Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Mental Health Week Event A First-Time Success

In an inaugural community event, a Bowen-based mental health hub invited locals to a day promoting mental wellbeing through information, activity, and fun.

For National Mental Health Week, selectability Bowen collaborated with organisations from across the northernmost Whitsunday town, bringing awareness to its community about the valuable services on offer.

Representatives from Trapp, Feros Care, local business wellness coaches, Stella Life Care, Real Mates Talk, Bowen PCYC, and more held stalls on the day, highlighting the interconnectivity of Bowen’s vital organisations.

selectability Regional Coordinator Luana Land said the day was a huge success, with over 150 community members attending.

“I don’t even know how to put it into words how proud I was of the event. Even if we helped one person find a service, that makes the whole day worth it,” Ms Land said.

“Having a big, fun day and aligning that with Mental Health and Suicide Prevention information is something we aspire to. We wanted to help people be aware of that; to show them there are things out there and a lot of organisations locally that can help.”

The event at the Bowen Sound Shell was supported by Local Drug Action Team’s (LDAT) Community Action Plan Stronger Together, with funding supplied through the LDAT and The Drug Alcohol Foundation to provide a children’s play area, as well as catering.

Ms Land said the day received excellent feedback, and it is planned as an annual event each year.

“The response we saw and heard the most was about loneliness and having community events like this is a way we can combat that and it is what the people of Bowen were asking for,” she said.

“We will be making it even bigger and better next year.”

Locals and Bowen organisations – including emergency services - came together for a Mental Health Week event hosted by selectability

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