Thursday, March 14, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

What ONE thing do you want from the new Council?

Peter Hinschen

Cannon Valley

I'd like to see a freeze on rates, every year they seem to go up. A freeze on rates and I’d like know before the election what their intentions are in dragging that wind farm between here and Collinsville. I think someone should come forward and let us know whether they want to approve it. That’s my opinion.

Liz Pearson


I think the first thing is obviously the roads and the main town of Airlie Beach it's just, Airlie Beach is abysmal, you know, for a tourist town, it just looks terrible. From cleaning up the footpaths to making it tidy, to uplift it and just to be listened to about those kind of things. And every year at Christmas we don’t get any decorations, things like that. It's a simple thing, you know, we're a great town. And yes, we need that uplift.

Alan Steffes


I’ll give you a prime example, I’m looking at going to the counter, you know what the girl told me? I can’t help you otherwise I’ve got to help everyone else, so guess how many people had their hand up, just me. I want to be more talked to, don’t go palming me off saying ‘oh I can’t help you, or I’ve got to help everyone else’. And I’d like more things for kids but other than that they’re not too bad and well potholes, that’s just part of life.



I don't think they do enough for senior people. So, anything from the new council will be good.

They have senior classes in Bowen, why can't they have them here? I've asked the previous council or previous mayor. She wasn't able to help at all. That's my main concern. Otherwise, they're pretty good, I think.

Noel Wolsten

Brandy Creek

Well, I just want development to be less commercial. I don't want any high rise. I think we're already at saturation point with development in the foreshore anyway. I've been here for 50 years and it’s just not the same place. I know progress, it happens everywhere but it just goes beyond. I just want them to be gentle with the nature.

Wayne Bolitho

Cannon Valley

The interest of the local government has been the bloody high rise down the road and apparently its gonna happen anyway. A high rise that close, I don’t think that’s good policies. At Surfers Paradise, it’s all high rises but they don’t see it being an issue, and it’s all been approved, council approved it, council even went to court over it to try and get it approved, so yeah I don’t really like it. You know what I want as priorities? Roads and rubbish.

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