So what vegies top the list of high in antioxidants that you can plant in July (or miss out this year)?   Let’s talk Beetroot, Spinach and Red Peppers – chillis and/or capsicums.

BEETROOT (Last chance)

It’s easy to grow, and is very happy in full sun but can tolerate part shade. These guys like water, if they grow through dry conditions they can be tough and stringy. So it’s a good season this year for beetroot.

Beetroot take 3-4 months to mature. If you are going to freeze your enormous crop of beetroots, then pick them while they are young 5-7cm in width, cook until tender in the oven at 180 for about 1.5hrs, peel, top and tail and then freeze and they’ll last up to six months.

Beetroots are truly enjoyed pickled and a great way to preserve for 6 months.
Or make beetroot chutney!

Editor would not allow me enough words to include this recipe but email me, I’ll send it to you norinajane@whitpro.com.au

SPINACH (Last chance)

Spinach likes moist soil but avoid watering the leaves where possible. Although known to enjoy cooler climates, certain varieties do well here too! However, winter is the only season to start growing spinach in the Whitsundays.

Planting in a part shade area can benefit this veggie. You can harvest leaves in their infant form as early as eight weeks after planting.

Although best eaten immediately (google spinach recipes, you’ll be very busy in the kitchen), you can also freeze spinach. Just make sure you blanch the leave first. It’s a simple process. Drop them in boiling water for 1 minute and then drain and drop into chilled water for one minute. Drain well. I put mine in a tea towel and make sure excess water is removed.  Put in airtight container and freeze for up to six months.

CAPSICUMS /CHILLIS  (You have more time, but stop procrastinating!)

The longer on the bush, the sweeter and/or hotter these must-have additions to your patch or garden pots will be! Three – four months will see the beginning of production and boy do these guys give and give.

Leave until capsicums are red is my advice. They are so much sweeter and add so much colour to any dish. Chillis however, that’s up to your tolerance! Red means hotter and their second season will see you inundated with chillis so try making chilli oil.

Heat three cups of your chosen oil, add 3 – 10 chillies (do you like your friends or not?), a cinnamon stick, black pepper and whatever herbs you want to try. Cover for at least two days. Strain the oil and bottle. I have an extensive range of olive oils for cooking, you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes to simple meals.

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Cool La La: Closing Its Doors

July 11, 2024

After six wonderful years of delicious Asian dishes, the community-loved Cool La La is closing its doors for the last time on Monday 15th July.
Owner of Cool La La and Village Cafe, Abbi Gatdula, has decided to close the restaurant due to wanting to focus more on Village Cafe. Abbi also mentioned that she and her partner will be semi-moving back to the Philippines, however, emphasises to her regular customers not to worry as you will still see her “face in Village Cafe regularly.”
Abbi stated that she has mixed emotions about having to close the restaurant:
“I have mixed emotions, obviously we have had the restaurant for six years and we have had a really good time, but we are going to focus on Village Cafe.”
Some highlights for Cool La La and Abbi have been moving into the bigger space that they currently have:
“Through Covid, all our customers actually supported us, which is why we were able to move to that big space for growth.”
As Abbi and her team’s focus moves towards Village Cafe, she announced that the cafe will be open for dinner very soon rather than just breakfast and lunch.
Abbi continues that her valued Cool La La customers can expect to see some of their favourite dishes from the restaurant appear on Village Cafe’s menu:
“As I was telling some of my customers, we can offer some of the food at Village Cafe.”
After a fantastic six years, Abbi wants to thank everyone who has supported them on their journey:
“Having that place for six years was not easy, but we have been able to make it because of our customer’s support.”
Abbi encourages her customers come and join them at the restaurant for their favourite dishes this weekend before they close.
“Hopefully it is not the end of it,” Abbi added.
“It may come back with the support of the community, and we would love for it to come back.”
Head down to Cool La La before Monday 15th to support Cool La La for the last time.

Owner of Cool La La and Village Cafe, Abbi Gatdula, sad to be closing the restaurants doors.

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You’re Invited! To The Bowen Tourism Networking Event

July 11, 2024

Bowen Tourism and Business is holding a networking event next week and all members are invited to come along, connect with others and enjoy a lively evening.

The event is free to all members of Bowen Tourism and Business and is being held just before National Mango Day.

The event will be held at Bird’s Fish Bar next Thursday, July 18 from 5.30pm.

It is National Mango Day each year on July 22.

It is hoped the members of Bowen Tourism and Business will take the opportunity to come along and meet other business owners and hear about what the organisation is achieving.

Chair of Bowen Tourism and Business, Jenn Honnery said it had been some time since the organisation had held a networking event and the committee believed the timing was just right.

“We have just finished the financial year so we can update our members on key achievements and visitor numbers,” she said.

Manager of Bowen Tourism and Business, Leanne Abernethy said the team of staff and volunteers were really looking forward to the event.

“This is a great chance to bring the business community together,” she said.

If members would like to attend, they should email info@tourismbowen.com.au by Monday or give the Bowen Visitor Information Centre a call on 47864222.

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The History Of Maternity Care In Proserpine

July 11, 2024

July 12 1924 was a momentous day for women in the Proserpine district. That day marked the official opening of a maternity ward situated on hospital grounds. It was adjacent to the General Hospital that had been built in 1911. And it was a timely event too, because the first child born in the ward arrived the very next day.

Prior to this, childbirth was in the hands of midwives, mostly untrained but well experienced. They were quite amazing for they had large families of their own so not only coped with their own family commitments, but also other mothers and families. After a birth, they often stayed with the families to help out and were sometimes paid in pumpkins or other produce.  

Mrs Sophia “Granny” Jurgens would stay with a family for up to nine days after the birth, doing cooking and washing as well, and for this she received the princely sum of two guineas ($4.20). Mrs Ellen “Granny” Atkinson who had thirteen children of her own attended mothers who lived in her area of Up River and Foxdale. Mrs Setter was another well-known midwife. In 1912, she was in charge of the maternity section of the nursing home run by Dr Anderson on the top floor of 80 Main Street and later she moved to Chapman Street.  

The first hospital maternity ward was built as an extension at the original hospital situated on the river bank opposite the Junior Sporting Complex. Mark and Ethel Ruge bought Rogan’s farm and home adjacent to the Proserpine District Hospital at Waterson in 1920. The Ruge residence became an unofficial convalescent home. Mothers-to-be from outlying areas stayed there while waiting for the baby’s arrival as these were the days of bad roads, poor communication, and long wet seasons.
In early 1935, it was decided to shift the hospital from its original site and locate it on the end of Herbert Street. It was moved piece by piece using a large wagon and twelve horses, the job being undertaken by Bill Fraser and sons, Jim and Phil. Sid Martin sat atop the load to lift street lights to safety as they journeyed through the town. The maternity ward was placed at the back of the hospital and later became the wardsman’s residence. It was 1936 before the move was completed.                                                                
A new hospital was designed in that same year to supplement the buildings brought from the original site. It was completed by 1940 and consisted of a maternity ward, nurses’ quarters, a male ward and an outpatients’ department.
With additional buildings over the decades, the new hospital and maternity ward served the community well until 1998 when a modern building replaced part of the original and the maternity ward was moved to another part of the hospital.
For many years, routine in the maternity ward was quite strict. The baby was taken away to the nursery and brought out only to be fed, thus allowing the mother a few days of complete rest. Feeding times were strictly three or four hourly depending on the baby’s birth weight. After four or five days, Mum and bub could go home as long as the baby was feeding properly. How times have changed.
Throughout the one hundred years since the maternity wing was first added to the original hospital, there are many interesting stories about the wards and the dedicated nurses known as “Middy” or “Mid” (as in “midwifery”) who helped deliver babies and provided wonderful care for both mothers and their newborns. But these are stories for another time.

Story and photo courtesy Proserpine Historical Museum

Maternity section in Herbert Street - completed 1940
Maternity ward at right hand end of original hospital building

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Receive Active Recovery At EvoPrime Fitness

July 11, 2024

Active recovery at EvoPrime is a game-changer, pushing beyond traditional methods. Many settle for mediocre and isolated injury recovery strategies, but EvoPrime believes stopping the pain isn’t enough. True recovery means saying YES to life without the fear of re-injury, living freely, and performing optimally.
Take the journey of one of EvoPrime’s clients, a passionate sailor who rolled her ankle during a boat delivery in February. Returning home, she noticed significant swelling in her knee. Initial swelling is a crucial part of the body’s healing process, but it’s essential to help flush dead and damaged cells from the area through the lymphatic system manually. Without this assistance, damaged cells can build up, slowing or halting the healing process.
The client began by icing—new studies prove that icing is beneficial only in the first 24 hours—resting and using compression on her knee for about two weeks. Diagnosed with an MCL tear, she received weekly osteopathic treatment for five weeks, aided by a care plan that subsidised the sessions. Alongside these treatments, she started working with EvoPrime to ensure proper muscle activation through the foot, glutes, and core, avoiding extra pressure on the knee. Most compensations that occur after an injury can create long-term issues throughout the body, not protect the affected area.
EvoPrime’s approach included creating space for bones and joints to move freely, enhancing mobility, and ensuring proper alignment. The goal was to strengthen the knee and relearn how to move properly. This dual approach was crucial in addressing the injury from multiple angles, ensuring the whole body worked together efficiently.
As the end of March approached, the client was determined to participate in the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race. EvoPrime tailored a training regimen focused on mobility, alignment, and building strength for optimal function. To prevent further injury during the race, the knee was strapped and supported with a brace. Additionally, the introduction of toe spacers provided more stability and significantly reduced twinging pains.
By the end of May, the client had fully recovered and continued to train with EvoPrime, now setting her sights on the Gold Coast to Mackay race scheduled for August 1st. EvoPrime’s approach highlights the importance of an integrated recovery plan, combining professional treatments with a tailored fitness regimen.

