Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

North Mackay Ladies Bowls Club Results

Wednesday March 8

Winners of our social games today were: Lesley Baumgarten, Narell Schmidtke and Lorraine Lemke.

Runners up were: Jan Comelli and Jean Zamparutti.

Wednesday was also the final in our B pairs competition with Lyn Tennant and Helen Goldston playing Pam Louis and Helen Fleming.

It was anyone’s game to the last end, it was a very exciting game to watch.

The ladies went end for end and showed some lovely shots.

Our eventual winners were Lyn Tennant and Helen Goldston.

Congrats ladies and you all played lovely bowls.

It also happened to be International Women’s Day, and a lovely raffle was conducted with lucky winners Narell Schmidtke and Neddy Thomsen taking home the spoils.

Championship Singles and B Singles competitions are now underway.

Contributed by Suzanne Hazledine

Helen Goldston and Lyn Tennant

Helen Fleming and Pam Louis

Narell Schmidtke and Neddy Thomsen

In other news