Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Turtle Watch To The Rescue (The Good Deed Feed)

Caption 1: Mackay and District Turtle Watch created pathways in beach debris to allow turtle hatchlings access to the water at North Wall Beach

Caption 2: A mysterious post with a memorial to a former PM was also found on the beach. Photos supplied

When many returned to the beach after last week’s heavy rain, they were met with large piles of debris, washed up onto the beach in a row as the water reached high tide overnight.

This proved difficult for even the tallest of people to step over, meaning newly hatched turtles wouldn’t stand a chance of traversing the obstacle.

Mackay and District Turtle Watch volunteers and members of the public stepped into action last week in a great display of community effort, making pathways in the washed-up debris at North Wall Beach for the soon-to-hatch turtles to be able to make their way back to the water.

While on their mission, volunteers came across many interesting items washed ashore including a post with a plaque on it.

The plaque reads: “10, Joseph Lyons, 1932-1939”.

The plaque refers to Joseph Lyons, who served as Australia’s tenth Prime Minister between 1932 and his death in 1939.

“I don't know where there is an outdoor display of PMs (except in Ballarat!), but no doubt someone will,” commented one person on Facebook.

“It doesn't look that old. I can't imagine anywhere public this may have come from,” added another.

The post has been placed above the high tide line in the hope that someone will claim it.

Mackay and District Turtle Watch has asked anyone who is missing it to get in touch via Facebook and they can pass on more accurate location details.

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