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Headstone Unveiling For Un-Marked Graves Of Soldiers

July 11, 2024

The unmarked graves of 16 soldiers will receive the recognition they deserve, when their newly made gravestones are unveiled at a special Graveside Dedication Service taking place on Saturday 27th July at Proserpine Old Cemetery.
In the many years before, the 11 soldiers from WW1 and the five from WW2, have gone without any form of headstone, with one soldier in particular, Joseph Leary, having laid there for 102 years. This has meant that the families and the community have not been able to commemorate their lives and service.
Up until recently, temporary white crosses were constructed by dedicated volunteers, to mark the resting places of the soldiers.
Organiser of the event Lyn Burke, mentioned how, before the crosses, very sadly, there was “nothing to remember that they existed.”
The day's events will consist of a welcome address by Jason Rateri, a Welcome To Country by the niece of one of the Indigenous soldiers, Robert Petersen, a speech by special guest Colonel Boniface Aruma, some prayers, a minute of silence and a national anthem sung by around 30 individuals from Mommas and Poppas.
Alongside some other proceedings, the day will close with the unveiling of the headstones and a light lunch provided at Proserpine R.S.L.
Many members of the community have got involved with the momentous event, including the Whitsunday Old Iron Restorers Car Club who paid out over $5,000.00 for the plaques and formwork for the headstones. Additionally, members of the club came and assisted in putting up over 400 flags in the Proserpine Old Cemetery a week before ANZAC day in 2023.

The Whitsunday Old Iron Restorers Car Club, decided to provide money to the cause, having noticed the timber white crosses that had been erected for the soldiers whilst helping out before ANZAC day. Having felt that something more needed to be done for the soldiers, funds raised from their car show went towards the headstone project.

Alongside the Whitsunday Old Iron Restorers Car Club, many other Proserpine community groups have assisted by crocheting poppies, sewing plaque covers and making reefs.

Concrete for the headstones was also supplied by Concrete Product Australia and Proserpine Tilt Trays is carting them to the cemetery.
Lyn added how some of the soldier's family would be in attendance, despite the majority of the men not having anybody:
“Seems to be the case for these guys, they came back and didn’t have anybody.”

Lyn encourages everyone to come on down and celebrate the lives of the soldiers who were for a long time forgotten about.

She also mentioned, how she would love if students and younger generations would come along, as they are the future of projects like this.

When asked why it is important for people to go and support the soldiers on the day, Lyn said the day is:

“To remember them in the future, so they are not lost and forgotten."

"We want them remembered. This will make them visible to their community."

What: Graveside Dedication Service
When: 27th July 2024, 10:30AM
Where: Proserpine Old Cemetery

Edwin Packett, Served in the Boer War & WW1
George Usher Served at Gallipoli and the Western Front in WW1 and Served Proserpine During WW2, with the Volunteer Defence Force

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GBRF Program 2024

July 11, 2024

All Weekend Activities
   • Window Dressing Competition by Mackay & Whitsunday Life Newspaper
   • Carnival Rides
   • Whitsunday Foodservice Eat Street
   • Immerse Art Installation
   • Art Exhibition at Whitsunday Sailing Club
   • Junior Art Exhibition at Brigitte Peel Art Studio
Thursday 1st August
   • 6:00pm Reef Trivia at Coral Sea Marina Resort
Friday 2nd August  
   • 8:00am Reef Experience with Cruise Whitsundays
   • 5:30pm Camira Twilight & Fireworks Cruise
   • 5:30pm Whitsunday Foodservice Night Markets & Eat Street
   • 6:00pm Coral Sea Marina Lantern Parade
   • 6:00pm Beats on the Beach featuring DJ Charly Templar & Conrad Sewell
   • 6:00pm Taste of Treason cocktail party at Sailing Club Point
   • 6:30pm Welcome to Country and traditional song & dance
   • 6:50pm Finding Dory Movie Screening
   • 8:30pm Sebel Whitsundays Fireworks
Saturday 3rd August  
   • 10:00am Main Street Fun!
   • 10:00am ENZED Whitsundays Revvin’ the Reef & Pin-up Comp
   • 3:00pm Wilmar Sugar Wearable Arts Parade
   • 4:00pm Coral Coast Fire Magic Mile
   • 5:00pm Rotary Street Parade
   • 6:00pm Airlie Events Beats on the Beach featuring Matty Rogers Band & Perry Street Park
Sunday 4th August
   • 10:00am Whitsunday Escape Recyclable Regatta
   • 10:00am Ark Energy Family Fun Day
   • 2:00pm Chill in the Park live entertainment featuring Matty Rogers

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Longlist Announced For Writers Award

July 11, 2024

Whitsundays Writers Festival has just announced the longlist for its inaugural Best Unpublished Manuscript Award which has been launched in honour of the original Festival Founder, Gloria Burley.

Returning for the first time since 2017, the much-anticipated 2024 Whitsundays Writers Festival is bringing it with a host of new events offering an exciting opportunity for writers, poets, and book cover designers across Australia.

In a bold initiative, the Festival launched earlier this year the Whitsundays Literary Heart Awards, offering substantial cash prizes to recognise and honour outstanding contributions to the literary and design landscape.

The Heart Awards’ mission is to spotlight the diverse talents within the Australian creative community while also paying homage to the captivating Heart Reef—a natural wonder found in the Whitsundays region.

Festival President Karen Jacobsen expressed enthusiasm for the awards program, “Beyond assembling some of Australia’s celebrated authors in Airlie Beach, our Festival will also celebrate and champion homegrown writing and design talent. The Heart Awards epitomise our commitment to nurturing creativity and honouring the legacy of festival founder Gloria Burley.”

Gloria was the driving force in the establishment of the Whitsunday Writers Festival, which ran 2010-17. She penned two books titled A Rolling Stone Gathers No Husbands, chronicled many of her travels, with Gloria visiting more than 100 different countries during her life, and Blood & Guts that sums up her exploits as a nurse in regional Australia. Gloria passed away from cancer in 2018.  

The award for Best Unpublished Manuscript is named in Gloria’s honour, offering $2,500 for first prize and $1,000 for the runner up for the best original and unpublished creative fiction works. The award sought submissions from around Australia of 12,000 words of completed unpublished stories.

The following submissions have been selected:

   • Compass: Losing Him, Jessica Ellen Pryor (NSW) drama/romance.
   • Condemnation to Beasts, Noah Bennett (Vic), crime/thriller, romance.
   • Constant Companions, Tara East (Qld), drama.
   • Island Wolf, Rachel Armstrong (Qld), fantasy/sci-fi, romance.
   • Italian by Default, Margaret Walker (NSW), drama.
   • Rescue Remedy, Jane Carrick (NSW), crime/thriller.
   • Rose and Graham, Lesley Boland (Qld), drama.
   • Starts with C, Garry R McDougall (NSW), crime/thriller, historical.
   • Strange Affliction, Greg Woodland (NSW), horror, romance.
   • The Christmas Cult, Catherine Owen (NSW), comedy-drama.  
   • The Longest August, J.C. Burke (NSW), crime/thriller.  
   • The Murder Tree, Greg Woodland (NSW), crime/thriller.
   • The Paris Artists, Kellie Cox (Qld), romance.
   • UnCommon Thread, Meg Dunley (Vic), historical.  

The judging panel has diligently reviewed blind submissions (all author information removed) against five selection criteria of originality and creativity, plot and storytelling, character development, setting and atmosphere, dialogue and voice, and emotional impact.

The longlist submissions are currently under further consideration. From the longlist, a final shortlist will be selected from which winners will emerge and be announced on Saturday 7 September 2024.

For Festival program highlights and confirmed speaker line-up visit our website: www.whitsundayswriters.com

The Whitsundays Writers Festival Best Unpublished Manuscript Award honours the legacy of festival founder Gloria Burley. Photo supplied

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July 4, 2024

A group of local students have made a big difference in the lives of hundreds of young Fijian children who this week received specially created school packs containing books, pens and other educational resources they would not normally have access to.

Year 12 student and School Captain Hazel Farrell visited Fiji in person and hand-delivered the packages which had been compiled by her school friends at St Catherine’s Catholic College and partnering school, St Mary’s Catholic School in Bowen through the Catherine McAuley Society.

The group of St Catherine’s Catholic College students compiled school packs to give to Fijian students. Photo supplied

Fijian Smiles!
School Children Receive Educational Packs

Hand-delivering the lovingly created school packs to hundreds of Fijian school children was a big moment for Whitsunday local, Hazel Farrell, who had been working with her school friends on a sustainability project that was set to provide a meaningful impact to the whole community.

Visiting the remote Fijian school during one of her regular trips having been visiting the region since she was a young child, Hazel had the honour of delivering these school packs on behalf of her fellow students who she had been working on the project with. Part of a Catherine McAuley Society initiative, the students had elected to compile the handy school packs as part of the sustainability project lead by Elenore Balldock and initiated by much-loved teacher Ms Shantae Ryle.

The intention of the packs was to provide young Fijian school children with resources their families would not usually be able to afford. This in-turn would ease the financial stresses of living within the communities and enable people to lead more sustainable lives. Without needing to follow such practices as over-fishing the reef just so they could afford ‘luxuries’ such as school books.

Over 140 primary school age children were the lucky recipients of the lovingly compiled school packs and Hazel said the response she received when handing them over made her heart melt.

“It was absolutely unreal!” she expressed.  

“They were so excited and couldn’t wait to see what was in the bags! They all wanted to hold my hand and we spent time reading some of the books with them, it was a truly magical experience and one I will remember my whole life.”

The project began back in Proserpine and Bowen with a team of dedicated students selling the little packs to school friends from $5 - $15. Each student was then encouraged to write a little note to go inside their pack to connect with a fellow Fijian school student who would then receive, not only the pack, but also a new pen pal. Hazel and her friends raised over $1000 for the project and purchased excess luggage to transport the precious parcels to Fiji.

Located in the Yasawa Island Group off the Western coast off Viti Levu in Fiji, The Naviti District School is on Naviti Island, and the children come from four surrounding island villages – Muaria, Kese, Marou and Malevu – often travelling up to one and a half hours to get to school each day. They have a very basic standard of living with frequent power outages and are often at the mercy to weather systems such as cyclones, flooding and drought. Families rely heavily on the reef which can often become over-fished, and they have to manage sewerage in the communities to prevent harmful run-off reaching the reef systems.

