Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

From The Table

One of Mackay Table Tennis’s most popular and keenest members, Noreen Fredericksen, took out two major awards at the club’s annual presentation night. Noreen won the MTTA Player of the Year Award and the Clubperson of the Year Award, which is voted for by members. Noreen plays both morning and night fixtures and is a keen representative player. Noreen, left, is pictured with club president Janice Kent.

Mackay Table Tennis Tuesday night fixture results November 28, 2023:

Division 1:

Foxtrot (Tim Shehan, Geoff Denman, Tony Bowman) d Delta (Ian McKay, Barry Patterson, Lee Brake) 9-2. Geoff d Ian -9, 9, 21, -8, 9.

Bravo (Ivan Perkins, Emma Widdup, Goncalo) d Echo (Steven Whiting, Graham Brake, Mark Sleeman) 6-5. Emma d Steven -0, 5, 6, -9, 6.

Alpha (Allan Edwards, Mick Ruhl, Janice Kent) d Charlie (Anne Sheridan, Neil Brown, Graeme Walker) 8-3. Allan d Graeme 3, -12, -8, 3, 9.

Division 2:

Mike (Steve Mathieson, Matthew West, Val Austin, Kade Wright) d Juliet (Graham Drury, Peter Goodson, Noreen Fredericksen, Nehmat Dhaliwal) 11-3.  Steve d Peter 9, -4, -5, 9, 9.

Lima (Donna Abbott, Geoff Cowan, Ollie Hamelink, YiLin Jiang) d India (Delma Knight, Virginia Clayton, Rymer Tabulo, Michael Ibbotson) 9-5. Rymer d YiLin -8, 4, 5, -7, 6.

Hotel (Leo Gilbert, Simon Hogan, Anaya Reelh) d Kilo (Tiffany Camilleri, Duncan Sheridan, Craig VanDeKaa) 12-2. Anaya d Craig 9, 8, -6, -10, 7.

Golf (George Camilleri, David Symons, Jye Callander, Saisha Palod) d November (Andrea Nicholson, Will VanDeKaa, Mark Stam, Misha Palod) 9-5. David d Andrea 5, -8, 3, -7, 10.

Mackay Table Tennis Tuesday morning fixtures November 28, 2023:

Division 1:

Barra (Steve Mathieson, Delma Knight, Helen Ware) d Bream (Doug Dungavell, Pam Joyce, Kim Daffy) 8-4. Delma d Doug 10, -9, -9, 9, 7.

Cod (George Camilleri, Coral Morgan, Kevin Abbott) d Tuna (Tony Bowman, John McGee, Ken Best) 7-5. John d Coral -8, -7, 14, 5, 9.

Perch (Charlie Payne, Peter Goodson, Judi Hicks) d Trout (Branko Vucurovic, Noreen Fredericksen, Bryan Marshall) 7-5. Charlie d Branko -7, 9, 9, -8, 8.

Division 2:

Lobster (Marie Taylor, Ian Dodds) d Scallop (Gerry Synnott, Steve Blackshaw) 7-2. Marie/Ian d Gerry/Steve 6, 6, -8, -8, 11.

Prawn (Robyn Bushell, Pam Keune, Cheryl Aprato) d Squid (Cheryl Pearson, Sharon Muller, Thelma Caruana) 10-2. Robyn d Cheryl -9, 4, -8, 6, 6.

Crab (John Hamelink, Madge Saunders, Bill Hey) d Mussell (Marie Taylor, Fred Saliba, Allison Day) 9-3. Fred d John 6, -8, 6, -8, 7.

Noreen Fredericksen and Janice Kent

In other news