Thursday, March 14, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life


Every boarding school is considered a ‘home away from home’ but what makes Nudgee College Boarding different from the rest?

From the unwavering support of staff who treat the boys in their like family, to the bonds of brotherhood that last a lifetime, there is something truly unique about the Boarding program at Nudgee College.

This year, the Boarding team completed an extensive review of their boarding values which has seen boys, families and staff alike consult on what truly mattered and what would authentically reflect the thriving Nudgee College boarding community.

At the heart of Nudgee College Boarding in 2024 and beyond is faith, family, courage and trust. 2024 College Vice-Captain, Chair of the Boarding Leadership Group and proud Proserpine boarder, Grady Turner sums up what the two new values, ‘family’ and ‘courage’ mean to the community.

“In our imperfect and diverse, yet balanced family, we embrace each other's highs and lows, fostering support, respect and inclusivity.

“To be a boarder, you need a little bit of courage every day. Living away from home has its challenges and will test each boy in different ways. Ultimately, these challenges, and the courage required to overcome them will promote personal growth and development.”

Dean of Boarding Mr Casey Brealy said in reference to the ‘faith’ and ‘trust’ value, “As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, we challenge our boys to be Signum Fidei - a ‘Sign of Faith’ - in their words and actions.

“Successful boarding is built on a foundation of trust between boarders, staff and families.”

With one of the most comprehensive pastoral care systems in the Australian boarding community, the team have worked hard to ensure young men are supported in every facet of their Nudgee College journey.

The four Houses within the Boarding Village are led by a Head of House, two Assistant Heads and a House Mother. In addition, the boys are also supported physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually by College counsellors, psychologists, their day school House Dean, academic tutors, recreation staff, kitchen and laundry staff, registered nurses in the Health Centre and many other staff who make the boys’ best interests their priority.

“We are blessed to have a diverse and dedicated team that is committed to the 24-hour care, support and formation of our young men. Ultimately, it is our hope that our boarders will leave the gates as fine young men, with these values at their core and gratitude in their hearts,” Casey said.

Learn more about Boarding at Nudgee College and meet our Dean of Boarding and Assistant Head of House Mr Daniel Tinsey in Cairns, Mackay and Proserpine from 19 - 21 March. RSVP for the community events at

Caption: Bathersby Boarding Village

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