For the past 20 years, Airlie Beach based company Reef Safari Diving, has been
been working in the Yasawa area in association with two tourist resorts; Barefoot Kuata and Barefoot Manta. The businesses have a strong commitment to reef conservation and community welfare, always looking for opportunities to help and give back.

Rob MacFarlane is the Head Marine Biologist at Reef Safari and has resided in Fiji for the past seven years. During this time, he has been collaborating regularly with the local school, each week he offers free swimming lessons to the students, teaches them about coral planting and orchestrates beach clean-ups. These initiatives offer the school children practical skills and education about conserving their precious natural environment for generations to come.

Rob delivered the school packs with Hazel and said he was blown-away by the incredible efforts the Whitsunday students had gone to.

“What Hazel and the rest of the students have done is absolutely amazing!” he said.

“It was a huge effort, and it was incredibly exciting to see how well it was received. We look forward to this being part of a much bigger partnership and want to continue on this trajectory.”

Hazel is also eager to continue this connection and looks forward to bringing more supplies back to the communities again in September. She encourages anyone in the community to get involved by donating items or money to assist with the project. All donations will go directly to benefit the Fijian communities in the form of stationary, exercise books and ‘readers’. The Whitsunday students are also currently raising money for a microscope and slides.

If you would like to get involved please email Julia Farrell from Reef Safari on info@reefsafari.com

Hazel Farrell delivering the school packs to the young children in Fiji
Happy faces
The ‘school bus’ – a small boat that transports the children up to an hour and a half to school each day
Hazel said handing out the packs was a magical experience

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July 4, 2024

Three women have died and several other people are in a serious condition following a devastating head-on collision between a Greyhound Bus and a four-wheel drive vehicle towing a caravan.
At approximately 11am on Sunday, a Greyhound bus carrying 33 passengers collided with a four-wheel drive that was towing a caravan, on the Bruce Highway, eight kilometres north of Gumlu.
Three women have been confirmed dead at the scene, including 56-year-old Grandma who is believed to have been travelling to Townsville with her daughter and four grandchildren.
On Tuesday Townsville Hospital and Health Service confirmed that  four men remained in hospital. The two severely injured males, aged 23 and 22 were airlifted to hospital and remain in critical condition. The two other males, aged 27 and 51 are both stable. Three other passengers were discharged on Sunday.
An RACQ CQ Rescue spokesperson stated, “the first patient was flown from the accident at Gumlu to Ayr Hospital. The second was flown from the scene directly to Townsville hospital in a critical condition.”
A spokesperson from Queensland Police Services stated, that there is currently no speculation surrounding the incident, and no blame being attributed to date. Multiple crews from Townsville and Mackay as well as local officers attended the scene alongside QAS ambulance, RACQ CQ rescue services and Queensland Fire and Rescue Services.
Graeme Paine, Queensland Police Superintendent, mentioned that the bus was travelling north and the car was traveling south, with all fatalities and injuries occurring among the passengers on the bus.
Superintendent Paine, described the crash as “very, very confronting.”

“A very significant impact, and very significant consequences,” he added.

The Bruce Highway re-opened that evening around midnight, after being closed for 13 hours, from 11am Sunday when the crash took place.
The vehicles, crashed near the Queensland Rail’s North Coast rail line between Bobawaba and Gumlu, with the bus partially on the tracks, impacting the rail corridor. Queensland Rail has confirmed that the rail line reopened on Monday.

“Queensland Rail crews arrived onsite this morning and completed necessary repair works, including sleeper replacements and track realignment.”

Six fire trucks attended the scene and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, confirmed that whilst there was no fire present at the scene, there were, “several entrapments,” with individuals having to be rescued from the bus.

From 1 January 2023 to 31 May 2024, there have been 287 road fatalities in Queensland alone and in Australia totally, 1,301 fatalities. The Queensland Police Service urges individuals to remember the Fatal Five driving rules when on the roads: speeding, drink driving, failing to wear seatbelts and driving while tired or distracted. All of the Fatal Five driving rules are major contributors to lives lost on our roads and are all avoidable.

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Editors Note

July 4, 2024

Hi Everyone,
It’s great to be back after a week holidaying in Mission Beach!
We had a fabulous time despite the rain and really enjoyed bringing our giant Border Collie, Finn, along for his first family holiday.
Spending a concentrated amount of time with the kids opened my eyes to a few things – firstly – the incredible amount of energy they have and their desire to keep going non-stop all day – how do they do it?
I am definitely at the stage in my life where real joy is found in watching them play, rather than participating - although I do get involved as much as possible with their endless games of ‘pop-up tiggy’.
The second thing I realised is – jeeze – kids grow up fast! Blink and you will miss it – literally!
Watching them all walk along bush tracks, race along beaches and jump into the (freezing cold) swimming pool was very special and a reminder of how quickly they are growing – now aged 12, 9 and seven.
I look forward to savouring more of these precious family moments before they all become grumpy teenagers and only want lifts to see friends rather than spend time with us!
Anyway, it’s great to be back in the office this week as we embark on a full-scale double deadline for Core Life Magazine.
Once again, the team, here in the office, in Mackay and the Burdekin are doing an absolutely incredible job of juggling a million things at once and pushing forward with all their might to reach the finish line.
By the time you read this on Friday, we will hopefully have gone to print with Core Life Magazine and quite possibly be enjoying a well-earned drink!
Quote of the Week: “Be water my friend” (Bruce Lee).

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Tourism For All!

July 4, 2024

Happy faces and big smiles were the order of the day for a group of Endeavour Foundation clients who were invited to a fantastic day on the water with Red Cat Adventures.
The lucky individuals enjoyed a range of activities catered specifically for their skill levels and abilities, with all the crew onboard dedicating themselves to the comfort and enjoyment of their guests.  
Support Carer Ricki Conn said that everyone had a special time and created memories they will cherish forever.
“The staff went above and beyond any expectations I had,” she expressed.
“Everybody felt included and had many opportunities to try new things. The real highlight was when they got to jump on the back of a jet ski with one of the guides.”
With key enhancements like a wheelchair-friendly vessel, accessible information, a dedicated accessibility webpage, marked accessible tours, and trained staff, Red Cat Adventures is ensuring that everyone can enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Great Barrier Reef and Whitsunday Islands without barriers.
Inclusivity at its finest!

The group from Endeavour Foundation had an incredible time out on the water. Photo credit: Marianna Photography

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Rainbows And Friendship At The 2024 B Kinder Day Celebrations

July 4, 2024

B Kinder Day took place across Australia on the 22nd June, with local schools and businesses across the region participating in events over the last few weeks.
B Kinder Day celebrates the life of 12-year-old Billie Kinder, who tragically lost her life in a horse-riding incident in May 2016. Billie is known as an extraordinary girl who had the gift of giving.
Billie’s legacy has become one of kindness. Billies mum and CEO and Founder of B Kinder, Danny Mason-Kinder, created the foundation and B Kinder Day to empower and inspire others, spread kindness and combat bullying within schools.
This year, every school in the Whitsundays celebrated B Kinder day, with the recent additions of Proserpine Kindergarten, Proserpine High School and now Proserpine Primary School.
The Lions Club got involved again this year, providing B Kinder cards for Cannonvale State school, for the children to write messages of kindness:
Some of the businesses and groups that got involved were Fat Frog Cafe, Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network, Proserpine Vet, Subway (who provided cookies for the Under 8’s day in Bowen), Milwaukee, BIG4 Adventure Whitsundays and Tennis Whitsunday.
When speaking about Tennis Whitsundays, Danny mentioned how it was “fantastic to have a sporting club” involved this year.
Danny also mentioned all the individuals who celebrated the day personally:
“We have a lot of friends up there, so I know a lot of people did it personally.”
B Kinder Ambassador, Tessa Jolley, visited Proserpine High School, where Danny said Tessa had a “really good talk with them.”
Danny said it was hard to pick a highlight from the year as, “the level of engagement every year gets better and better.”
“I think it's become something that's really embedded in the calendar now every year, and the schools look forward to it, it's a really nice day for the kids to engage and connect with each other, and it's just a really lovely, positive day.”
Individuals in the schools and businesses have started dressing up in rainbow colours and being creative with the photos they take:
“This year it's become a little bit of a thing that all the kids dress up in different colours in their classes and then they make human rainbows.”
Some of the community has been using drones to take their pictures while others have positioned themselves to write the “words B Kind or made human rainbow colours,” Danny enthused.
Danny wanted to thank everyone who got involved this year:
“The support of B Kinder and Billie’s legacy, is huge, especially in her home town, it means so much to us that everyone still thinks of Billie and keeps getting involved, it's amazing”

B Kinder Day at Fat Frog Café over the weekend
B Kinder Ambassador, Tessa Jolley, visited Proserpine High School
Children get involved at Tennis Whitsundays
B Kinder Day at BIG4 Adventure Whitsundays
Prossie High love getting involved with B Kinder Day each year

Photos supplied

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Tourism Operators Participate In Healthy Heart Program

July 4, 2024

An impressive 49 local tourism operators have taken part in the Whitsunday Healthy Heart Project (WHHP) and committed to measuring their operational carbon footprint, gaining an understanding of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions sources, and adopting a plan to reduce emissions where possible.
A major source of emissions from the tourism sector is via the consumption of electrical power, and as of May 2024, almost 50% of all emissions measured in the tourism sector are from electricity.
Tourism businesses have been investigating practical ways to reduce their electricity consumption or offset their emissions and one of the simplest ways is via the purchase of clean renewable energy certificates.
While many tourism businesses would like to use an onsite clean energy solution, such as solar to reduce their emissions, the capital upfront cost, limited capacity to satisfy required power needs and the difficulty of installing solar systems on leased properties make the potential of purchasing clean renewable energy an attractive proposition.
Climate Change Resilience Officer Lee Hawkins, “Choosing to invest in renewable energy provides several benefits to tourism businesses including supporting Australian renewables, reducing operational emissions, and increasing their green ratings.”
In the Whitsundays, clean and renewable energy certificates can be purchased from Ergon Energy. The purchase of the certificates enables funds to be directed towards renewable energy projects located all over regional Queensland.
Tourism businesses that subscribe to purchase 10% or more of clean energy, may also be entitled to tell their customers that they are doing their bit to reduce GHG emissions by displaying the GreenPower logo on company signage and marketing material.
To purchase clean energy certificates only takes a few minutes and you can cancel at any time without penalty- simply contact the Ergon Clean Energy team on 1300 135 210

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July 4, 2024

From the 7-14th July, the Whitsundays will be full of festivities to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The week of fun includes the Welcome to Whales Festival inclusive of a traditional formal welcoming to the whales by the traditional owners. Also included in the itinerary is a flag-raising ceremony and march that will take place on Monday in both Bowen and Proserpine.
Festivities will conclude with a NAIDOC family fun day in Bowen, which is set to be a day of celebrations with food, music, art, traditional dance, games, recognition of local indigenous leaders and achievers, arts and crafts, face painting and market stalls.
In addition to the week of events organised by NAIDOC, the Whitsunday Regional Libraries are also hosting NAIDOC week activities.
In Bowen library you can pick up your free bracelet activity pack from Monday 8 July to Saturday 13 July. They encourage you to take one home and enjoy a fun activity connecting with nature.
Collinsville, Proserpine and Cannonvale libraries are all hosting NAIDOC story times. Collinsville Library is hosting theirs on Wednesday 10 July at 9:30 am, Proserpine on Tuesday 9 July at 10:30 am and Cannonvale on Thursday 11 July at 10:30 am. Proserpine library is also putting on a ‘Little Library Play,’ as part of their story time.
Head along to any of the events to celebrate with NAIDOC and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is set to be a fantastic, enlightening week of activities.

