Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Local Students Participate In ‘Postcards Of Honour’

In the lead up to ANZAC Day, RSL Queensland launched its ‘Postcards of Honour’ initiative for the second year, encouraging Queensland’s youngest generation to express their personal connection to ANZAC Day through writing and illustrations.

Secretary of the Walkerston/Pleystowe RSL Sub Branch, Dan Peters paid St Johns Catholic Primary School a visit to share his stories and insights on ANZAC day while educating the students by answering their questions and teaching them about the importance of ANZAC Day.

Mr Peters said, “This activity of ‘Postcards of Honour’ gives the kids an insight on what it’s like to write to somebody during the War as well as what the families went through back then.

“I think it’s important that we keep reminding these younger generations of what these guys went through in World War I and World War II,” he added.

Year 4, St Johns Walkerston students eagerly wrote and designed their own personalised postcards to participate in a pretend send off, in recognition of the vital support that letters and postcards have played throughout Australia’s military history.

RSL Queensland State President Major General Stephen Day DSC AM said he was pleased to see the age-appropriate initiative continue and grow year-on-year, providing a meaningful opportunity for thousands of students across the state to remember those that went before us and how the past has impacted our futures.

“It may seem like a small gesture, but the postcards acts as such a meaningful keepsake and are truly valued by the veterans who receive them,” MAJGEN Day said.

For more information on how to get involved and to download your own ‘Postcard of Honour’, visit

Year 4 students from St John’s Catholic Primary School in Walkerston penned their treasured postcodes in honour of ANZAC day.
Secretary of the Walkerston/Pleystowe RSL Sub Branch, Dan Peters
Creativity sparked as Year 4 students presented their wonderful postcard designs.
Photo Credit: Hannah McNamara

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