Thursday, September 12, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Community Gathers On World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day is on the 10 September every year and earlier this week the Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network (WSPN) held a memorial service in Proserpine and Bowen.

Almost 20 people came along to the event in Proserpine and WSPN President Matt Stokes said it was wonderful to connect.

“Today is an opportunity for people to come but it can be difficult, especially if it is still raw in their life,” said Matt.

“People have to work through a grieving process to then reach a point where they're happy to talk and be in an open environment like this.”

WSPN hosted several other events for World Suicide Prevention Day, including a memorial service in Bowen on Sunday 8 September, and were pleased to announce that attendees are now creating their own bereavement group.

“They all have so many of the same emotions and feelings, so being able to feel like they're not isolated in their thoughts is a big thing,” said Matt.

“If we can be the catalyst for those groups to form then that's really good.”

WSPN say every day for them is world suicide prevention day, but the actual date is highly important and their year revolves around it.

“What we want to do is to raise awareness of the help that's out there, so the people that really need it are not lost but have a clear go to,” said Matt.

“Instead of feeling like they are hopeless, and they don't know what to do or who to turn to.”

WSPN understand working with other organisations can achieve more traction and on the morning of 10 September they were also present in Bowen where they joined forces with Real Mates Talk hosting a World Suicide Prevention Day Barbecue Breakfast.

“There is a real change in the Whitsundays at the moment, and it’s that there is great collaboration amongst amazing providers. There are so many people that care,” said Matt.

There 65,000 suicide attempts per year in Australia and more than nine people per day pass away due to suicide in Australia.

Matt said suicide prevention is an extremely difficult thing to measure in terms of success of preventing, but likes to believe that every suicide is preventable, but how?

“What we can do is look out for each other, talk to each other, be kind to each other, teach our children how to be kind, and they are just the fundamentals,” said Matt.

If this article has been a trigger for you, remember help is available. Call Lifeline on 131114 or scan the QR code to see how WSPN can help you.

WSPN President Matt Stokes, Renee Martin, Gill Graham, WSPN Rob Murphy, WSPN Mel Turner, WSPN Di Fleetwood, Proserpine Lions - Sharon Little & Joe Little and Whitsunday Regional Council Mayor Ry Collins. Photo credit: Daniel Heggie

WSPN volunteers and others at the World Suicide Prevention Day in Bowen on Sunday with a special service held at Queens Beach. Photo sourced: Facebook

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