WHEN: 7-14 July

NAIDOC Week celebrations at St Catherine’s Catholic College last year. Photo credit: Mackay and Whitsunday Life Newspaper

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Have A Coffee With A Cop

July 4, 2024

Last week the annual Coffee with a Cop event was held in Cannonvale. The event takes place to encourage the community to talk to local police officers and share a coffee with them. The officers encourage locals to come and speak about any police matters or even just general day to day issues they may have.
The police were giving out free vouchers for the community to grab a coffee from a selection of vendors at the plaza. The coffees were sponsored by the plaza management. The event ran from 10am to 12pm and Sergeant Billy Li mentioned by 11:30am they had already given out 100 coffee vouchers.
“We started at 10 o'clock and it finishes at midday. So, we've been talking to a lot of people,” Billy stated.
There were eight police officers available to talk to at the event, and also some members from Police-Citizens Youth Clubs (PCYC) an award-winning charity providing youth and community programs, services and facilities.
Billy wanted to also mention PCYC, and promote the programs they currently have with them. Including ‘Braking the Cycle,’ a volunteer driver mentor program designed to support learner drivers without access to a supervisor or registered vehicles to complete their logbook hours. The aim of the program is to provide young people with increased employment opportunities, community connection and driver education.
Lots of people gathered at the stalls to speak with officers while having a cup of coffee, and taking pictures of the police cars they had on display.

Local Police Officers were ready to have a coffee with the public at a special event held in Cannonvale this week. Photo supplied

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Gala Event Raises Funds For Tucker Box Program

July 4, 2024

The Bowen Community Centre is thrilled to announce the overwhelming success of its very first Gala, an event inspired by the urgent need for funding to sustain the Tucker Box Shop and Tucker Box Kitchen programs.

These vital services feed approximately 2,000 singles and families annually without any government support or fees and they are essential to the Bowen community.

The idea for the Gala was sparked by the Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre's release of their Investment Guide, which highlighted innovative fundraising strategies.

This motivated the Bowen Community Centre to not only raise funds but also secure pledges from local businesses for the next four years, ensuring the sustainability and growth of these crucial programs.

The event surpassed all expectations, raising significantly more than their initial goal.

The generosity and support from the community was truly remarkable and demonstrated a shared commitment to helping those in need.

With this success, the Gala is set to become a biannual fixture, further solidifying its role in supporting the community.

Bowen Community Centre would like to extend their deepest gratitude to North Queensland Bulk Ports for their sponsorship and for sharing their vision, making this night not only successful but now a regular occurrence.

Their support has been invaluable in ensuring the continued operation of the Tucker Box Shop and Kitchen.

Mayor Ry Collins with his wife Melanie
Greg Pollard, Mark Steen, Stephanie Cora and Anne Steen, Sue Shearing, Jill Brabon, Star Lowry, Lauren Miller, and Councillor John Finlay who was the Emcee for the night.

Photos supplied

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Save The Date! For Whitsundays Chamber Business Events In August

July 4, 2024

Mark your diaries for Whitsundays Chamber of Commerce and Industry business events for August.
Connecting businesses and job seekers

10am-12:30pm Thursday 1 August, TAFE Whitsunday Campus, Cannonvale
Held in conjunction with the Chamber, TAFE Queensland, and the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business, and Training this free event will showcase workforce and training programs and services available to local businesses, school leavers, and job seekers.
Pop Up Chamber with Porters Mitre 10
9am-11am Thursday 8 August, 2 Carlo Drive, Cannonvale
Drop in and share morning smoko BBQ, coffee, giveaways, and more at this Pop Up Chamber co-hosted with Porters Mitre 10. This is an informal gathering of business owners and the Chamber and Porters Mitre 10 team where you can drop in, learn more about businesses in the region, get up-to-date on Chamber developments.
Pop Up Chamber is a free event for all.
Vision for the Whitsundays key findings launch
7:30am-9am Thursday 15 August, TAFE Whitsunday Campus, Cannonvale
Last year the Chamber engaged the region’s trades, small business, commerce and industry to articulate an economic vision for the Whitsundays that is shaped ‘for business, by business’.
Join the Chamber for the release of their Vision for the Whitsundays project, where key insights and recommendations for our economic future will be discussed.
Registrations open soon. Visit the Chamber’s website for more information: www.whitsundaycoastchamber.com.au

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A Minute With The Mayor Ry Collins

July 4, 2024

As we navigate through the complexities of a post-COVID-19 world, the importance of domestic tourism to our region cannot be overstated.

With the latest figures indicating that domestic tourism numbers are experiencing a slowdown nationally, it is even more crucial that the Council owned and operated Whitsunday Coast Airport (WCA) remains a crucial gateway for driving tourism into our beautiful region.

Under the guidance of our Director of Commercial Businesses, Craig Turner, Whitsunday Coast Airport (WCA) has been instrumental in delivering record numbers of visitors to the Whitsundays providing key connectivity and access to our world-renowned destinations.

It is exciting that the growth has been consistent over a number of years since 2021 where 280,000 passengers passed through the terminal to a record 477,490 in 22/23 and we are tipped to crack the magic 500,000 barrier for 23/24.

The strategic importance of a high functioning airport cannot be overstated, as it not only supports the tourism industry but also boosts our local economy and creates jobs for our community.

The Whitsunday Coast Airport's role extends beyond just tourism. It is a vital link for business travel and freight, ensuring that our region remains connected and competitive.
WCA opened its Freight Distribution Centre in April 2023, and the volume of freight has grown significantly as other airlines commenced freight up lift.

Freight includes live seafood and produce, pets and animals, unaccompanied baggage, valuable possessions or custom cargo, and everything in between!

The airport's ongoing expansion and upgrade plans are set to further enhance its capacity and facilities, positioning it as a leading regional airport in Australia.

Whitsunday Regional Council recently conducted community consultation to seek input to update the WCA Masterplan from 2015 to support the development and expansion of the airport following significant growth in passenger numbers and aircraft traffic.

This updated masterplan is now complete, has been quantity surveyed for costings and is now a shovel ready project which I will be advocating for at Federal and State Government levels.

The last terminal upgrade was completed in 2019 and was designed to cater for a decade of growth but such has been the rapid growth of passenger numbers the terminal has hit capacity in less than 5 years.

Our focus as a Council must be on leveraging the strengths of the Whitsunday Coast Airport to attract more visitors. The WCA team have been proactive in this regard leveraging their partnership with Bishopp Advertising to deliver strategically placed billboards promoting flights to region in key CBD locations in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba giving our airport exposure to domestic and international tourists.

The airport's commitment to excellence in service and its strategic importance as a transportation hub are key drivers in maintaining the airport's operations and ensuring that our region remains accessible and attractive to visitors.

A big pat on the back to Craig and his dedicated team at Whitsunday Coast Airport for their hard work and commitment.

As we look to the future, it is vital that we continue to support and invest in the Whitsunday Coast Airport. Together, we can ensure that our region remains a top destination for domestic and international tourists alike, driving economic growth and prosperity for our Whitsunday region.

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East Coast Roadshow  For Tourism Whitsundays

July 4, 2024

Last week Industry Development & Trade Manager of Tourism Whitsundays Cait Fleming, travelled all around the East Coast of Australia and Adelaide to educate retail travel agents and product managers all about what the Whitsundays has to offer.

She had the privilege of travelling all over the East Coast and Adelaide with 17 other Whitsundays operators.

“We were on the road to educate retail travel agents and product managers on the variety of experiences and accommodation on offer in The Whitsundays,” she explained.

