Thursday, February 1, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Grow Your Confidence In 2024 The Art Of Public Speaking

Are you ready to grow and improve your public speaking skills?

A Toastmaster Speechcraft course is for you. It’s a short intensive speaking course where you will be guided in learning public speaking and presentation skills.

In addition you will learn how to reply to questions “off the cuff” and how to give constructive feedback to colleagues, committee members, family and friends.

When the Toastmasters Speechcraft course concludes you will have enhanced public speaking and presentation skills and increased confidence. You will be ready to apply for a promotion, a new job or to speak at personal functions. You will also be able to effectively answer questions posed to you.

Speechcraft starts at Pioneer Toastmaster Club, Monday 12th February 2024, 6.30pm to 9pm over 6 weeks concluding on Monday 18th March 2024. Cost $140.00

"Challenging, Rewarding, Fulfilling! A wonderful experience that I'm glad I chose to do!" – past participant.

To sign up or gain more information go to Pioneer Toastmasters Facebook page or contact Fiona on 0411390687.

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