Whitsunday Regional Council will see an internal restructure in the coming months, with more streamlined strategic planning for the region its goal.
This organisational restructure will see a separation between operations and strategy, to better focus and strengthen the delivery of services and future planning.
Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Warren Bunker, said the new structure is designed to allow each Directorate to streamline their focus.
“Making it easier to provide effective and efficient services as well as having dedicated resources for longer term strategic projects that will provide for our communities into the future,” Mr Bunker said.
One new department will encompass Council’s businesses, including Whitsunday Coast Airport, Shute Harbour Marine Terminal and Foxdale Quarry, as well as holiday parks, smaller airports, and aerodromes.
This unit is titled Commercial Businesses.
The second new department will oversee Council’s capital works plan, major projects, masterplans and networking planning, and is titled Capital Program and Network Planning.
This is not to be confused with Infrastructure Services Directorate, which will continue to maintain gardens, parks, drainage, transport and waster and water services.
Mr Bunker said while there will be two Directors to head the newly created business units, they remain within the approved staff budget adopted on 30 June 2023.
Council will also change names of three units.
Development Services Directorate will become Regional Strategy and Planning; Community Services Directorate will become Community Services and Facilitation, and Manager of Human Resources will become Manager of People and Culture.
Whitsunday Regional Council CEO Warren Bunker outlines new structure of Whitsunday Council. Photo supplied