Thursday, March 21, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Whitsunday Life’s Newest Cadet Journalist

We would like to welcome the Whitsundays’ newest Cadet Journalist Daniel Heggie!

Daniel is our newest recruit to the Whitsunday team and he brings to the table an impressive background of knowledge and experience, with not only a degree in Journalism, but a Sub-Major in Film, as well as a passion for writing.

Although he was originally born in England, Daniel moved to Australia with his family when he was seven years old, calling Adelaide home since 2007.

Daniel attended Urrbrae Agricultural High School in South Australia, focusing on Agriculture and Science and considered a future career route in the subject as it sparked his interest.

While he was interested in science, however, he later discovered that it wasn’t for him, and soon found his next calling in grade 11 when he began to enjoy English, specifically writing.

Bringing this passion to fruition, Daniel studied Journalism along with Film and graduated university in 2022. He then spent the year of 2023 travelling across Europe as well as the East Coast of Australia.

At the beginning of 2024, he decided it was time to settle into a job and has now been fortunate enough to secure a position here with the Whitsunday Life team.

In his spare time, Daniel enjoys mingling with friends, going to the gym, adventuring on a walk and vegging out with a movie or a good book.

The team at Mackay and Whitsunday Life would like to warmly welcome Daniel into the Whitsunday community, so if you see him around town, we hope you will do the same!

In other news