The Mackay Bowling Club was the hub for a festive luncheon on 30th November, with 26 residents and carers from BlueCare Mackay Homefield Aged Care Facility attending the club to enjoy a Christmas lunch.
The annual event usually takes place at a local hotel, but this year, no bus was available for transport.
Organisers Mike Irving, John Jorgensen and Brad Robertson banded together to offer the group a suitable place to enjoy their festivities, which is right next door to their living quarters!
A delicious meal and a joyous occasion for all involved. This is the first year this option has been available, and the organisers hope to be able to continue it for Christmas in 2024.
Organisers John Jorgensen (left) and Brad Robertson
Twenty-six residents and carers enjoyed a delicious Christmas meal
Photo credit: Sinead Porter