Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Stories Of The Reef

The stories of the wildlife and the incredible diversity of species and habitats are just some of the reasons that the Great Barrier Reef is so inspirational to visitors.  

At approximately 350,000 km2 in size and stretching 2,300 km along the Queensland coast, the Great Barrier Reef is the only living ecosystem on Earth that can be seen from Outer Space.

Comprised of 2900 coral reefs and 1050 Islands and coral cays, the Great Barrier Reef is home to all of this:

• One third of the world's Coral species

• 6 of the worlds 7 species of marine Turtles including; Green, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Flatback, Olive -Ridley, and Leatherback

• One of the world's most important dugong populations

• Giant clams that are more than 120 years old

• More than 1500 species of fish

• More than 3000 species of molluscs (shells)

• 630 species of echinoderm (starfish and sea urchins)

• 14 breeding species of sea snakes

• 215 species of birds, including 22 species of seabirds and 32 species of shorebirds

• 30 species of whales and dolphins

• 133 species of sharks and rays

• And it is bigger than the country of Italy!

Over the next three months you have the chance to see:

• Turtle's nesting and hatching

• Fish spawning

• Jellyfish, sea squirts, salps and siphonophores which fill the water column and are fed upon by fish and turtles

• Whale sharks (which are the world’s biggest fish!)

The Great Barrier Reef is one of earth's greatest Natural wonders, and we are privileged to have it right on our doorstep.

Each and every living thing on it, has its own tale to tell, and I encourage you to choose one thing, each time you’re on the reef, and find out its story.

By doing so it will not only educate but you will appreciate, how truly amazing it is.

So don't forget to tell people how special it is and how proud we are to call it home.

Contributed by Brent Chatterton.

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