RACQ CQ Rescue Helicopter transported a four-year-old boy to hospital after he was found unresponsive at the bottom of a pool on Hamilton Island at 1.06pm on Tuesday, January 25.
The child – who was swimming in the main resort pool – reportedly gave his goggles to his mother on the side of the pool before disappearing once she turned her back.
He was then found unresponsive at the bottom of the pool’s shallow end.
The mother, a midwife, was able to pull him from the water and commence resuscitation, according to a CQ Rescue Helicopter spokesperson.
“[RACQ Rescue] happened to be in the right place at the right time, having already landed at the airport on the island to transport another patient to medical care on the mainland,” the spokesperson said.
“The chopper medical team were alerted to the near drowning and rushed to the pool immediately to recover the child, who was by now conscious, and transfer him and his mother to hospital in Mackay.”
Queensland Ambulance Service reported the boy arrived at Mackay Hospital in stable condition and underwent further treatment post immersion treatment.