Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

An Easter Message

From The Venerable Dr Rosemary Dunn

Christ dies, and Christ lives. Sure, but what difference does it make to my life? Well, the Easter story is actually about everyone’s life. Jesus endures what all of us face at some time: betrayal, injustice, hurt, insults, suffering.

OK, most mightn’t face literal crucifixion – although some do. But suffering is a part of life and humans don’t seem to be able to stop this suffering.

But Christians understand that God, who created this universe in love and is love, comes into this world in Jesus to face all the rubbish that we do.

And although he suffers like us, he responds to that suffering in a way that most of us can’t- with love and forgiveness.

Jesus faces his tormentors and says: ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’. Jesus hands his accusers to God, for God’s will to be done: that his creatures find new life.

Jesus will not participate in the cycle of human vengeance – and so he breaks the cycle of death.  

In a world of destruction and cynicism,  Easter reminds us that God continues to share his compassion, love and grace with us, so that we can bring new life to our lives, now and forever.

Be blessed as you share Easter love with others!

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