“As a collective we visited Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane in four days, speaking to nearly 300 agents and product managers in each location.  
“At every event, it was great to see agents we've worked with extensively as a region and new agents who have never been to The Whitsundays.  
“As a region, it's essential for us to do these trade engagement activities both in Australia and overseas to ensure agents stay familiar with The Whitsundays, keeping us as a prime destination in people's minds when planning their holidays.”
If you are interested in working with Trade, please reach out to me on cait.fleming@tourismwhitsundays.com.au - I want to help you grow your business and help to promote your products to a wider audience. 
Contributed by Cait Fleming, Industry Development & Trade Manager  

17 Whitsundays operators participated in the East Coast Trade Show and spoke to 300 agents in four days. Photo supplied

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Thank You To Community Volunteers From Bendigo Community Bank Cannonvale-Proserpine

July 4, 2024

When you choose to bank with Bendigo Community Bank Cannonvale-Proserpine good things happen in our community.
Over the past eight years, the locally owned and operated Bendigo Community Bank has supported a range of regional not-for-profit organisation activities by investing just over $201,500.
This year alone, the Branch has provided nominal sponsorship funds to sporting clubs, community groups, and regional events. Most weekends, Whitsunday locals will also see the Branch’s fully equipped BBQ Community Trailer out and about.
“Our ability to invest back into the community that supports us is based on our unique Bendigo Community Bank ‘profit-with-a-purpose’ model. A percentage of profit generated by our branch goes back into the Whitsundays community. The more the community banks with us, the greater the investment back can become” said Community Bank Cannonvale-Proserpine Chairman Mark Henry.
The Branch recognises and celebrates our volunteers, the lifeblood of our local sporting clubs, community and not-for-profit groups, arts and culture scene.
“Volunteers are the driving force of our community. Often unsung heroes, putting in the hours and freely giving their expertise so the rest of us can engage and enjoy the activities and programs they provide.  We acknowledge their passion and commitment and encourage everyone to consider volunteering – there are so many opportunities available to get involved, find a meaningful role, and make a difference,” said Mark.
Bendigo Community Bank Cannonvale-Proserpine are proud sponsor a number of up-and-coming events and look forward to seeing everyone there:
   • Airlie Beach Triathlon (27 & 28 July, Coral Sea Marina).
   • The Great Barrier Reef Festival (1-4 August, Airlie Beach).
   • The Great Barrier Reef Festival Arts Exhibition, curated by Creative Connections. The Branch has sponsored the People’s Choice Award (1-5 August, Whitsunday Sailing Club).
   • Whitsunday Writers Festival and their closing event, the Local Author Long Lunch (6-8 September).
   • Paul Bowman Challenge junior rugby league non-competitive under 9’s carnival involving 70 teams (14-15 September).
   • Australian Senior Dirt Track Championships, organised by Whitsunday Dirt Riders (5-6 October).
Applications for sponsorship and the Community Trailer are now open. Sponsorship funds are limited, and the application process is competitive with clear criteria. Email the Branch’s Board Secretariat on secretary@whitsundaycel.com.au for more information.

Caption: The Show Whitsunday exhibit. Photo supplied

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Security For Everyone With Lightning Comms

July 4, 2024

Lightning Comms is a cutting-edge security service for your home or business. Opening in 2014 the business specialises in telecommunications and security; providing security solutions that are efficient and affordable for everyone.
Speaking to Sarah Watson, owner, and operator of Lightning Comms, she says, “We offer specialist advice and stand by the products we know and trust.”
Sarah added that a lot of the security you can buy in stores you need to install yourself and do not always come with the after-sales service. Lightning Comms are fully insured and licenced to advise and install security systems & offer alarm monitoring on alarm systems.
So, while the business usually deals with commercial customers, Sarah said they often also get a lot of residential jobs, and they are always happy to help.
Sarah mentioned a few big projects they have been working on consisting of state schoolwork from Proserpine, Bowen, and Moranbah to large projects in Mackay, which they are doing alongside their normal service work and island work.
Sarah stated that they offer a couple of different products, depending on the client's needs.
“People like the idea of cameras, but an alarm system might suit their requirements better, and we can advise them towards the best option to suit their needs.”
“Sometimes an alarm is better because as soon as someone enters a property, the alarm goes off and it scares them off. Whereas, when you have cameras, you are not always alerted at the time that someone is in your residence or business and then you find yourself reviewing footage when it is too late.”
Lightning Comms has a security solution for everyone and can provide in-depth and widespread knowledge to suit your security needs.

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‘Speed Networking’ Business Breakfasts A Huge Success

July 4, 2024

Members of the Whitsunday business community have now taken part in a second ‘Speed Networking’ Business Breakfast following the success of the inaugural event which was held in Cannonvale last month.

A free networking opportunity open to anyone in the community, the event was organised by Kath Barker from Compass Realty who has been in the Whitsundays for two years and recently started her new business.

She said that working alone or being in business can be quite lonely, so she has started a ‘Speed Networking’ event to help business people in the community meet each other.

Kath said she aims to help create a community of business owners.

“What I’m trying to do is create a community of local business owners, so that we can support, encourage each other in business and help when times are tough - we can support each other through that and also celebrate the wins that we have in business,” said Kath.

“It's tough being in business, it's really quite lonely, so what I wanted to do was create community environments so that we can all support each other.

“We talked about our own businesses and what we're looking for, our target markets so that we can help promote each other's businesses.”

Local business owners, Berny O’Connor, Ildi Eadie and Deanna McKeowen thoroughly enjoyed the first networking breakfast, describing it as “Brilliant” and “It was easy going, no pressure and you felt comfortable.”

Kath welcomes all small business to attend and join the community with their focus being to help and support each other.

Kath Barker organises free ‘Speed Dating’ Business Breakfasts and everyone is welcome! Photo credit: Daniel Heggie

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Deep Clean This Winter With Protect and Sanitise

July 4, 2024

Whitsunday winters are usually clear and dry, this is the perfect weather to get your carpet, lounge suite, mattress and rug steam cleaned with Protect and Sanitise.  

While most people think that hot and humid summer months are the best for cleaning their carpets, cleaning them in the wintertime, in the cooler climate, allows you to open your windows letting fresh air in. The drier, cooler air will dry your soft furnishings faster. The faster your furniture and carpets dry, the less likely they are to get mould and mildew. Therefore, the current climate is ideal for drying soft furnishings, and specialists Protect and Sanitise have you covered.

Purchasing the business in 2013, owners Jess and Mike Hope have been running the company for a decade and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. The pair pride themselves in the fact they are a small, locally owned business who give back to the community, offering personable customer service.

“Our staff and clients are like family,” Jess emphasised.

Protect and Sanitise’s largest client base is their residential customers. This includes people looking to have a spring clean and tenants vacating their rental property. Jess also added that they also service a lot of resorts and commercial properties in the area.

“It's a great time to spring clean your carpets and soft furnishings,” Jess confirmed.

Protect and Sanitise use the hot water extraction method of cleaning, which is the deepest carpet and upholstery clean available in the industry. Their staff are highly trained and educated. Jess confirms that they have the “best equipment, chemicals and cleaning methods.”

Protect and Sanitise specialises in upholstery cleaning, and in the current winter months urge you to take advantage and get your house cleaned ready for spring.

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Cool La La: Wok This Way To Flavour Paradise!

July 4, 2024

Cool La La, located in the heart of Airlie Beach, serves mouthwatering Asian Modern Cuisine and drinks, alongside some classic cocktails.
The Asian inspired restaurant offers a delectable range of non-vegetarian, vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options and substitutes, and is open six days a week (Tuesday to Sunday) from 5:30pm – 8:30pm.
Abbi Gatdula, the owner of Cool La La, bought the business six years ago from a couple in the Whitsundays who have now left the area. Growing up in the Philippines Abbi mentioned how owning a restaurant there influenced her decision to open Cool La La. Abbi enthused how she loves being able to “interact with people”. The restaurant celebrated its 6 years last week.
When asked what her favourite part of owning a restaurant was Abbi told us it was getting to know all the locals in the area.
“The locals and the social aspect, I like connecting with them”.
The restaurant also serves an array of cocktails, mocktails, wine, beer and soft drinks. Abbi highlighted the fantastic offer they have on their Espresso Martinis. The martinis are available to buy at the restaurant for a sensational $10.
“We have the cheapest espresso martinis in town,” Abbi expressed.
Abbi wanted everyone to know that Cool La La is open and encourages everyone to come and get a taste of the Asian cuisine that the restaurant has on offer.
“We’re indoors and we’re open”.

What is your favourite dish on the menu?
The Sweet and Sour Chicken and Sacha Sauce Pork Fried Rice. Especially for people who are who haven't been there before or are a first timer I always recommend them.

What are the most ordered dishes on the menu?
Pad Thai, Beef Cheeks, Green Curry or Garlic Butter prawns are customers most ordered dishes.

Abbi Gatdula, the owner of Cool La La. Photo supplied

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Meet Santi Lera Food and Beverage Manager At Coral Sea Resort

July 4, 2024

Santi Lera is from Argentina and was drawn to the country because he fell in love with the Australian lifestyle and also at the opportunity to improve his English.

He and his partner moved to Australia in 2018 and Santi jumped at the opportunity to work in one of the most beautiful resorts in the Whitsundays.

Having worked at restaurants in Argentina, Santi has brought a wealth of skills and experience to Airlie Beach.

In 2019 Santi came to Coral Sea Resort and worked in the then called Clipper Restaurant, he travelled down to the Gold Coast and returned to Airlie Beach in July 2020 at another restaurant.

In 2022 Santi returned to Coral Sea Resort into a supervisor role and has since been gaining promotions.

“Our main goal is the customer service for sure you know, customer service and the service we provide here as a restaurant.

“I want the people who come here to have a nice experience in the restaurant, and I want them to come back, everyone is welcome, whether they are a guest at the resort or if they are locals, I want to give them a good impression and give them a good experience.

“My favourite thing about hospitality is the relationship with the customer, I like to hear the feedback and all feedback is important to be able to grow as a team.”

Food and Beverage Manager at Coral Sea Resort Santi Lera, Photo credit: Daniel Heggie

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Meet The Head Chef At Whitsunday Sailing Club

July 4, 2024

Growing up on a farm in Brazil, Igor Mafra has worked his way up to becoming the Head Chef at Whitsunday Sailing Club.
Whilst on the farm, Igor grew up around animals, with his mother asking him to collect milk from the coral. During his childhood, he connected with his father in the kitchen and went on to open his first restaurant in Brazil alongside his brother.
Igor became a professional chef at 19 years old after graduating in Brazil and has 16 years of experience in the kitchen.
After deciding to seek new opportunities and wanting to grow personally and professionally, Igor decided to pack up his life and move to Australia in 2016.
Despite not speaking English when he arrived in Australia, Igor has worked in restaurants in Sydney, the Gold Coast and then Airlie Beach.
Aspiring to become an Executive Chef, Igor explains how he really enjoys working at the Sailing Club, where he has now worked for six months. Igor added that he really enjoys working with his five other colleagues in the kitchen.
“The people in general, the boss, the manager, the person coming to clean the floor, the customers coming in for beer, everyone!”
When asked what his favourite dish on the seafood-based menu was, Igor stated that it was the scallops, a dish he created back in his university days.
Whilst scallops are the Head Chef's favourite dish, diners at the restaurant often opt for the succulent pork belly. Igor highlights that the Sailing Club's menu stands out due to his Brazilian influence, offering unique dishes such as chicken hearts.
When away from the heat of the kitchen, Igor likes to warm up a different way, participating in many different sports, such as Jiu Jitsu, cycling, kite surfing, soccer and handball.
Don't drift past, head on down to the Whitsunday Sailing Club to try some of Igors delicious dishes.

