The beloved Pink Stumps ladies’ day, hosted by Bowen Cricket, is back for 2024 and organisers are excited to announce Australian sporting legend, Glenn McGrath of the McGrath Foundation, will be attending the event.
Pink Stumps Day is held annually in multiple venues right across the country, and Glenn McGrath attends one each year, with the popular Bowen fundraiser thrilled to welcome him to the region, perfectly timed for their 10th anniversary celebrations.
The McGrath Foundation is dedicated to supporting thousands of McGrath Breast Care Nurse, which in-turn provide vital care to people with breast cancer, and their families.
Bowen Cricket has been hosting these fabulous fundraisers for a decade and is looking forward to once again welcoming hundreds of ladies for a lively and inspiring event which features guest speakers, charity prizes and lots of fun.
“It started with a gathering of wives and moms of the cricket association,” explained Club President, Seth Mcintosh.
“After a few years, it just grew and grew, until we needed to make it a marquee event, and now it’s so much bigger than that.
“And now we have the pleasure of welcoming Glenn McGrath to our day, this year.”
Also on the schedule for the event is a series of educational talks by breast cancer survivors, doctors and other experts, with the all-female guests given demonstrations on how to check themselves for breast cancer, and other key information and advice concerning breast cancer.
“We will also have Gleezus and other live musicians performing on the day, with a bar open all day, and table platters to snack on,” explained Seth.
“And all donations and money raised will go towards the McGrath Foundation.”
Having raised close to $9,000 in 2023, the Bowen Cricket team are keen to top that number this year.
“We welcomed close to 400 ladies to our 2023 event, and we wish to see so many more come, enjoy a good day with good company, good music, and learn more about breast cancer and ways to detect it and be educated.”
WHAT: Pink Stumps Ladies Day with Bowen Cricket
WHERE: Col Leather Sporting Complex, 67 Woodlands Road, Bowen
WHEN: Saturday, February 17, from 12pm to 7pm
TICKETS: Bank Transfer BSB: 654000 / ACC: 64166326. Make sure to print full name in the payment remittance
Cricket legend Glenn McGrath is coming to Bowen Pink Stumps Ladies Day this year. Photo supplied
Bowen Pink Stumps Ladies Day is always a popular event and 2024 is the 10th anniversary celebrations. Photo supplied