Thursday, June 27, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

How To Do An EOFY Career Audit

Much is discussed about how employers need to focus on the employee value proposition (EVP) to attract staff, however on a personal level, it’s just as important for your career to know what you have to offer the market.

It’s widely acknowledged there’s a general skills shortage and that it’s more acute in some industries, therefore it’s mostly an employee’s market. It’s also reported that businesses are experiencing economic challenges and there’s an air of uncertainty. How are you as an employee positioned to respond to changes in the economic and employment landscape to make the most of opportunities for the career (and lifestyle) you want?

With the end of the financial year, it’s timely to undertake a personal career audit and these are some key questions to consider:

• What are your longer-term career ambitions? This helps with deciding on career moves. It’s tempting to take advantage of an offer with higher remuneration (totally understandable in the current economic climate), however, it’s worth considering if the move will help you in the longer term and not potentially put you in the career wilderness. Before making major decisions, take the time to reflect on how such a move will help or hinder your career ambitions, and where to next.

• What are you offering to the market? What is your level of capability? Is it where it should be for the type and level of roles you want? What are your current skills and expertise that you can offer to ensure you remain competitive in the employment market? Have you invested in yourself with further learning to keep pace with the way work is changing? Are you open to learning new skills to add to your professional toolkit? Are you able to adapt to new ways of working?

• What personal attributes complement your skills and expertise? Employers are hiring not only for skills but for the ‘right fit’ – values and culture. These are some of the core attributes that are highlighted by employers - reliability; adaptability; team player; willing to learn, consistency – and more, depending on the nature of the role. Also reflect on whether you bring a positive attitude to the workplace.

In simple terms, a personal career audit is a check in on where you are, where you want to be (by when) and what are you doing to get there. To assist with your personal career audit, and power up your purpose, engage with a trusted personal career guide. CareerForce Australia can provide that individualised support - contact me at or 0409 894 131 to learn more.

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