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June 27, 2024

June is a month of merriment for St Catherine’s Catholic School Year 12 students who celebrated their School Formal on Thursday evening last week.

Friends gathered, parents with tears in their eyes looked on and school pride infused this special celebration to mark the nearing of the end of their school years and the beginning of adult life.

See the photo gallery at https://www.mackayandwhitsundaylife.com/social-pics/shimmering-dresses-and-stunning-sunsets-at-st-catherines-catholic-college

St Cath’s Year 12 students enjoyed their School Formal at the VMR last week. Photo credit: R Jean Photography

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Drop In With Daniel

June 27, 2024

Hi Everyone

While Rach is away on holiday this week, I’m filling in this part of the paper and thought I would introduce myself and let you know what I’ve been up to.

I’m Daniel and I’ve been in the Whitsundays for almost four months now and the time has flown by! I’m originally from England but my family and I moved to Adelaide when I was seven and I had been living there until I accepted the position here.

I’m absolutely loving my job at Whitsunday Life Newspaper and what a beautiful place to start my journalism career. Since moving here, I’ve attended multiple events and have got a feel for the region, I think I’ve settled in quite well and I enjoy it here. But my absolute favourite is getting out and interviewing people. I find producing stories and putting it into print extremely satisfying. I’m sure some of you have seen me out and about already but if not, do say hi, I’m always up for a chat.

When I’m not working, I’m trying to stay active, I get down to parkrun every Saturday and that’s always a great way to start the weekend. I also want to take advantage of the amazing tourism opportunities we have here in the Whitsundays, I went to Whitehaven with my mum and dad but there’s many more things to do.

Lastly, I’d like to introduce Ruth, Ruth is the new cadet journalist with us at Whitsunday Life. She’s got a load of experience and I’m looking forward to knowing her as well as working alongside her. Say hi to her if you see her out and you can read her story on page 10 of this week’s paper.


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Helpful Students Volunteer For Proserpine Show

June 27, 2024

The annual Proserpine show went ahead last Friday, and 13 helpful students from Proserpine State High School volunteered to help the Proserpine Lions Club in serving food at the show.
The Lions Club are a group of individuals who get involved with humanitarian efforts locally, nationally, and internationally.
The Proserpine Lions Club had members away due to illness and an annual conference, and the 13 fantastic students jumped in to help the 45 volunteers on the day. The students were offered the opportunity through their school, where it was displayed on the school’s noticeboard. The students were ages 14-18 and anyone at the school could apply.
Mia Vloedmans, one of the kind students who offered her time up on the Show Day, said unlike the other students she was contacted directly to participate in the volunteering. She also expressed her enjoyment of the day.
“It was a great experience working and giving back to the community”.
“I would definitely do it again”.
Mia also explained how she really enjoyed being around the big group of volunteers that day and that the Lions Club volunteers gave lots of helpful mentoring to them and were very supportive.
Mia continued, saying that the volunteer work was mainly done in three-hour shifts, saying that her shift ran from “12:30pm- 3:30pm”.
Mia encourages everyone to “get involved with the Lions Club” as they “do a lot for the community”.
Well done to all the 13 tremendous students who spent their Show Day volunteering and helping out the community.

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A Whaley Informative Evening

June 27, 2024

Did you know that the Whitsundays was officially designated as a Whale Heritage Area on 25 March 2024? On Wednesday 19th June, an excited group of individuals met up at the Whitsunday’s Sailing Club for a whale information night, hosted by Whales of the Whitsundays (WoW) a community group concerned about the health and future of cetaceans in our region.
WoW organised for special guest speakers from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to come and share their knowledge. The speakers updated guests about how to record sightings and identify trends in the citizen science program Eye on the Reef, alongside providing knowledge on the unique rules and regulations within the Whitsundays Whale Protection Area. The night also included fun facts and tips for education and interpretation during the whale season.
Crystal Lacey, manager of the Master Reef Guide Program, commented on how the event was “mainly targeted at the tourism industry”, including, “masters, frontline crew, local bodies” and anyone else who is “always out on the water”.
Crystal explained how the event was designed to inform attendees of what “the unique rules and regulations are within the Whitsundays”.
The regulations are “slightly different to everywhere else in the Great Barrier Reef,” she said.
Crystal also added how the information night would provide more of an understanding of Whales' characteristics as “humpbacks are quite aerobatic animals”.
Chair of the Whales of Whitsunday Steering Committee, Olivia Brodhurst, expressed her excitement towards “circling back with everybody since last year's event”.
“We don’t have a university or conferences, so we get experts to come down once a year and do this for us”.
“People get to hear straight from the horse’s mouth about all their eye on the reef data, and the science everyone contributes to all year round”, Olivia added.
Chris Jones, Eye on the Reef Program manager, expressed similar excitement towards the evening.
“Unlike 90% of citizen science projects that go to a person, a PHD project or a university, this is going to managing the reef, making decisions, the data goes to the decision makers”.
“The fact that all of it's been designed to be done by the community creates that beautiful connection, you are part of management, you're not standing aloof from it.” Chris continued.
The Whitsundays is recognised as a critically important mating and birthing ground for the Eastern Australian Humpback Whales, so information nights on these animals are vital to ensure everyone working around them are up to date with the rules and regulations for these fin-tastic animals.
The speakers at the Whales of the Whitsunday Information Night enthused over their newly launched website, which includes resources for anyone interested in furthering their knowledge: https://www.whalesofthewhitsundays.com

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New Pump Bike Track Officially Opens In Collinsville

June 27, 2024

There were plenty of thrills and a couple of spills as Collinsville residents celebrated the official opening of the town’s eagerly anticipated $300,000 ‘pump’ bike track.

Located in Darcy Munro Park, the Collinsville pump track is designed for bike, scooter riders and skateboarders to make their way over a thrilling series of rollers, jumps, and berms by generating momentum through up and down body movements, instead of pedalling or pushing.

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Ry Collins said the pump track was an exemplar of Council working with local businesses to provide investments that add to community vibrancy and a sense of belonging.

“As a Council we spend a lot of our time upgrading existing assets and legacy assets,” Mr Collins said.

“So, when we’ve got the opportunity to put something new into the community it’s really valued, and that’s shown by the turnout we’ve had for the official opening of stage one of Collinsville’s pump track.

Bowen Rail Company funded the pump track and General Manager Brendan Lane said it was terrific to see Collinsville’s young and young at heart embrace their new community asset with fearless enthusiasm.

“We’re deeply grateful for the incredible support we’ve received from Collinsville and the greater Whitsunday region as we’ve built our railway and grown from a startup to a thriving rail operator,” Mr Lane said.

“Better playground equipment and new and more diverse activities for older kids were two things that resonated loudly in the 2021 Collinsville Masterplan, and the Pump Track is a perfect fit.”

Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Ry Collins, Bowen Rail Company General Manager Brendan Lane and children at the Collinsville Pump Track, Photo supplied

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Welcome The Whales

June 27, 2024

Every year, in the winter months of June to October, whales – in particular, Humpback whales –migrate 10,000km from Antarctica to Tropical North Queensland and back. The Whitsundays is a birthing ground for the whales due to the warm and protected waters at the hub of the Great Barrier Reef.
Following the tremendous success of the inaugural event in 2023, and to stamp the beginning of whale season, The Whitsunday Regional Council and Yooribaya Cultural Experiences are hosting another NAIDOC whale welcome evening.
The event is sacred to Indigenous people, who hold a deep and cultural connection to the whales and are the Traditional Owners of The Whitsundays. The Traditional Owners kindly allow The Whitsundays community to participate in their formal welcoming of the whales and traditional practices.
The jam-packed evening will be full of cultural celebrations and community spirit. The evening will begin with a heartfelt welcome to Country, followed by a powerful Smoking Ceremony and mesmerising traditional dance and songs.
The event includes Ochre painting, the opportunity to taste authentic damper and also the chance to engage in a variety of free workshops and community artwork projects. There will also be a vibrant array of market stalls and food and drink vans to browse.
Later in the evening, there will be a movie screening of “Whale Nation”, followed by the beloved musical comedy-drama film “The Sapphires”.
Event organisers encourage all to join them in the traditional celebration. Head on down and welcome the whales with the community. The event has no entry fee’s.

What: Whales Welcome Night
When: 5th July 2024, 17:00pm
Where: Airlie Beach Foreshore

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Council Delivers Cost-of-Living Relief Budget

June 27, 2024

In light of the current challenging economic climate, on the 26th June, the Whitsunday Regional Council unveiled a cost-of-living budget focused on the community’s most critical needs.
Mayor Ry Collins said that the 2024-25 Council budget ensured the essential services that our community relied upon were maintained, while, also positioning the Whitsunday region for future growth and prosperity.
“The Council’s priority for this budget has been to maintain essential services, address legacy issues in our waste business and adequately plan for the future, while keeping rates as low as possible.” Mayor Collins added that they were presenting a 0% yield increase in general residential owner-occupied rates across the region.

“This measure is intended to dampen the impact of the huge variation in the new State Government valuations handed down this year”.

“Land valuations help determine your rates, so Council are appealing to the State Government for more clarity and certainty around the timings of these valuations to protect our ratepayers from significant spikes like we are experiencing in this budget.”

Mayor Collins continued, stating that some ratepayers will pay “less”, while others will pay “more”. He emphasises the importance for the council to not just think of short-term challenges but also remain financially sustainable long-term, however, councillors have worked hard to deliver a financially sustainable budget.

“The cost-of-living crisis has had a huge impact on the cost of running Council, and I’m very aware that it has also had a huge impact on residents and business owners.”

The mayor added that with the federal and more recent state budgets being handed down, it is apparent that cost shifting by higher tiers of government is seriously impacting the future sustainability of regional councils and their ability to deliver growth and services.

