Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Therapy Is Expensive, Talk To Your Hairdresser!

This funny slogan is something you may have seen outside a hairdressing salon, but its message has a much deeper meaning, one that Whitsunday Counselling and Support (WCS) are hoping to explore at their upcoming workshops.

Hairdressers and beauticians are in a prime position to help their clients with more than just a fresh look, they can often be the trusted confidants for a range of serious issues such as domestic and family violence.

WCS are hoping to leverage this by running a series of local workshops to better educate people who work in the beauty sector, giving them the tools and resources to help women who could be living in a domestic violence situation but do not know how to get help.

An informal setting in a safe environment, like a salon, could be the best place for someone to disclose personal information, in fact in several American states, it is mandatory for beauty workers to take a short course similar to this.

“We don’t want to see a missed opportunity,” said WCS Manager, Amanda Jensen.

“A salon seems to be a safe space where perpetrators will allow victims to attend, just about everyone will see their hairdressers at some point and by upskilling their knowledge, they are in a prime position to help.”  

WCS are running two-hour information sessions for hairdressers and beauticians, salons and home-operators to give them skills to gently enquire and then advise their clients on the best support services available.

We are very fortunate this opportunity is available here and WCS encourage everyone in the industry to attend. Dates and times are listed in the ad below.

Signs to watch for:

• A change in behaviour from bubbly to withdrawn

• Stories of partner name-calling

• Broken property like mobile phone

• Bald patches or neck aches over the basin

• Constant calls/texts which cause your client stress

• Missing appointments


• You won’t get in trouble for asking

• Make your enquiry gentle and caring

• Do not offer advice, just remind help is there

If you are anyone you know would like to talk to a professional here are some free helplines:


DVConnect 1800 811 811

DVConnect Mensline 1800 600 636

Whitsunday Counselling and Support free service 4946 2999

WCS Manager, Amanda Jensen will facilitate the information sessions

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