Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Housing Roundtable Next Month

The second in a series of Housing Roundtables will be held in Mackay in June where attendees will discuss the key findings from the first iteration which was held in December last year.

The aim of the roundtable is to develop region-specific, place-based solutions to the housing crises in the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday regions.

The key findings from the first roundtable are availability and diversity of choice.

Greater Whitsunday Communities (GWC) and Regional Development Australia Greater Whitsundays (RDA GW) have partnered to deliver the sessions which will be attended by stakeholders from across the region.

Rob Cocco, CEO of RDA GW explained that housing is constraining economic development in the Greater Whitsunday region.

“We need more housing stock – to rent and to purchase, to be able to attract more workers to our region to deliver against the many economic opportunities we have,” he said.

“And we need to find ways to bring this stock online quicker than we have ever before.”

Carol Norris, Executive Officer at GWC said they have baseline data to help inform discussions at the summit and provide the evidence to support funding applications to access State and Federal funding schemes.

“The Summit will result in an Action Plan for our region, comprising many sub-projects across the housing spectrum,” explains Carol.

“This Action Plan will be co-designed, localised and outline relevant place-based solutions.

The Summit will allow us to hear the voice of regional community stakeholders and build their insights into the solutions proposed.”

The first Greater Whitsunday Housing Project Housing Roundtable was held in December. Photo supplied

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