Thursday, February 29, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life


Questions Of The Week:


Who do you think is your biggest competitor? What do you admire about them and what qualities do you have that will ultimately make you better for the role?


If you could throw your support behind a particular local community organisation what would it be and how would you support them?


What’s your vision of the Whitsundays in 10 years? Tell us about the infrastructure, services and facilities you think are most important to the region and paint a picture of what you would like to see.

Tony Price

Division 2 Candidate


Clay Bauman delves deeply into council documents and reports. I excel in fostering constructive collaboration among fellow Councillors and Council Staff, earning their support and driving positive outcomes for the Whitsunday Coast. With two previous terms as a councillor and 45 years of local business experience, I bring invaluable communication and negotiation skills, region-wide connections and expertise to the table. 



While I support all community-orientated organisations, my priority is to ensure that the Greater Airlie Beach Masterplan 2022 is fully funded which will help many community organisations in Division 2. As part of this plan, the completion of projects including Cannonvale Lakes Park, Cannonvale Fishing Jetty, and the Cultural & Civic Hub (art gallery, library, customer service and disaster resilience centre) will enable families to engage in low-cost recreation, fostering community bonds and healthy lifestyles amidst our region's natural beauty.



In 10 years, I envision the Whitsundays with an Emergency Hospital and State High School on the Coast, improved road infrastructure, and upscale, medium-density dwellings for families, workers, and visitors. Vital aged care facilities and lifestyle communities will flourish alongside a world-class sporting complex which can host major events while benefiting local clubs and schools. Additionally, a thriving tourism industry with accessible island resorts will enrich the region, fostering sustainable growth and prosperity for residents to relish.

John Finlay

Division 6 Candidate


The qualities and attributes I have to undertake the role are my community values and involvement including economic development, my professional qualifications including Fellow of Certified Practising Accountants Australia and local government qualifications and my professional employment including owning and managing an accounting business in Bowen and the Whitsunday, former roles in Councils being Chief Executive Officer of Whitsunday and Bowen Councils and Director of Corporate and Financial Services. This combined experience will be important in the role as Councillor.


The community spirit in our region is built upon the amazing not for profit community organisations. These organisations include churches, sporting clubs, social welfare and support services, the arts, and others and are all worthy of support depending on their needs. This support can be in the form of assistance with applications for grants, concessions with rates and charges, and working together for the betterment of the community.




The vision for the Whitsunday Region is for the prosperous sustainability of the region in all areas of the community and economic and social development. The maintaining of current infrastructure and facilities and ensuring planning for future infrastructure for the growth of the region. Providing and encouraging economic development including small business, tourism development, major industry developments and supporting the social needs of the communities. Working together with the above will make for a prosperous vision for the region.

David Paddon

Division 6 Candidate


Defiantly apathy and lack of an economic plan for Bowen. Having now interviewed 100’s of residences they say candidates messaging is nonspecific, does not address “what will it do for me”.

I bring a career’s worth of experience in long-term planning and economic growth/achievements.

 Bowen is falling behind and if this continues, we can expect to see government serves and retail move to the southern end of the WCR. My solution is we need 200 more permanent long-term jobs.



If successful, my focus will be on driving jobs growth and none better would the decades old plans to expand the Marina facilities in Bowen and work with the local sailing clubs and community groups to achieve a level of congruity for this transformative project



 In 10 years from now the Whitsundays will double in population and therefor the WRC faces significant infrastructure projects, power, water, roads, telecommunications, hospitals etc and each of the major community centres will evolve in their own direction e.g. Airlie will continue as the region’s capital for tourism. Proserpine Evolves as the transport hub, with the airport, rail and major Highway, Agriculture will still be a major contributor to the town economy. Bowen Develop more industry, be the major marine repair facility, Mining and agriculture powerhouses.

Clay Bauman

Division 2 Candidate


My only competitor lives in Proserpine, and while I admire anybody who wishes to serve the community, ‘serve’ must be the key word. As a Cannonvale resident, with my deep understanding of our community's needs, coupled with a proven track record of navigating bureaucracy for real outcomes, my dedication to progress and ability to deliver results are what Division 2 needs. Voting Clay ensures a future where our community's voice is amplified and we move forward together, not backwards.



While Council has a limited budget that mostly comes from ratepayers, there is huge amounts of money available from external grants. I feel if Council assists with preparing grant applications, rather than just dolling out a few dollars, our community organisations would blossom with a sound financial basis. Teaching and helping someone to fish, rather than giving them a fish, is my plan to support all our clubs, charities and groups that benefit so many, thanks mainly to tireless volunteers.



My vision is for a better Council, lower rates and low-rise development. While my plan for the Cannonvale Civic Centre saves ratepayers millions, we must not forget less visible, yet critical infrastructure: roads, aging pipes, stormwater and networks for new residential developments. I'm already onto a sportspark plan, the challenge remains in extending services to the proposed Havengrand site. If 13 years ago Council had heeded professional advice to buy land closer to Cannonvale, we might already have the sportspark.

