Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Mother’s Day Raffle A Rousing Success

A beautiful quilt made by a late Sarina crafter has gone to a good home.

Lilian Brown won the quilt made by Dulcie Christensen, first prize in the Sarina Arts and Crafts Centre mega raffle drawn just in time for Mother’s Day.

Lilian and Dulcie spent many years working on crafts together at the Sarina Fibre Arts Group and as supporters of the Sarina Arts and Crafts Centre.

The quilt was donated by Dulcie’s son Glen after she sadly passed away last week.

It was one of five prizes in the raffle, which was drawn by Jon Eaton of the Sarina Men’s Shed.

Gail Tomerini won a hamper packed with goodies from the Sarina Sugar Shed, Bees 2U, Sharon Price, Celia Gutschlag, Adorabull Treats, Koko Loko, Zelenka Farm and Heather Coleman.

Rosemary Rowles won a corner-to-corner rug made by Jenny Costello, and Genny Axiak won a tea cosy and teapot made by Jenny Price.

Sharon Price won a $50 petrol voucher donated by Rhonda and Charlie Payne.

“We’d like to thank everyone for supporting the raffle which has raised valuable funds for the Sarina Arts and Crafts Centre,” centre manager Jenny Costello said.

“And a big thank you to our crafters and volunteers who got behind the raffle by selling tickets.”

Contributed by Charlie Payne

Lilian Brown holds the late Dulcie Christensen’s quilt, first prize in the Sarina Arts and Crafts raffle

Margaret Schwarzrock and Jenny Costello help Jon Eaton of the Sarina Men’s Shed draw the raffle. Photo credit: Rhonda Payne

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