Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Sound Of Freedom

Sound of Freedom follows Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security Investigations operative, as he endeavours to rescue a young girl, Ricio, as she becomes embroiled with human traffickers.

Working as a Homeland Security Officer, Tim is becoming frustrated with arresting people in possession of child pornography, but not being able to rescue a single child from this situation.

After arresting a predator, Tim pretends to be a paedophile himself, in order to be able to meet with a trafficked child.

This is where he meets Miguel, a trafficked boy who is still missing his sister Ricio.

It comes to light that a nice-faced woman posed as a modelling agent and was able to separate the children from their parents.

Under the guise of a modelling contract, she was able to convince the children’s father of the legitimacy of her offer.

Vowing to find and return Ricio to her family, Tim embarks to Columbia, where he meets Vampiro, a former cartel accountant who now works to rescue children.

Setting up a team of other likeminded individuals, including a police officer, Tim is able to organise a sting operation and rescue a number of children from the modelling guise, however Ricio is not among them.

Rather, Ricio was sold to the Revolutionary Armed forces of Columbia, deep in the heart of the jungle.

Posing as doctors, the group infiltrate the army, however Tim enters the centre camp alone.

He discovers that Ricio is in the clutches of the rebel leader, known as The Scorpion, before he is able to free Ricio, and they escape into the jungle.

Tim returns Ricio to Miguel and their father, and the family go back to Honduras, with Tim returning back to the United States.

The film ends with Tim testifying before the United States Congress, which results in the American government being able to cooperate with foreign countries on trafficking investigations.

Telling the story of love, loss, and indescribable pain, Sound Of Freedom is touching and intimate.

Sound of Freedom will be released to the Bowen Cinema Friday August 25.

Tim Ballard endeavours to rescue children from the hands of traffickers

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