Since 2002, the financial impact of services, which have been shifted onto local councils over a 12-month period has risen from $47 million to $360 million.

The mayor met up with state opposition leader David Crisafulli last week, where he raised the impact of cost-shifting on their ability to deliver vital council services like roads, parks, gardens, swimming pools and libraries. He also stated that he is advocating to the premier and major parties to support local communities by undertaking a Parliamentary Inquiry into local government cost shifting.

Mayor Collins added that “Waste management has been a challenge with increasing compliance costs, so Council has had to increase waste service charges by six per cent to cover the costs of operations”.

Additional discussions included Water and Sewage utilities, which will also increase 8 per cent and 3 per cent respectively, to meet increasing service costs, support strategic network planning and deliver network upgrades.

Highlights of Council’s 2024/25 capital works program include Whitsunday Coast Airport treatment plant upgrade, resealing program to maintain rural roads, new solar at Bowen and Proserpine pools, sealing and lighting of Collinsville airstrip, Jubilee Pocket Road trunk water main and a major investment in waste infrastructure.

Mayor Collins said that himself and Councillors are committed to ensuring that Council’s financial decisions reflect the needs of the Whitsunday community. He continued that they must seek a reduction in costs and work smarter and grow their rate base and number of rateable properties, he added that new housing is “critical” to this.

“We will collaborate with and call on our state and federal governments, as well as private developers, to increase the availability and quantity of affordable housing in our region.”
Mayor Collins adds that they will use allocated funds for strategic projects to drive service, growth, innovation and create new community opportunities.
After the council meeting Mayor Collins added that, whilst the budget is something they can look at improving going forward, they also “need to have a broader view towards the future”, and how they can deliver their “services and infrastructure”.
“We've tried to really look at ways we can reduce expenditure in the organisation, yet, we still have to be able to deliver our services in their entirety”.
Visit the Whitsunday Regional Council website and Facebook page for a range of information and videos relating to the 2024-25 WRC budget.

Mayor Ry Collins holding the 2024-25 Council budget. Photo credit: Ruth Puddefoot

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Bowen Fire Station De-lighted to Reach 100 Years of Service

June 27, 2024

By Ruth Puddefoot

At the weekend Bowen Fire and Rescue Station reached a blazing milestone of 100 years of life saving service. To celebrate the occasion, the station held an open day which included memorabilia, kitchen fire demonstrations, food and coffee vans and fire trucks, including an original 1920’s Truck.
Senior Firefighter Ian Patchett and Firefighter Ricky Skipper organised the day, and Ian expressed that he was “really pleased with how it turned out”.
“We are really excited, I mean, we are only 100 once” Ian added.
“It is a really good opportunity to showcase what we’ve done over the last 100 years and we’ve obviously got our original 1920 Ford Truck”.
Ian furthered on this, claiming that it is a really good chance to “show the community where we’ve come from, as to where we are today”.
Firefighter Ricky Skipper, has been at Bowen Fire and Rescue Station for 10 years, and expressed how the station’s centenary is an “amazing” achievement.
“It's an achievement, not many fire stations in Queensland, that I am aware of, have that milestone”.
“The fact that we have their original truck and original paperwork, is really fantastic” Ricky enthused.
Also in attendance at the event was Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Wilcox, Mayor Ry Collins and Member for Burdekin Dale Last.
Andrew Wilcox encouraged all to come down and “get an appreciation for the vital service” that the ladies and gentlemen at the station provide.
Mayor Ry Collins presented the 100-year anniversary plaque to the fire station; the mayor praised the “amazing milestone”.
“We throw numbers around, but 100 years is really something quite significant”.
Mr Collins, reflected on his family history “my grandfather’s, grandfather was the MP for Bowen this time 100 years ago, it sort of makes you think back to your own past as well”.
The mayor added that he’s sure that this sentiment holds for others in the community and that they also may have descendants that have “been part of the history”.
Senior Firefighter Ian Patchett expressed the station’s excitement for the plaque and explained that they “also have the 75th plaque at the station”.
Newly appointed Zone commander for Mackay and the new Queensland fire dept, Sven Diga commented on how it’s his first time ever being at a station that is 100 years old.
“I've done the 50 years quite regularly, but to do a 100-year celebration is just quite amazing”.
The fire fighters all mentioned their appreciation for the community:
“We're here to support the community, not the community support us. We are basically here to ensure that communities are safe” Ian Patchett added.
The day was busy from the start at 9am, and all the firefighters and attendees expressed how much they had enjoyed the event. A big congratulations to the Bowen Fire and Rescue Station, we are all getting fired up for the next 100-year celebration.

Mayor Ry Collins and Member for Burdekin Dale last standing with the local firefighters. Photo credit: Ruth Puddefoot

Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox standing with the 1920’s Fire Truck. Photo supplied

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June 27, 2024

Who doesn’t love a good cane fire? Many visitors to our district are keen to witness a burn and farmers often receive phone calls asking if /when there is going to be a cane fire. While a cane fire is a magnificent sight to behold, they generate an incredible amount of heat. Caution is important for both farmer and onlooker alike.

To burn or not to burn?

Initially, most of the sugarcane crop was cut green, with residual trash (green leaf matter) burnt on the ground. Burning prior to harvest was allowed in some mill areas where there was a high infestation of rats to reduce the exposure of hand cane cutters to leptospirosis (Weil’s disease), a potentially fatal disease spread by rat urine. But, after mass industrial action in August 1935 when 2000 sugar cane cutters and mill hands in North Queensland went on strike for nine weeks, burning became commonplace.
Labour shortages during World War Two led to widespread use of pre-harvest burning to speed up harvesting. Rising post-war labour costs saw burning become a standard practice to increase the output of manual (hand) cutters. This left only the stalks and tops thereby reducing the leaf matter, making it easier to cut by hand and to load the cane. Early mechanical harvesters in the 1960s were designed for the burnt system and were not well adapted to harvesting green. Burning persisted as standard practice until 1976 when a very wet season delayed harvesting operations in North Qld. This prompted growers to experiment more with mechanically harvesting green cane to avoid deterioration of burnt cane where it can be condemned if left too long in the paddock (5-7 days in our district depending on conditions). This deterioration of sucrose or CCS (Commercial Cane Sugar) reduces the commercial value of the cane making the milling process unprofitable. In Proserpine, this remains a significant consideration due to highly unpredictable weather patterns.
Soil is another factor resulting in the decision to burn or not. Some soils are difficult to manage if the cane is not burnt. If cane is harvested green and then it rains, heavy soil can become sour or waterlogged as the residual trash holds in the moisture. The wind and sunlight can’t penetrate the trash to dry the soil out. For the same reason, a farmer may also choose to burn paddocks that are low and/or not well-drained. Increased moisture retention can result in yield loss or poor regrowth of cane (ratooning). Farmers who plan to plough out and replant the same paddock immediately after harvesting will often burn the cane to get rid of the trash thus making replanting much easier.
Districts with high yielding crops, such as the Burdekin, have largely avoided green cane harvesting because of harvesting difficulties in high yielding, lodged crops. A substantial amount of water applied when irrigating also somewhat negates the benefits of retaining a trash blanket for moisture retention in this area.
Resistance to the practice of burning cane has mounted over the years. The “Proserpine Guardian” (June 25 1998) reported that the region’s sugar industry was under siege with the increasing threat of court action due to excessive smoke and ash fallout (referred to as “black gold” by locals for obvious reasons) allegedly affecting people’s health. These days only 5-10% of the Proserpine crop is burnt. While the cost of harvesting green cane is greater than burnt cane, the subsequent soil health advantages and moisture retention benefits of green cane harvesting remain important for long-term sustainable sugarcane growing.
Having said all that, a “good burn” does eradicate lots of vermin! And there is no doubt that it IS spectacular!

Story and photo courtesy of Proserpine Historical Museum and Brendon Nothard (Canegrowers Proserpine).

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Meet Whitsunday Life’s Newest Cadet Journalist Ruth Puddefoot

June 27, 2024

Originally from England, Ruth came to Australia to restart her journalism career and was thrilled with the opportunity to pursue her passion in one of the most beautiful locations in the country.

Ruth brings a whole lot of experience to the team; she studied a Social Research Masters at University and an Undergrad in Politics, then covered the UK General election for Sky News in London.

Having fallen in love with the fast-paced nature of the newsroom, Ruth said it was a lot of fun to be back in a deadline driven environment.

“It’s similar to here but slightly different because Sky News was more TV based but I am definitely enjoying writing for a newspaper,” she expressed.

In her spare time Ruth loves to scuba dive and she is looking forward to experiencing new adventures during her time in the Whitsundays, especially while out on the water.

Before her position at Mackay and Whitsunday Life, Ruth worked in Sydney for MG Motors as an office manager.

She has only been in the Whitsundays for two weeks but is already meeting members of the community and loves writing full-time.

“I’ve landed a job that I really wanted and I’m really happy with that,” Ruth added.

The team at Mackay and Whitsunday Life are happy to have Ruth on board too and would like to warmly welcome her as part of the team. If you see her out and about, we hope you do the same!

Ruth Puddefoot Mackay and Whitsunday Life new Cadet Journalist, Photo credit: Norina Jane

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Zonta Appoints New President

June 28, 2024

Earlier this month, Zonta Club of the Whitsundays hosted a changeover meal to appoint Marlene Reiffel as their new President over the 30 members in the charter. The meal was followed by Zonta’s monthly meeting, where Marlene chaired the meeting for the first time.
Marlene mentioned her predecessor Dianne Truman, who provided “three years of wonderful service to the club and community”.
Marlene also expressed excitement for the wonderful, but busy year ahead and enthused that she is “really looking forward to facing the challenges in the charter”. She continued, stating that she was “very honoured”, but also, “aware of the large responsibility” that comes with being the president of Zonta.
In Zonta’s monthly newsletter, Marlene emphasised that she hopes the year to be fun and rewarding, knowing that they are, “working together to improve the lives of other women and girls out there who can use a helping hand.”
Marlene stated that she enjoyed the change-over meal, revealing how it was a “beautiful evening”, and everyone is “very dedicated to Zonta”.
The change-over happens once a year, and a nomination committee appoints the new president. The nomination committee gauges interest in the position and then has a formal vote, if there is more than one candidate. Whilst Marlene was the only candidate up for election this year, the whole club had to agree on the nomination—a huge congratulations to Marlene for becoming this year's president.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Zonta, Marlene encourages you to get in touch with her: marlene@cpq.com.au.

