Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Editors Note

Hi Everyone,

It’s great to be back!

Firstly, a huge thank you to Bronte and the rest of the team for everything they did while I was on holiday – it was wonderful to know the paper was being so well looked after.

I’ve just returned from four magical weeks in Europe – time with family in my hometown in the UK, a skiing holiday in France and also a quick trip to the Christmas markets in Prague – while I was there, I constantly felt like pinching myself and I made the most of every second!

But while every moment was amazing, I have to say . . . it was absolutely freezing!

When we left London, it was negative three degrees and I was very grateful to get on the plane knowing that Brisbane was a positively balmy 30 degrees.

When we flew back to the region, however, we were greeted with our usual humidity and as I stepped off the plane it was like walking into an oven!

Since we’ve been back, we’ve been greeted with other weather-related treats – namely the impending cyclone that is currently heading straight for our coastline as I write this note.

Here at the office, we have been tracking its progress, watching as predictors downgrade it to a category 2 and then re-instate it to category 3 – this uncertainty is very unnerving!

And while we are likely to be living on anxiety-inducing tender-hooks over the next few days I think it is important to remember that we live in a cyclone prepared region.

Our emergency services are adept at dealing with extreme weather events and our local electrical technicians will be on-call and ready to get the power back on if required.

All we can do is prepare our own households, check our neighbours are ok and hope the weather system takes it easy on us.

Wishing everyone a safe and stable few days as we greet whatever Cyclone Kirrily has in-store for us.


Quote of the Week: “The cyclone derives its power from a calm centre. So does a person.” (Norman Vincent Peale)

In other news