Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Local Lady Raises Funds For Cancer Research

Two out of three Australians will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer before the age of 70 which is a concerning statistic.

Fortunately, 90 per cent of these cancers will be survivable, but living in Queensland with the highest rates of skin cancer in the country means that we all need to be ultra-vigilant.

No-one understands this more than Jan Brown whose son Chad was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2014.

His diagnosis became terminal a few years later and he has been relying on maintenance drugs and ongoing research to keep him alive.

“We are lucky that the drugs are working for him,” said Jan.

“If it wasn’t for research, he wouldn’t be alive today.”

Not one to sit around doing nothing, Jan has been a constant fundraiser and supporter of the very cancer research department that is helping her son.

The Berghofer Institute directly funds ongoing research and money goes straight to the scientists who are creating real time breakthroughs that are helping millions of Australians each day.

For almost a decade Jan has been fundraising through monthly sausage sizzles and regular events such as Reggae Nights and Movie Premieres.

With a goal to raise $5000 every six months, Jan has miraculously raised over $100,000 over the years in total.

Her incredible efforts have been recognised with a mention in the recent Berghofer Institute magazine.

Under the banner ‘Buck Off Melanoma’, Jan combines the family’s love for bull riding and their unwavering determination to fund further cancer research and find a way to eliminate it forever.

“Without this sort of research so many people would not be alive today,” she explains.

“The research is giving everyone more time.”

At the upcoming Bowen River Rodeo, due to take place on June 9, Jan will be hosting her regular stall, selling merchandise to raise money, and also chatting to event goers to spread awareness.

“We are truly grateful to the whole community for all their help over the years,” said Jan.

Jan Brown, Della Norman, Wendy Windridge, and Deb Norman at a ‘Buck Off Melanoma’ event. Photo supplied

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