Thursday, March 21, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

School Holiday Bowls

A special new initiative is about to begin for women and girls, commencing on Tuesday 2 April and running for five weeks. 

The hours 10am to 12pm, were selected to enable women to manage family commitments and school hours.

During school holidays students are welcome to join in too. Bowls are available at the club.

Very young children will be given soft rubber bowls to play with. The club has a good supply of bowls suitable for all ages and capabilities.

Tuesday winners were Lyn Graham and Dawn Dowell.

Wednesday afternoon Jackpot Bowls, where the jackpot wasn’t won, saw Shane Spann and his team playing awesome and easily won on the day. Betty Whitehorn won the prestigious Health Hub award.

Sunday afternoon saw Peter Barrett’s team of Paul Osborne and Keith Bates close winners over the rest of the field, whilst Rick Galea won the Health Hub award well deserved to our groundskeeper.

The Airlie Beach bowls club conducts coaching every Monday and Thursday afternoon between 4pm and 5pm for anyone interested in learning to play lawn bowls.

Watch this space for further details about the school students' competition. The final winners have the chance of going to Brisbane to play off.

Contributed with thanks to Mark Mawson.

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