Hi readers
It was some time last year that I decided I was going to get into dancing. Rock and roll and line dancing have long been popular amongst my family. Whether it’s a wedding, a 21st or a 50th, there’s almost always a dancefloor and it’s almost always packed when ‘Man! I Feel Like A Woman!’ comes on. I’m sure I used to dance when I was younger but as I hit those pubescent years, I was suddenly “too cool”. I’m proud to say I’ve overcome that dancefloor hesitance. I wouldn’t say I’m better at dancing or more confident in my ability; I just stopped caring and had a good time. Although I wish I’d danced every time someone beckoned me to the floor growing up – I reckon I’d be pretty good by now.
I joined in on some line dancing workshops at NQ's Rock'n Country last year and this opened my eyes to how fun dancing is. I had a great time and even later went to some lessons held by Deb Wookey and Mackay Line Dancers out at Walkerston, who you would’ve read about a month ago.
Later in the year, I attended a dance hosted by Sugar City Rock n Rollers at Goosies. I had a dance with mum and gained much satisfaction every time we nailed a move. As Sugar City Rock n Rollers President Colin McPherson says on page 17, “You’ll always see rock and roll dancers on the dance floor with a big smile on their face.”
More recently, I attended No Lights, No Lycra, which seems perfect for dancers like me. You can read that story on page 17 and if you’re interested but still feel a bit apprehensive, like I was, I urge you to go along and give it a go. As I’ve learnt recently, nothing is quite as satisfying as a good dance.