Thursday, January 18, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life


THE MECC’s auditorium, North Foyer and Lynette Denny Space will remain closed for an extended period.

The rest of the MECC, including the Convention Centre, will re-open from next week.

Community Services Director Janine McKay said sections of the MECC experienced significant water damage over the Christmas period during heavy storms.

She said work to assess the damage and remediation works required had been undertaken since then and that process was still ongoing.

“We are still awaiting a final report on the remediation works required, but it is apparent that the auditorium, North Foyer, and Lynette Denny Space, will need to remain closed for an extended period for remediation works.

“Our staff are contacting clients with upcoming bookings in affected areas to work with them on what arrangements can be made.”

Ms McKay said she was unable to determine how long the closure would be at this stage.

“We’re still awaiting that advice in the final assessment, but wanted to contact clients affected as soon as possible,’’ she said.

Council is in discussions with insurers about the damage. There is no estimate of costs of the remediation works at this stage.

The Convention Centre, which will re-open from next week, includes the plenary hall, meeting rooms and adjacent foyer.

Foodspace Mackay, which had temporarily relocated to the MECC North Foyer while works are being undertaken at Artspace Mackay, remains closed.

The MECC Auditorium will remain closed for a period of time due to storm damage. Photo credit: Liz Andrews Photography

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