Sunday Social: W.Coles, and Helen Jacobsen, Steve Roome defeated Harry, Ross Scanlon, and Mitch Wright. Ron Muir, Rob, and Jane Gilbert defeated Herb Dalton, Andy Peebles, and Tiarna Rogers. Keith Kirk, Wayne Crowhurst, and Kevin Jewel defeated Jake Delic, Ray Muir, and Gavin Charles.
Wednesday Social: Jake Delic, Ron Gould, and Steve Roome defeated Sue Fox, Lou Fordham, and Doc Fordham. Peter Bruce, and Jason Wright defeated Ray Muir, and Mitch Wright. Jocelyn, Tracey Roach, and Mark Drummond defeated MaryEllen Pratten, Allen Williams, and Gavin Charles. Winning team for the afternoon were Harry, Jane Gilbert, and Lloyd White defeated Tony, Robyn Stitt, and Gus Munro.
Contributed with thanks to Joan Edwards.
The Winning team of Harry, Jane Gilbert, and Lloyd White. Photo supplied