New President of Zonta Marlene Reiffe.

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Chamber Chat Ask An Expert

June 27, 2024

This month’s Ask An Expert with Whitsundays Chamber of Commerce and Industry asks: What is the one thing I need to know about financing my small business? 
Chamber members responded:
Fiona Erquiaga of Smooth Sailing Financial Consulting says “You need a solid understanding of your business cashflows – your current position, historic financial performance, future plans, and cashflow forecasts – so to highlight your finance requirements and how they will be managed.”
“Also be mindful of your credit score. Ensure your accounts are always within limits, bills paid on time (including the ATO). This demonstrates to lenders that you are a reliable and low risk borrower,” said Fiona.
“Don’t be in a rush to obtain debt” says Gus Walsgott, of the North Queensland Small Business Financial Counselling Service.
“In an ideal world, your small business will be able to sustain itself through free cashflow. Use savings to start your business. As the business matures, cashflows should become more predictable so obtaining and servicing debt will become a more tenable proposition.”
“Once operating, if you are dipping into savings or obtaining short term loans, a serious review of your business is required. Ask yourself, what is the demand for your product or service and how can your businesses deliver at a price point that creates suitable profits? These points are critical for new and potential businesses,” says Gus.
Both Fiona and Gus urge business owners to always seek professional advice to get a solution tailored to your needs.

Fiona Erquiaga of Smooth Sailing Financial Consulting
Gus Walsgott, of the North Queensland Small Business Financial Counselling Service. Photos supplied

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Did You Know? 

June 27, 2024

The Your Say Whitsundays portal is an essential tool used by the Whitsunday Regional Council to gather community input on a wide range of initiatives, from infrastructure projects to policy changes. Your thoughts and feedback help shape the decisions that affect our community, leading to better, more informed outcomes. Join the #OurWhitsunday community today by registering on the portal and have a say in shaping a better, more informed Whitsunday. https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/

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Life insurance, a necessary evil

June 27, 2024

Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if your family’s income stopped due to someone dying, getting sick or having an accident?

The loss of wages might be manageable for retirees or people later in their working lives who have brought up their kids, paid down their debts and built up their super and passive assets.  For families with younger kids, bigger debts and lower super balances it may well be disastrous.  Centrelink benefits don’t cover home loan payments and hungry mouths to feed, let alone building for eventual retirement.  You may have some basic cover in your super, but have you ever sat down and worked out if it is enough or even too much?

There are solutions to the problem in Personal Insurances.  These are separate to Health Insurance which covers medical costs, these provide money to the family to keep going.  There are two main types of Personal Insurances, Lump Sum Cover and Income Protection.

Lump sum Cover provides a large lump sum of money to sort out your finances in the event of something major happening.  You can insure for a payout in the event of Death, Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) and Major Medical Trauma, things like cancer, heart attack and stroke.  You need to work out how much is required to keep a roof over the family’s head and provide for ongoing income to get through in the event of each of these things happening to either partner.  The amount required is always different as it is based on your personal situation regards debts and existing super balances and family situation.  You need to consider covering not just the working parent but also any non-working parents as if something major happens, the worker may need to come home or change their job.

Income Protection provides an ongoing monthly income in the event of being off work due to sickness or accident.  The variables are how much you will be paid per month, how long you have to be off work to start getting paid and how long you will be paid for if off work for an extended period.  Considerations are how much sick leave and cash reserves you have and if you have TPD cover.

The key with personal insurances is to know where you stand.  What cover do you have now, and do you need to top it up or reduce to save premium and know how things will pan out.  Like all insurance you hope you’ll never need to claim but you sleep better knowing you have some cover in place, especially at that stage of life where you have lots of financial commitments.

If you think you could benefit from a discussion with a Financial Planner, give us a call on 49467359 of visit www.eclipsefp.com.au   There’s no obligation, the first meeting is free and all fees are spelled out clearly in advance.

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A Minute With The Mayor Ry Collins

June 27, 2024

I am excited to announce that Council has partnered with Jobs Queensland in launching Workforce Planning Connect.
This initiative brings a range of workforce planning data and resources to help our local businesses and organisations develop effective workforce planning strategies.
In today's rapidly changing economic landscape, having a robust workforce plan is more crucial than ever.
Our partnership with Jobs Queensland aims to provide the tools and insights needed to access the skills and workforce our region requires to thrive.
Workforce Planning Connect will support our Whitsunday community by assisting businesses to have the right people in the right roles, ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.
By utilising these tools, our local employers can build a resilient and adaptable workforce, positioning the Whitsunday region as a leader in economic growth and innovation.
I encourage all business owners, HR professionals, and community leaders to take full advantage of the resources available through Workforce Planning Connect.
Together, we can ensure that our workforce is equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to drive our region forward.
By investing in our workforce, we are investing in the future prosperity of the Whitsunday region. Let's seize this opportunity to build a stronger, more dynamic community that is ready to meet the demands of tomorrow.
The Whitsunday Regional Council is also now one of 48 organisations who have joined the Small Business Friendly (SBF) Program to enhance the operating environment for small businesses.
For more information on how your business can benefit from Workforce Planning Connect, please visit the Whitsunday Regional Council website or contact our Economic Development team.

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We Can Do Better

June 27, 2024

Middle managers are expected to do more today with less. More productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, reporting, personability vs shrinking budgets, employee shortages, and less time to plan.
How are you helping your middle management cope, let alone thrive??
Without time to plan, middle management is left coping with an increasingly reactive environment. Some people thrive in reactive environments, however, usually your business doesn’t.
Managers come in all shapes, sizes, personalities and skillsets. Do you know what suits your manager and what stage of your business’ development your manager is suited for?
For consideration - do they:
·        Balance task-oriented vs relationship-oriented leadership?
·        Prefer 1:1 discussions or address the team as a group?
·        Intuitively step into difficult discussions with respect, or snap at workers when things go wrong?
·        Thrive with goals, KPIs or feel stifled with this framework?
·        Are they motivated by goals or motivated by their values?
·        Prefer tried and tested systems, or love to change things up?
·        Prefer brain-storming with their team or problem-solving alone?
·        Trust quickly, or rely on others to build trust mechanisms over time?
·        Need constant sense of achievement, or happy to chase long-term goals
·        Crave change and innovation, or prefer the comfort of ‘rinse and repeat?

Understanding, strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes sets us up for success.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking your managers know their strengths, and know what they are doing?

So many leaders believe providing autonomy is the work environment everyone wants in order to thrive. When in fact, it creates a culture of ‘winging it, looking over my shoulder to see what everyone else is doing, feeling like no-one cares about me’.

A culture of feeling undervalued and underappreciated. They may not say it to your face, but this is how they feel and at Shiift we hear it every week.

2022 research shows the most common reasons for feeling dissatisfied at work are ‘feeling undervalued’ and ‘lack of respect from management’. Consequently, over 90% of employees currently state they won’t quit if given development opportunities.

Investing in your people is an investment in your business – psychologically, emotionally, and financially.

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Out & About With Jade From Tourism Whitsundays

June 27, 2024

Recently, I was lucky enough to have an incredible outer reef experience with Red Cat Adventures.  

From start to finish, the whole trip was filled with memorable moments.

Our skipper, Reece, made the experience fun, informative, and safe. His passion for The Whitsundays and marine life was truly inspiring.

The journey to the Reef was comfortable, with the option of relaxing in the enclosed cabin or enjoying the view from the open-window hutch. I took the opportunity to meet fellow adventurers and make new friends, which made the time fly by.

We visited two amazing snorkeling locations.

The first, Hook Reef Lagoon, felt safe and supportive for snorkelers of all levels. Back on the boat, we enjoyed a delicious lunch while soaking up the sun on the top deck. Our next stop was the eastern side of Hardy Reef, where we were treated to a truly magical underwater experience.

The diverse marine life and incredible visibility left me in awe. On our journey back, we were surprised by a display of wildlife, including a sea snake, turtles, sharks, dolphins, and whales. It was a breathtaking sight that left everyone on board amazed.

I am so grateful to Red Cat Adventures for providing such an unforgettable experience. Huge thanks to Reece and the crew for making the day so special.

If you're looking for an adventure that ticks all the boxes, I highly recommend Red Cat Adventures for an outer reef experience you'll always remember. 
Contributed by Jade Richardson, Membership Coordinator, Tourism Whitsundays 

Jade and the Red Cat crew
Customers enjoying snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef

Photos supplied

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New Chainsaws In Stock Just In Time For Winter

June 27, 2024

The new easy-to-use yet powerful chainsaw from Stihl is available at Bowen Small Motors & Cycles, with the whole community invited to come on down and check it out.

The new 172 and 182 chainsaws from Stihl are newly improved models of the 171 and 181.

The predecessor was extremely popular at Bowen Small Motors & Cycles and with winter here, it’s the perfect time to purchase.

“The 172 and 182 are good for normal homeowners that like to cut timber and go camping,” said Bowen Small Motors & Cycles Service Manager Stephen Firth.

“Stihl has improved them a bit and made them more efficient.”

“They now meet the emission rules and there’s a computer diagnostic which is a new thing that they've added to it, and it makes it easier to use.”

The computer records all information; run times, how many times it has been used, and speeds up diagnostic systems ensuring the product performance is better.

Both models also have an anti-vibration system which reduces the vibrations at the handles, allowing the user to have pro-longed use without the long-term effects vibrations can have on the body.

To reduce maintenance, there is also a compensator acting as a control system in the carburettor.

It uses pressure compensation to ensure that engine performance, exhaust gas quality and fuel consumption remain relatively constant over a long period of time.

The 172 costs $349 and the 182 costs $449 and both are available now at Bowen Small Motors & Cycles.

Service Manager Stephen Firth, Photo credit: Daniel Heggie

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