Thursday, February 15, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Tourism Update With Rick Hamilton, CEO Of Tourism Whitsundays

Over the last month we have been working with Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and the Department of Tourism and Sport on marketing campaigns to help the region recover the losses sustained in early December and late January from tropical Cyclones Jasper and Kirrily.

There are several campaigns already underway or finished, including; 50 per cent off deals with Bonza that finished on 14 February, deals were available on Whitsunday Coast to Newcastle, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast routes.

Also, in market is TEQs whole of state campaign, Unmissable Holiday Deals which is on sale in February and March in our key markets of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Also, Virgin Australia have just launched an airfare sale from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne to The Whitsundays starting from only $69 per person each way and, to Hamilton Island starting from $85 per person each way.

These are on sale until Tuesday 20th February and travel periods are throughout March and May.

These campaigns present an excellent opportunity for inter and intra state visitors to get to The Whitsundays at a bargain price and enjoy a holiday outside our peak periods.  

Internally, we are putting the finishing touches on a campaign that will be in market late February – March and spike again in April – May. These two spikes on top of our baseline Whitsundays awareness pieces will help us to drive visitation in our off-peak times. It will also help all the Southerners to escape the cold winter for our slice of heaven in The Whitsundays!

In other news