Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Burning Question

Rarely have we seen a growing season as good as over the past few months. In the sugar industry, crop tonnage is considerably higher than estimated. This greater than usual mass is not confined to crops. All vegetation is of far higher density than we are accustomed to.

This is where our problem lies. As cold weather has led to much of this vegetation dying off and the oncoming hotter conditions may be combined with drier conditions. We are left with a potential catastrophe with regard to fire.

With such a huge fuel load, an ill-judged spark can cause a conflagration of epic proportion. It was not so long ago that the “red steer” was running wild all across our region. This is a situation that I, for one, have no wish to face again.

So, what to do?

We should all try to reduce the amount of flammable material around us. Tall grass, weeds, undergrowth and leaf litter all need to go. Clear property boundaries and roof gutters. In rural areas, a water source and a means of pumping that does not require electricity is a very good idea. These are just some measures we should take – there are others – now is the time for thinking. When a fire starts, it’s action time and a plan is essential.

The best way of fighting fire is not to start it. Listen to warnings. A total fire ban is TOTAL.

Be wary of anything that can throw a spark, such as slashing and mowing. Think very carefully before undertaking anything that can. If things go awry, it can cost massively in property and, as bitter experience shows, lives.

If you do need to light a fire, protect yourself and others by obtaining a permit from your local fire warden.

Not that we burn cane before harvest much anyway around here, but it is a good idea to get that permit even for this.

Stay safe over the next few months.

Cr Martin Bella

Mackay Regional Council

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