Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

New Year, Revived

Are you tired of feeling tired all the time? Do you crave energy and motivation, but you’re hard pushed making it through the day without exhaustion laying over you like a thick, flat fog?

If you have new year goals and dreams that are currently sat stagnant in the corner of the room like a pile of dirty laundry, then don’t give yourself a hard time, getting started is often the hardest part so the key is to take it slow.

Here are some tips for easing gently into 2024 and rediscovering a new vitality and vigour that will make you feel vibrant and alive.

   1. Wake up early and drink water – Instead of lolling around in bed, inching out every second of comfort, try to move positively into the day. Get up before your family and immediately drink some water to give your stomach an instant satisfaction.

   2. Sit in awe for a second – Whether it’s watching the day slowly dawn and marvelling at the changing colours of the sky or looking at your child’s face as they sleep, find a way to experience a moment of awe. Be in the present and see if you can truly appreciate the majesty of being alive.

   3. Be grateful for all you have – Spend a few minutes mentally listing all the things you are grateful for – from your family to your home, your job, your smile, your health – embracing gratitude is well-known to improve general wellbeing.

  4. Slow and steady wins the race – Do not push yourself too hard to get everything done as fast as you can. Take it easy, tackle everything with a steady and systematic approach. Things get done just as quick when you, slow down, do it once and do it well!

   5. Introduce new habits gradually – It takes three weeks to make a habit and three weeks to break a habit. If you are starting a new fitness regime it will take your body and your mind a bit of time to enjoy this new routine. Expect it to be challenging at first but the pay-out will be huge after your body adjusts.  

   6. Action creates energy – Sitting around doing nothing only promotes more sitting around doing nothing. If you are looking for motivation, get moving! Start by simply going for a walk or taking a refreshing swim – this will leave you feeling more energised.

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