Thursday, October 19, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Tools Dropped, Roadworks Halted

For the past three weeks the road upgrades on the intersection of Paluma Road and Shute Harbour Road in Cannonvale appear to have halted without explanation.

Since Easter, motorists have been patiently waiting at the traffic lights anticipating the imminent delivery of a two-lane carriageway that will increase traffic flow to Airlie Beach.

This now appears to be in question with no movement at the site recently.

All that remains are a series of reduced lanes which create traffic build-up and several holes where work has been left incomplete.

Speculation is mounting as to the cause of the abandoned works and Member for Whitsunday Amanda Camm MP is calling on the State Government to provide an honest update on critical infrastructure projects across the region.  

Ms Camm asserts that the Federal Government “90-day Review” of road and rail project funding and 90 local infrastructure projects could be to blame for workers dropping their tools.

“This 90-day review has been going for over 150 days now, when are we going to see some outcomes? Why isn’t the State Labor Government picking up the phone to their federal counterparts and demanding answers?” she said.

Ms Camm has written to the Minister for Transport, Mark Bailey to demand answers.

“I am still awaiting a response from the Minister. What is the Government trying to hide?” she said.

“I’m calling on the Minister to come and see the mess that Shute Harbour Road has been left in.  

“We are about to go into a wet season and peak tourism season, and we have half a road left in extremely dangerous conditions that sees over 26,640 traffic movements a day.”

Another point of concern is the flood immunity upgrade of Hamilton Plains which was due to commence earlier this year.

This $21 million project was set to flood-proof the main access road of the region and many locals are concerned what effect a major flooding event would have on the region this year.

Ms Camm questions what the excuse is for projects that are being delayed but are not being reviewed by the Federal Government.

She also stated that local contractors, tradies, and small businesses rely on these projects proceeding.

“In this cost-of-living crisis, it is not acceptable to keep people in limbo, not knowing if they will have a job to go to tomorrow.”

Member for Whitsunday Amanda Camm MP standing at the abandoned roadworks on the corner of Paluma Road in Cannonvale. Photo supplied

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