The Indian Myna was brought to the region, like cane toads, to eat the bugs on our crops. However, their incredible adaptability has allowed them to become one of the biggest invasive, and aggressive pests. The Whitsunday Indian Myna Action Group is out there trying to cull these birds before they kill all of our native birds and completely take over.
Indian Mynas are prolific breeders, 12-16 eggs per season, in a colony that can contain hundreds of birds, this is a huge problem. They kill native bird’s chicks, steal nests and destroy their eggs, fighting until they have completely dominated an area, and the Whitsundays is the perfect breeding ground for them.
Cleared land is an opportunity to expand, and with the region being rapidly developed Indian Mynas are thriving. Whether its rural, industrial, communal, or estate land, these birds can live on any open spaces with little shelter. Their nests are scrappy when they build them, made of rubbish and loose twigs, so wear gloves when destroying them as they can be packed with harmful bacteria.
Traps are available for free from the Whitsunday Indian Myna Action Group, or for purchase from some Man’s Sheds. Once caught, the birds can be humanly disposed of by cervical dislocation or you can take them to a Greater Whitsunday Vet Services who will euthanize them free of charge. Join the movement to save the regions native birds from these pests, and message Donna about getting a trap today on their groups Facebook page.