Why not spoil dad this Father’s Day with a morning of miniature trains at Ooralea’s Muller Park?
Hidden amongst the trees, miniature trains weave along miniature tracks, welcoming passengers young and old.
Running once a month and on special occasions, the Mackay Society of Model Engineers is opening the amusement to the public this Father’s Day, Sunday, September 3 from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Simon Hamelink will be celebrating Father’s Day with the miniature trains after growing up near the park where the Mackay Society of Model Engineers have been operating for between 30 and 40 years.
“It was only around the corner from where I lived with mum and dad,” Mr Hamelink said.
“As I moved out of home, I had two kids who became interested as well.”
Mr Hamelink said it’s the perfect opportunity to become familiar with the electric, petrol and steam locomotives used and owned by the club.
Picnics are welcome and a gold coin donation and closed in shoes are required to ride on the trains.
“My interest is around seeing the kids’ faces light up as we ride around,” Mr Hamelink said.
“I enjoy interacting with them, getting them to come over and toot the horn and just getting them involved.”
The club holds weekly Monday working bees for people to come along and see what it’s all about as well as meetings on the second Thursday of every month.
Find the Mackay Society of Model Engineers on Facebook for more information.
Kids and kids at heart are welcome to Muller Park on Sunday for a miniature trains public run. Photo supplied