Thursday, September 14, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Colour Run For Child Protection

Over 200 people enjoyed a colourful community event on Saturday when Whitsunday Counselling and Support held their annual Colour Run to coincide with Queensland Child Protection Week.

With educational stalls hosted by knowledgeable individuals, attendees could engage with headspace, PCYC and other community groups.

They could also enjoy a range of free activities including exercise and breathing classes with EvoPrime, free face painting thanks to ARS Whitsunday, a free sausage sizzle with Whitsunday Foodservice and free live entertainment thanks to Paddy Shenanigans.

“It was a really good day, everyone seemed to enjoy it and everything was free!” said Niamh Mulvihill, Whitsunday Counselling Intensive Family Support Case Manager.

“We printed off key messages from Child Protection Week and put them on the stalls and on the back of the raffle tickets.”

This year’s focus was ‘Child Protection is everybody’s business’ and key messages included sayings such as ‘caring for children and keeping them safe is a shared responsibility’.

The main event colour run was also a huge success, with children running around a temporary race circuit while volunteers threw plumes of colourful powder in the air.

Many white shirts were smattered with the bio-degradable powder which was conveniently easy to wash-off.

Covered in multiple colours from head to toe, children laughed in delight and ran around with many parents happy to get messy as well.

Photo credit: Rachael Smith

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