Thursday, February 8, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Collinsville Turns Pink To Fight Breast Cancer

This March, Collinsville is turning pink, to celebrate International Women’s Day and help fundraise for the Mater Foundation, to fight breast cancer.

Part of the fundraising will include the annual fun run which will be held on Sunday, March 10.

This event has become a well-supported community tradition and aligns nicely with the Sea of Pink events which are set to take place across Australia over the same weekend.

With the 2023 Collinsville event raising over $9,200, the local Sea of Pink team were named Mater Foundation Community Heroes last year which was a huge honour for the region.

They are now hoping to repeat the same and ideally smash last years’ target.

For organiser Alice Randell, the event has been made more personal by the friends and family members diagnosed with breast cancer in the past year.  

“Organising this event has started conversations about breast cancer at work and at home,” Alice said.

“When women share their experiences, it empowers others to be proactive about their health.”

“As you get older, you begin to meet more and more people affected by breast cancer, and the importance of this sort of event grows today.”

Supported by Collinsville local businesses, the team will be hosted by the Collinsville Golf Club, with Collinsville QCWA branch catering a well-deserved breakfast, and the local butcher, Stanley Street Butchers, donating a dollar from every sale in February and March.

“It’s fantastic to see so much support from local businesses and community groups,” Alice said.

“With this event, it’s great as community groups get behind us, and do their own thing. The Collinsville Youth Coalition are having a Pink Pancake day, and we know more will get on board too.

“This community is so proactive to get behind us and this cause.”

At the time of writing this, the Collinsville team has already over 50 registered team members, and over $4,500 raised for the cause.

“If you’re interested in joining us and showing your support for women with breast cancer, please register for the event.

“With the Country Women’s Association putting on breakfast, and the walk only five kilometres, it’s such an easy event to get behind. We’re not all athletes and we try and make it a good atmosphere for a Sunday morning.”

To join the Collinsville Sea of Pink team or to show support, scan the QR code.

WHAT: Collinsville’s Sea of Pink
WHERE: Collinsville
WHEN: Sunday, March 10

Collinsville Sea of Pink were named Mater Foundation Community Heroes last year

Alice Randall donning the pink for breast cancer. Photo supplied

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