Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

6 Steps To Living Your Best Life With Kay Nyenuh from Muscle Garden Health & Fitness Centre

Step 6 - Time

As far back as time goes, even in Biblical days, the idea of time has always been a vital part of human existence as evidenced in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verses 1 through 8. Time is so important that it is regarded as the most valuable currency in the world today. We have one life to live, and how we spend our time on this earth determines the outcome of the life we lead, the legacy we leave behind, the impact we have on our loved ones, the people around us and our society as a whole.

Even though time is so vital, we live in a world today where people are so busy that they do not make time for themselves. The number one reason people say they do not exercise or do things that would benefit their health and wellbeing is because of the lack of time.

Why is this? Why is everyone so time poor?

I’ve found there are a number of factors responsible:


We live in the age of the rat race, a way of life in which people are caught up in a fiercely competitive struggle for wealth or power, or both. The rat race means no life/work balance, no independence, high stress, long commutes, and general dissatisfaction with life. What this does is leave the everyday person, especially business owners, with no time for themselves because they are constantly chasing, competing, and struggling to get ahead and to be able to feed their families as well as keep a roof over their heads. They often put everyone and everything first before themselves.


We all come into this world knowing nothing. Everything we know and do, we learned first from our parents, family and friends, society, and culture, so if we grew up in a household where our parents did things a certain way, we tended to follow their example consciously or subconsciously, because our parents are our number one teacher. We follow the examples of our friends because we are social beings, and we will do everything in our power to try to fit in more times than not. We follow the trends of our society. If something is in trend, we try to fit in because not being a part will mean we are left behind, not cool, or out of touch. If our culture places value on certain things – good or bad – we blindly follow without investigating whether it is the right path for us.

And the list goes on but there are practical things we can do today to get back our time and focus on the things that really are important and matter to us.

For more detail on how to achieve this, grab a copy of my How Bad Do You Want It? The 6 Steps to Living Your Best Life.


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