Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

F’Empire State Of Mind

With Shirlz Russell of Build Your F’Empire

As life gets busier and busier, women are finding it more difficult to manage their time, balance the juggle and be fully present at home and work.

Not that this affects women exclusively, but I feel women face the issue with a bit more scrutiny.

We try to do everything, we try to be everything, and there comes that realisation that you just can’t.

Sometimes you need to get the house cleaner and or find someone to do the ironing and be okay with it and it’s important not to feel like you’re failing because you can’t keep up with those things.

My mum lives with my family in a granny flat and I’m lucky because while I’ll do the cooking, she will do most of the washing and cleaning.

It’s her way of helping and it works beautifully for us.

Without those responsibilities or thoughts in the back of my mind, I’m able to focus on the tasks at hand, whether that be work or family.

Spending more time with my daughter is important to me; I want to be available whenever there’s something on at school, whenever she wins an award, whenever the tuckshop needs an extra hand.

Being able to manage and prioritse my time has been a gamechanger; cleaning is rarely at the top of my list, and I certainly couldn’t do it all without my mum’s help.

I find myself in a fortunate position that I understand isn’t available to everyone.

Yes, sometimes the budget literally doesn’t allow but if you focus your energy correctly, that can result in more income and more time to spend on whatever needs arise.

Sometimes it’s about sitting down and having a conversation, asking for the help you have available to you, whether that be a family member or a friend; it might not necessarily be paid help.

It’s about figuring out where your time is best spent.

In the last month or so, I was so wound up and ready to explode because I had so much on my plate; I am that person that keeps saying yes.

It got to the point where I took a day off, refreshed and reset, and the following day’s productivity went through the roof.

That was a really big reminder that we do need to take a step back sometimes and spend time on ourselves which will increase our productivity and presence in other facets of our life.

Shirlz’s Time Management Tips

• Think about what you value and where your time is best spent.

• Seek the help you need and don’t feel guilty for asking.

• Be strong enough to step away and reduce the interruptions in your day.

• Don’t be afraid to take some time to clear your head and reset.

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