Ry Collins

Mayoral Candidate


I've been focused on my own race and what I can bring to the region but would think my biggest competitor is one who brings a wealth of current experience addressing our region's challenges and opportunities as well as deep commitment and roots into our community, qualities I greatly respect. I feel I offer a unique forward looking proposition, a fresh perspective, innovative ideas, and proven dedication to advocating for our region which sets me apart. I believe these attributes are crucial for addressing our community's needs.


All our community groups are incredibly important to our region and sense of place. If I were to pick just one, it would be housing. I would support organisations such as Whitsunday Housing Company, to further address the critical housing and accommodation crisis facing our community. By advocating for policy changes, securing funding for affordable housing projects, and facilitating partnerships between government, the private sector, and non-profits, I think we can make an impact in increasing accessible housing and accommodation options for our community.


I envision the Whitsundays as a leading region for the convergence of our traditional and future industries. A strong and growing economy known for embracing sustainability and community liveability where everyone still knows their neighbour. Key infrastructure investments in renewable energy, water security and digital connectivity will support our growth. Enhanced health, education, and transport services will ensure a high quality of life and help keep our kids here. I dream of a vibrant, resilient community where nature and progress coexist harmoniously.

Richard Evans

Mayoral Candidate


I respect all candidates' commitment to the election process, regardless of experience. Apathy among voters is our biggest competitor. Ratepayers seek change in council attitude and performance. If you want change, vote for it. My experience in politics and managing large organisations equips me to drive meaningful change from day one. There is no luxury of time to settle into the role. My expertise, policy positions, and action plans distinguish me and I’m on the record at



Our community organisations make an incredibly valuable contribution, like the VMR where I volunteer. Yet, housing availability and affordability demand immediate prioritisation especially for the vulnerable – single parents, elderly, and victims of domestic violence. Proserpine’s Tiny Homes initiative shows promise and worthy of support, as do other pathways such as reviewing town planning regulations, public-private partnerships, and workforce villages. As mayor, I pledge to explore avenues to support Tiny Homes that align with our community's needs and aspirations.



Navigating the complexities of the Whitsundays region requires multifaceted solutions. Restoring trust in local government is paramount. While projects matter, a cultural shift within council towards accountability is vital for effective management of rates and ratepayer satisfaction. I envision a Whitsundays characterised by heightened accountability for our mayor, councillors and council staff, instilling community pride with meaningful community interactions. In 2034 we will have a high performing, accountable, and respected council delivering more than just rates, roads and rubbish.

Phil Batty

Mayoral Candidate


I am sure each of the candidates have qualities to be admired but as I had never heard of Ry Collins or Richard Evans until the nominations for this election it would be disrespectful for me to judge and comment. I can say that I have the skills, the strength and the ability to take my passion for this entire region into the role of Mayor and truly make a positive impact to the lives of the residents both current and future generations.



Choosing one would be like picking your favourite child. An example of one of the many organisations deserving of support would be the Whitsunday Housing Company who are working hard to alleviate one of the biggest problems right across the region. They seek to provide affordable, safe, secure and accessible long-term housing for people in need and those wishing to gain meaningful work but housing is inhibiting those opportunities. I would support them with expertise, properly funded and budgeted support.


The big picture is a thriving, forward looking, environmentally and financially responsible, culturally aware, affordable, welcoming and still the best place in Australia to live and raise a family. That means starting now on the journey, planning for the schools, hospitals, roads and amenities that contribute to that lifestyle. We need to see an environment which is in better shape than it is today, we need to see agriculture and manufacturing grow to be the envy of Australia for its quality and leading edge practices.

Peter Hood

Mayoral Candidate


Residents of the Whitsundays; please go to for my accurate answer. Or go to my Mayoral Facebook Page and see the Post 27.02.2024, “Search & Seek answers on matters for the Candidates.”


As a result of Whitsunday Life’s (WL) publication on matters for me two editions ago, my accounting practice is now providing no-charge assistance to 471 Whitsundays Residents in their dealings with Centrelink and the Tax Office. Up from 117 prior to the WL article coming out. I now have the ammunition I need to “convince” Centrelink to get their Community Assistance Bus rolling to all the isolated communities in The Whitsundays and beyond. Because Centrelink cares; yea right; they do now!


No Candidate can accurately predict anything on matters for WRC and our Communities until the successful Candidate gets to the truth of WRC’s financial position and quickly confirms the extent of WRC’s wastage of Community Resources. Yes, roads, housing and all the other feel-good comments that other candidates might sprout are automatic musts. It is a bit like the Miss World beauty pageant contestants all exclaiming their priorities for “world peace.” Of course!

In other news