Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Braking The Cycle With Driver Steve

For Steve Fraser, volunteering with the Whitsundays PCYC Braking the Cycle Program was a no brainer.

Braking the Cycle is a program that assists people with meeting the requirements for getting their license, through providing a registered car and a driver mentor to supervise.  

Over the past year, Steve has completed 150 hours of driving and seen six students get their provisional licenses.

“You get a good buzz from it,” he said.

Steve decided to start volunteering when he realised he was missing working with youth and thought the PCYC-run program would “keep the connection with young people” for him.

But as much as it is about driving, Steve said that he and the other three volunteers are also mentoring the students, lending an ear and advice when needed.

“You have to be very non-judgmental about it. You hear it all. You do a bit a life coaching, I suppose,” Steve said.

“When you’re driving around for an hour and a half, you have to talk about something!”

Steve also volunteers with the Get Set for Work Program with PCYC, often leading cooking classes during the 10-week program.

“It’s just so good to see the results, see the improvements, and them become more confident.”

The students Steve helps include Indigenous, women escaping domestic and family violence, and people from culturally diverse backgrounds, with about 50 per cent of students being local youth.

Steve, who also works as a marriage celebrant, is often lending a hand in life’s milestones.

“I find it’s a two-way street with this stuff, and you get back as much as you give, I find.”

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