Thursday, August 31, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Airlie Beach Bowls Report

As the days grow longer and spring is on our doorsteps the bowls this week has been sensational with so much news to tell.

Let’s start with Tuesday afternoon bowls saw only a small but strong field play with Wendy Pomeroy with Henny Tattam take home the prize money.

Saturday morning Scroungers saw Gary Kiff, Betty Whitehorn, Tony Whitehorn and Russell Jackson first round winners with the final playoff between Russell Jackson and Betty Whitehorn.

Sunday afternoon saw 42 bowlers.

The 7 rinks were used and play finished at 4 PM for prize giving and more stories from some of the people Nik had affected with his inspirational encouragement.

There was 3 winners named in first, second and third prize money the biggest winner of the day was an old teammate of Nik’s.

Whilst this game was played on another rink our own Manny Isgro with Harry Quad played won their pairs zone titles and are now in the last 8 to play out for the Queensland pairs champions well done boys whom also came to pay respect for our departed champion in Nik Fernbach.

Contributed with thanks to Mark Mawson.

A lively week of bowls in Airlie Beach. Photo supplied

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