19 years of being in a relationship has turned a romantic spark into a strong bond for Norina Jane and Tim Perkins, with their love for each other strengthening through their shared sense of humour.
“Sometimes you need humour, so you don’t kill each other!” They laughed.
It began with an interesting introduction, with Norina rummaging in the work fridge, while Tim was being shown through his new workplace, the Proserpine Airport.
“I was head in and bum out of the fridge grabbing the first-class chocolates after the flight departure and Tim walked in with his new boss who was attempting to introduce us, and he said ‘well, this is Norina’s arse.’ And the laughter began from day one!” Norina explained.
For this pair, they cherish the fun moments together, laughing at the adventures and shenanigans they get up to.
“I remember when we spent the night in a tent at the bottom of Ayres Rock, having no idea that it would get down to 1 degree!” Norina explained.
“With no blankets, we just barely made it through the night. We have never wanted to be so close as we were that night. If you are struggling with intimacy, we strongly recommend going to the snow ill equipped for the night. You can thank us later!”
In fact, laughing and playing around is one thing they love doing together and that now includes sharing some down time with their grandson.
“We love our time with our grandson, Rohan. It’s great to let go of all other responsibilities and clown around for a while”. That’s the humour shining through again.
“Making up songs and singing them to Tim’s beat, play-arguing over who loves him the most, chasing each other down the beach, building stick houses from driftwood and laughing with his interpretation of the world. Turns out he loves to laugh too!”
Tim and Norina’s tips for keeping the spark alive:
“Don’t take each other for granted, not even for a day. What you take for granted, you stop caring about.”