Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Bowen Golf Club News

Wednesday’s competition at Bowen Golf Club was a single stableford event sponsored by the club, with Ladies’ winner on a countback Penny Stewart, 39 points.

Women’s runner up was Trish Sellen, also 39 points, while Men's winner was Jeremy Chrzanowski on 38, runner up on a countback Kevin Clark, 37.

Saturday’s competition was a single stableford event sponsored by the Original North Australian Hotel.

Ladies’ winner was Carol O'Connell, 37 points, runner up Helen Fellows on 34.

Pin shots to Penny Stewart, Carol O'Connell, Judy Atkins, and Julie Martin who also won the Car Wash voucher.

Men’s winner was Kevin Cross, 43 points, runner up Scott Pearce, 40.

Pin shots to Malcolm Martin, Rhyce Layton, Graeme Baker, and Ben Fellows, with Malcolm Martin and Craig Van Veen both with OBP's.

This weekend's competition is a single stableford event sponsored by Margaret Whyte. Don't forget to wear purple, Marg's favourite colour.  

Contributed with thanks to Grace Nott

Ladies’ Saturday winners Carol O'Connell and Helen Fellows

In other news